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  • ItemArtigo
    (2022-01-01) da Costa Filho, Roraima Alves ; Beni, Stephanie ; Aubin, Anne-Sophie ; Iaochite, Roberto Tadeu ; Fletcher, Tim ; Borges, Cecilia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Norwegian School of Sport Sciences ; Université de Montréal ; Brock University
    This paper presents a dialogue between researchers from three collaborative continuous teacher professional development (CCPD) projects, each of which involved a different theoretical framework and research design. Discussing our unique contexts and the CCPD approaches we used enabled us to engage in an appreciative inquiry, in which we sought to acknowledge and build upon the strengths of each project and consider possibilities for the future. Findings highlight complexities of CCPD at different levels from the small-scale to the large, requiring thoughtful planning and implementation. Promoting intimacy, organizing schedules and timetables, and combining different modes of support are challenges that require contextualized responses. There is a need for CCPD facilitators and researchers to consider not only characteristics of effectiveness when choosing a CCPD approach, but also alignment with their own personal beliefs and theories of learning, as well as the beliefs, interests, and needs of teachers in their local contexts.
  • ItemArtigo
    North american immigrants of Santa Bárbara d’Oeste and Americana and the process of knowledge transmission analogous to that of non-formal technical education (1865-1915)
    (2023-01-01) Soffner, Renato Kraide ; Mialhe, Jorge Luís ; Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This work analyzes the educational role of North Americans emigrated from the United States to Brazil shortly after their defeat in the secession war. The revision of primary and secondary historical sources confirmed the role of immigrants in the offering of non-formal agricultural education to the communities of the region of Americana and Santa Bárbara d’Oeste-SP, in the period 1865 to 1915. Two subjetcs were studied, in search of comprovation of the hypothesis presented, which states that the process of knowledge transmission, analogous to that of non-formal technical education, provided by the North Americans and their immediate descendants would have provoked educational effects on the communities affected.
  • ItemArtigo
    Pnaic’s literacy games: contributions and limitations from the teachers’ perpsectives
    (2023-01-01) de Lucca, Tatiana Andrade Fernandes ; Osti, Andréia ; Parente, Cláudia da Mota Darós ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article analyses how female literacy teachers who took part in the 2013 National Pact for Literacy at the Correct Age-Pnaic formation understand the contribution of the programme’s games to literacy, discussing the relation there is between inserting the resources in a classroom and the teacher’s formation directed towards this subject. Taking into account the relevance of systematic teaching for linguistic contents, and the researches on the specificities of the educators’ formation, the discussion aimed to relate how the specific formation on PNAIC can foster the understanding of how relevant it is to make use of literacy games. To do so, we carried out a bibliographic and documentary research on the subject, including Pnaic’s formation materials and the games’ analysis. We also interviewed ten female educators who took part in Pnaic, in order to investigate how the discussion on the games took place at the formation and how the teachers evaluated the material. We could infer that it is necessary to invest in formations on playfulness and specifically on the games and their possibilities and limitations in the education context. The participants regard the games as contributing resources for literacy, but point at failures when the subject is discussed at the formation. We reiterate the formation processes need to work as spaces for discussions and reflections of the educators’ actions.
  • ItemArtigo
    The Educational responsibility bill (7420/2006): the attempt to legalize educational accountability in Brazil
    (Univ Federal Santa Maria, 2023-01-01) Filipe, Fabiana Alvarenga ; Bertagna, Regiane Helena ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Accountability or educational liability, so debated in research, is the main topic of this paper which is the result of a doctoral thesis that screened the 7420/2006 bill and its substitutes. PL 7420/2006 bill states about the quality of basic education and the liability of public officers for its fulfillment. Using documentary and bibliographic research, categories such as quality, assessment, participation and liability (as well as its extensions) surfaced from the bill were analyzed. The results of this research evince that even with movements towards resistance of hegemonic conceptions, the attempts of juridification of educational responsibility in Brazil is permeated with managerial views which seeks its foundations within neoliberal ideas and uses a democratic rhetoric to give it a participatory image. In this sense the outcomes of its outline might result in a reductionist conception entailed by blameworthiness of teaching professionals given its embedded logic.
  • ItemArtigo
    Environmental Education Research in Brazil: theoretical contributions in the field of Psychology
    (Federal Univ Rio Grande, Inst Education, 2022-09-01) Bulgraen, Talita Barbosa Plantcoski ; Santana, Luiz Carlos ; Inst Fed Educ Ciencia & Tecnol Sao Paulo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    To understand environmental impacts implies a reflection on the society-nature relationship. It is observed, according to Carvalho (2015), that each area of knowledge can contribute to the diversification and expansion of study topics, research procedures, theoretical foundations, concepts of environmental education, etc. Each area of knowledge may present peculiarities in research on a given topic. In this article, we will discuss possible theoretical contributions of Psychology to research in Environmental Education (EE), based on the results obtained from a research on theses and dissertations developed in graduate programs in Psychology. We will present some theoretical concepts arising from epistemological perspectives of Psychology, to later correlate with the results on the theoretical references found in our investigation. In this way, it is intended to understand and discuss the contribution of Psychology, as a theoretical field, to research on EE in Brazil.
  • ItemEditorial
    ACADEMIC PRODUCTION IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: practices discourses and the challenges for the field
    (Federal Univ Rio Grande, Inst Education, 2022-09-01) Ferreira Silva, Rosana Louro ; Barzotto, Valdir Heitor ; Mesquita, Andre Campos ; Carvalho, Luiz Marcelo de ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • ItemArtigo
    (Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2023-01-01) Freitas Adriao, Theresa Maria de ; Borghi, Raquel Fontes ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article is part of an inter-institutional research that mapped and analyzed basic education privatization strategies in state public education networks in Brazil. The objective is to present the Ayrton Senna Institute (IAS) incidence in the set of networks and to analyze this private actor and its modus operandi associated with philanthrocapitalism. Data on the privatization of basic education collected from the institutional pages of governments and private organizations were collected and processed. The results indicate that the IAS focused primarily on state networks in the Northeast and Midwest, elementary education, and the curricula of these networks.
  • ItemArtigo
    Epistemology of practice in the field of education: challenges, possibilities and perspectives
    (Univ Brasilia, 2022-01-01) Bonatto Rufino, Luiz Gustavo ; Neto, Samuel de Souza ; Prefeitura Municipal Paulinia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This study aimed to analyze some of the potentialities, limitations, challenges and perspectives related to the concept of epistemology of practice in the educational field. We sought, through a theoretical essay, to substantiate the understanding of practice in the social sciences in general and the representations linked to the concept of epistemology of practice, traversing part of its origins, criticisms and current perspectives. It is concluded that it is necessary to encourage the development of research on the concept of epistemology of practice, whose analytical paradigm has potential to contribute to the development of pedagogical practice and the production of knowledge in the educational field.
  • ItemArtigo
    (Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2022-07-01) Osti, Andreia ; Almeida, Leandro Da Silva ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Univ Minho UMinho
    The article deals with the theme of academic satisfaction in Brazilian Higher Education. The topic has been widely studied internationally, given its importance as a result of the expansion of higher education and the increase in the number and diversity of students who access the university, with academic satisfaction playing a decisive role in the permanence and academic success of students. Specifically, we sought to explore in the national academic production which works are published that deal with the theme of academic satisfaction in the educational area and discuss what results have been found, in order to have an overview of the theme at the national level. Methodologically, the bibliographic research was directed to the collection of the Scientific Electronic Library OnLine (Scielo) and the university libraries of the Faculty of Education at UNICAMP, USP, UNESP and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations published in the last ten years. The data indicate that in Brazil there are many studies that investigate the aspects that influence academic success and the permanence or dropout of university students, however the specific theme of academic satisfaction is still poorly investigated
  • ItemArtigo
    Ambientalização das instituições de ensino superior no campo da pesquisa em Educação Ambiental
    (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências, campus de Bauru., 2022-12-05) Silva, Dayane Dos Santos ; Cavalari, Rosa Maria Feiteiro ; Universidade Federal de Sergipe ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article aims to analyze the constitution of the theme of Greening Higher Education based on the paths that have been created and followed by researchers in Environmental Education (EE), in theses and dissertations in EE defended between 1981 and 2018. Following the development of 'state-of-art' type of research, the analysis was carried out of forty theses and dissertations in EE defended in the country. Following the analysis, it was observed that the different initiatives developed in recent decades, such as the holding of scientific events, the development of institutional projects, and the articulation of researchers in university networks have fostered and promoted a movement of convergence of EE researchers around this topic. The interest of these agents in the field of EE has been in the sense of discussing, developing or guiding research related to the theme of Greening Higher Education.
  • ItemArtigo
    A temática socioambiental na proposta curricular de uma escola técnica agrícola: análise crítica da dimensão técnica na formação dos futuros profissionais
    (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências, campus de Bauru., 2022-12-05) Ogawa, Fernanda Sueko ; Carvalho, Luiz Marcelo De ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this paper we seek to explore possible meanings and senses related socioenvironmental issues mobilized in response to the proposed curriculum in a technical-agricultural school. In this article, in particular, we have chosen to explore the statements that make references to the relationship between socio-environmental topics, the educational process, and issues related to techniques applied to agricultural practices. This is a qualitative study, grounded on documentary analysis. The analysis allowed us to show a certain tendency to encourage the use of techniques regarding the processes of mechanization and modernization of agriculture, related to the increase in agricultural productivity. There are also signs of a shift in accountability for environmental issues, as the emphasis is placed on techniques as solutions to environmental problems.
  • ItemArtigo
    Self-efficacy beliefs as a predictor of quality of life and burnout among university lecturers
    (2022-07-22) Matos, Mayara da Mota ; Sharp, John G. ; Iaochite, Roberto Tadeu ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de Alfenas ; University of Lincoln
    In this article, we explore Brazilian lecturers’ self-efficacy beliefs as a predictor of quality of life and burnout drawing on the concept and theoretical framework of self-efficacy presented by Albert Bandura, the originator of Social Cognitive Theory. The questionnaires adopted for the research included the Brazilian Lecturer Self-Efficacy Scale (BLSES), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-ES) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-Bref). The participants were 1,709 lecturers from 78 universities in Brazil, most of whom had a doctoral degree. We analyzed the data using descriptive and inferential statistics, performing structural equation modeling (SEM) and cluster analysis using IBM SPSS and Amos. We hypothesized that lecturer self-efficacy would be a positive predictor of quality of life and this, in turn, would be a negative predictor of burnout itself. SEM model fit indices fell within acceptable levels, with the overall model lending support to the stated hypothesis. In addition, lecturer self-efficacy was also a predictor of personal accomplishment in the MBI-ES. Regarding the cluster analysis, participants fell into five groups based on self-efficacy, quality of life and burnout questionnaire scores, each with associated personal, professional and academic characteristics. By way of discussion, we address reflections arising from findings to university life and working conditions, training needs and the need to establish career planning supported by studies that investigate the phenomenon of teaching in higher education in an integrated manner.
  • ItemArtigo
    Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy and Social Self-Efficacy: Validation evidence of related constructs
    (2022-01-01) Iaochite, Roberto Tadeu ; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto ; Casanova, Daniela Couto Guerreiro ; dos Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli ; Azzi, Roberta Gurgel ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade São Francisco (USF) ; Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas (TSC)
    This study aimed to seek evidence of validity for the Self-Efficacy Scale for Emotional Regulation (SESER) using the relationship with the Emotional Self-Regulation Scale (ESRE) and the Social Self-Efficacy Scale (SSES). Participants included a total of 549 students aged between 13 and 23 years old (M = 16.82, SD = 1.551) from the Brazilian municipalities of Belém (72.7%, n = 399) and Rio de Janeiro (27.3%, n = 150). They responded to SEERS and two other instruments, one that assessed emotional self-regulation in the face of sadness (Emotional Self-Regulation Scale - ESRS) and another that assessed social self-efficacy (Social Self-Efficacy Scale - SSE). The results indicated that emotional self-regulation showed higher rates of prediction for emotion regulation self-efficacy than for social self-efficacy, although both constructs generated significant coefficients. The findings corroborate the literature, confirming the evidence of validity for the Self-efficacy Scale for Emotional Regulation and are discussed in the light of theoretical assumptions.
  • ItemArtigo
    Entre a forma escolar e a forma universitária na formação docente: o caso do plano nacional de formação dos professores da educação básica
    (ANPEd - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação, 2022-09-05) Vasques, Andréia Lopes Pacheco ; Sarti, Flavia Medeiros ; Prefeitura Municipal de Rio Claro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    El artículo enfoca modelos de formación de profesores actuantes en Brasil. Analiza la organización, los dispositivos formativos y las concepciones de práctica y saberes presentes en el Curso de Primera Licenciatura en Pedagogía del Plan Nacional de Formación de Profesores (Parfor), en siete campus de diferentes regiones del país. Al unir formación inicial y continuada, el curso tiene el desafío de proponer un modelo formativo que atienda las demandas profesionales docentes. El análisis de los documentos y de las entrevistas realizadas con los coordinadores de los cursos ha revelado propuestas marcadas por las formas escolar y universitaria de socialización. Esta configuración produce tensiones entre los modelos formativos y a la condición profesional de los profesores en el curso que ya pasaron por formación y socialización profesional. Los resultados indican la necesidad de constitución de una cultura profesional de formación docente situada entre el trabajo y la universidad.
  • ItemArtigo
    Autoeficácia no campo educacional: Revisão das publicações em periódicos brasileiros
    (2016-01-01) Iaochite, Roberto Tadeu ; Da Costa Filho, Roraima Alves ; Da Mota Matos, Mayara ; Sachimbombo, Keila Michelly Canhina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The construct of self-efficacy, or judgment made by an individual on his own ability to act in a given field, has been investigated in different areas of knowledge. However, it is still little known and widespread in the Brazilian educational context. The objective of the research was to identify the self-efficacy studies conducted in Brazilian society, its methodological clippings and main results. Fifteen items selected in the databases SciELO, LILACS and Redalyc were analyzed using the terms self-efficacy or self-efficacy in conjunction with the key words: student, student, teacher, teaching, learning and school. The results revealed that the research emphasize the areas of academic self-efficacy and teacher self-efficacy, predominantly quantitative research, using scales. It considers that research with a qualitative approach, beyond the focus of other elements of the educational context (directors, coordinators etc.) are needed to better understand the role of self-efficacy beliefs in the context investigated.
  • ItemArtigo
    Academic commitment in the context of the covid-19 pandemic in brazilian higher education students
    (2021-01-01) Osti, Andreia ; Junior, Jose Airton Freitas Pontes ; Almeida, Leandro Da Silva ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Doutor em Educacao Pela Universidade Federal Do Ceara ; Professor Assistente da Universidade Estadual Do Ceara ; Doutor em Psicologia Pela Universidade Do Porto ; Professor No Instituto de Educacao da Universidade Do Minho
    The present article sought to understand to what degree the current pandemic scenario has affected the involvement in learning activities by higher education students because of changes in the ways of contact between students and teachers in the academic context and also because of the general migration to remote learning. The research surveyed 1,452 Brazilian university students, enrolled between the first and last year, taking courses in the three major areas of CAPES: Exact and Technological Sciences, Life Sciences, and Human Sciences participated in the study. The questionnaire included open and closed questions applied online, aiming to identify how the pandemic scenario has affected the students' engagement in learning activities. Specifically, we sought to identify how students organize their studies, the weekly hours they dedicate to learning and the feelings experienced in this pandemic context. It is expected, with this research, to analyze the academic experiences of students in this new educational environment, their levels of satisfaction and engagement, assisting in the planning of actions and services for students within the new reality of social distance and distance learning imposed by the pandemic.
  • ItemArtigo
    Research in the School: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
    (2012-01-01) Chaluh, Laura Noemi ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this work I socialize my experience as researcher in an elementary school in a city in the state of Sã o Paulo during two years. The presence in the school aimed to understand how teachers would re-create the public policy offormation that is established by the Secretary of Education of this City Hall. I participated in two formation groups composed by school teachers from the initial education levels and the management team. I collaborated with the educational work of two teachers in the classroom. The encounter with the school subjects led me to reflect on the meanings of my presence in the school, in particular, from the teachers considerations indicating the importance of dialogue, collaboration and help from the researcher in the school. This work presents theoretical and methodological contributions to understand to what end and why research in and with the school and highlights the need for researchers to assume a commitment to teachers, students and school. The work was developed from a qualitative study of socio-historical orientation that, from a dialogical perspective, considers the research as a relationship between subjects and the interaction plays a key role in the formation of subjectivities, allowing teachers and the researcher to create new meaning in the research process.
  • ItemLivro
    Environmental Education in a High School Biology Class: Knowing and Appreciating Nature
    (2012-12-01) Bonotto, Dalva Maria Bianchini ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The call for changes in the situation of environmental degradation that characterizes the contemporary world has come from diverse sectors of society, and education has an important role to play. To achieve this goal, educational efforts must contemplate the natural, as well as the cultural aspects of the environment. The theme can be addressed at the different levels of formal teaching, by adopting an interdisciplinary approach that addresses the aesthetic dimension of natural and man-made environments. The purpose of this book is to present the analysis of an intervention, developed in biology classes related to the environmental thematic focusing on ecological knowledge and aesthetic dimension of natural and man-made environments. The author analyzes the engagement and participation of high school students and some possibilities and limits for the development of such activities. © 2013 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • ItemEditorial
    Environmental education research in Brazil
    (2018-10-03) Thiemann, Flávia Torreão ; de Carvalho, Luiz Marcelo ; Torres de Oliveira, Haydée ; Fubá Educação Ambiental e Criatividade ; Institute of Bioscience. University of State of Sao Paulo ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
    This Editorial to the current collection provides a brief historical, cultural, regional and contemporary picture of environmental education research in Brazil. Its main purpose is to offer readers a short background and orientation to the collection, and in so doing, illustrate how its contributions relate to some wider tendencies, trends and issues in environmental education, as well as to different locales of research and knowledge generation in the country. Of particular note for environmental education in Brazil are: the effects of social and political backdrops and issues, the unique environments on which environmental education is grounded, and how environmental education research, in turn, may echo or influence particular educational and public policies.
  • ItemCapítulo de livro
    Scalable vector graphics and web map publishing
    (2007-12-01) Da Silva Ramos, Cristhiane ; Cartwright, W. ; Doin De Almeida, Rosângela ; RMIT University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The product development discussed in this chapter aimed at developing a methodology for publishing Brazilian local school atlas on the Web that would be easy-to-use and inexpensive. A low cost solution for publishing atlases on the Web is considered necessary in Brazil because most local school atlases are developed by academic teams with research funds which are, most of the time, very limited. Open Standard Technologies were chosen as the main tool for developing such products because they can be used at no cost. The use of SVG and JavaScript to produce online school atlases proved to be very effective. The final product, tested in Brazil with primary school teachers, received a very positive feedback. The experience described here illustrates that it is possible to develop a digital local atlas for education at greatly reduced costs. It is also possible that, in the future, Brazilian public universities can use their practical knowledge, developed through many years of work with paper atlases, to publish their products directly via the Internet, using the SVG Atlas Templates developed as part of this research. Nevertheless, it is believed that the main outcome of this project will be the 'digital inclusion', not only of public school children, but also of Brazilian children's atlas developers. © 2007 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.