Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso - FEIS

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  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Seleção de fungos filamentosos com atividade amilolítica
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017) Oliveira, Ana Carolina Glória de ; Prado, Heloiza Ferreira Alves ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Amylases are enzymes that hydrolyze a carbohydrate reserve, starch. Starch is a high molecular weight glucose polymer found in many plants as a major source of nutritional reserve, and provides 70-80% of the calories consumed by man. Several hydrolytic enzymes are capable of degrading the starch. Hydrolytic action breaks down as bonds in the starch molecule, reacting in the presence of water, resulting in a new non-reducing end. Such enzymes can be classified as amylases and transferases, which hydrolyze α-1,4-glycosidic bonds, and debranching amylases, those which hydrolyze α-1,6-glycosidic bonds. Considering the great microbial diversity in different national biomes, this work aimed to isolate fungal strains with potential in the production of amylolytic enzymes.The microorganisms studied in these trials were collected in the Amazon Biome area in the Bacia do Rio Teles Pires, located in the Paranaíta-MT city. The microorganisms were cultured using Plate Count Agar (PCA) with addition of chloramphenicol to inhibit bacterial growth. Solid - State Cultivation (SSC) were applied to enzymatic production assays, using wheat bran as a substrate. The fermentation process was carried out in Erlenmeyr flasks containing 5 g of substrate and 10 mL of saline solution. The flasks were inoculated with 5 disks of 0.5 cm diameter and it was transferred for incubator BOD type at 30 °C for 96 hours. After this period 50 mL of water was added to obtain the crude enzymatic solution. Amylolytic activity was determined by dextrinizing method proposed by PONSAWASDI; YAGISAWA (1987) and FUWA (1954). Five filamentous fungi stand out in amylase production, such as AC - 6.1, AC - 17.1, AC - 6.3, AC - 21.4 and AC - 21.3. These isolates shown mean amylase enzymatic of ± 105.24 U / mL
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Morfologia de frutos e sementes de algumas espécies arbóreas utilizadas para o reflorestamento no entorno de hidrelétricas
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Sant'Ana, Vanessa Zaffani ; Moraes, Mario Luiz Teixeira de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The morphological characterization of fruits and seeds of native tree species is indispensable for the formulation of reforestation plans for areas impacted by the construction of hydroelectric power plants, because it provides data relevant to the conservation of species, such as the identification of their ecological aspects. The objective of this study was characterize the fruits and seeds morphology of 15 native tree species and the variations of these species based on morphological traits. Were used ten fruits for each species, of which nine morphological traits of fruit and seeds (length, width, thickness of fruit, number of seeds per fruit, mass of fruits, length, width, thickness of seed and mass of 100 seeds) were analyzed, by descriptive statistic, estimating the averages, the coefficient of variation, the skewness and kurtosis. Was ordained the average values of each traits, according to the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability, considering the randomized block design with 15 species (treatments) and 10 fruits per species (repetitions). For the multivariate analysis, grouping techniques were used, the method of Tocher and analysis of the Mahalanobis distance. Was verified that the distribution of fruit and seed morphology for the species studied was not random (symmetric and mesocuric), allowing to infer that the causes of this distribution are genetic and environmental factors. The univariate analyzes allowed to distinguish six groups in relation to the biometry of fruits and seeds of the species, indicating the presence of variability in this set of traits. The species Handroanthus impetiginosus was the one that most differentiated among the studied ones, being that its group has the greater divergence for the set of morphological traits of the fruits and seeds in relation to the first group, composed of ten species. Numbers of variable groups were observed, by traits, in the multivariate analysis, highlighting the fruit thickness...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Produção e caracterização de xilanase produzida por isolados fúngicos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Ferreira, Letícia Louzada ; Prado, Heloiza Ferreira Alves do ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The objective of the present work was to select filamentous fungi with xylanase production potential in solid state culture using different types of agroindustrial residues as substrate for comparative observation of the enzymatic production profile and the effect of the composition of the culture medium. The isolates P5.7, EIFP1-14a, CNS4, P2B6-1, EIFP2-1 and P2D19, had a higher enzymatic production, and these isolates were evaluated for the time of culture, in the substrates that induced greater enzymatic activity, being the peak Production of 72 hours culture time. The isolates EIFP2-4, P2D19, EIFP1-14a and P2b6-1, which had a higher enzymatic production and was characterized in relation to temperature and pH conditions. The EIFP2-4 and P2D19 isolates showed higher enzymatic production when cultivated in the sugarcane bagasse and wheat bran mixture (1: 1) for 72 h of culture, with activity Maximum between 60°C and 65°C and pH between 5.0 to 6.5. Thus, it is observed that the growth conditions in a fermentative process for the enzymatic production can be used as a differential in xylanase production to optimize this process
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Perfil de alunos do ensino médio quanto à carreira docente
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Mendes, Lucivânia da Silva ; Escolano, Ângela Coletto Morales ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Brazilian society is going through a very turbulent time, the crisis is in relation to education a reflection of this situation, influencing the teaching profession which currently appears to be undervalued. Thus this study aims to analyze the opinion of students of the third high school series on the teaching profession. It is intended to verify the interest of these students attend a degree and value it as a profession. The study was conducted with students from 3rd high school series of two state public schools and a private in the city of Ilha Solteira - SP. Survey participants 170 students (80 boys and 90 girls) aged between 16 and 19 years. For data collection was made one Likert scale questionnaire with 8 statements about the value of the teaching profession and the students claim as to attend a degree and become a teacher. In general we can see that the teacher profession is not the desired career by young people of the 3rd high school number surveyed, where 76% say they do not intend to take entrance exams to be teachers. However, we believe that this work can serve as a starting point to contribute to research on the attractiveness of the teaching career
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Educação ambiental e bacias hidrográficas no contexto escolar
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Queiroz, Thayline Vieira ; Dornfeld, Carolina Buso ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The research highlights the importance of environmental education as environmental reference for Educational Practices Set articulated to context of Watersheds. The study was conducted among students of 6th year of elementary school to a private school located in Ilha Solteira/SP. The activities were organized in theoretical and practical classes focused on Ilha Solteira region and the Watershed of the São José dos Dourados river. The discussion of the research and analysis were structured from the methodological tool of the Focus Group, proposed by Gui (2003). For the interpretation of the data was used content analysis, according to the ideas developed in Bardin (2010). The use of these methodological resources were a great facilitator for obtaining the learning and participation of students. The Focus Group technique favored data collection, and the students found that interactions were important moments of reflection of own practice as learning for the group
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Educação inclusiva na educação básica: revisão bibliográfica no Brasil
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Pagliarini, Cibele Diogo ; Escolano, Ângela Coletto Morales ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Inclusive education comprises special education within the regular education and transform the school into a space for all, promoting diversity in that it considers that any student may have special needs at some point in their school life. Thus, the objective was to verify as the theme, Inclusive Education in Basic Education has been crafted in the national context. To conduct the survey, a survey was done using the Qualis CAPES Portal. The consultation was held in May 2014, by area of assessment, stratum and delimitation of the 5-year period (2010-2014). The articles were selected by reading the abstracts, objectives and working methods, where information pertaining to research and subsequently categorized were taken. a total of 108 journals was identified these, 33 were National, which were identified 157 articles dealing with some form of child or adolescent with disability or giftedness. However, we recorded 93 work on Inclusive Education published in 16 journals that were included in 15 specific categories according to their content. Of the 93 Articles 48 (51.6%) are theoretical and 45 (48.4%) remaining, although not specifically theoretical 33 work are developed through interviews, questionnaires, observations and filming and only 12 are jobs where the authors developed, in fact, educational work activities seeking closer ties and results that contribute to the development of these students in a more direct way. However, the work was observed that there is still concern about the effectiveness of Inclusive Education
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Caracterização bioquímica em sementes de uma população natural de Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Alcantara, Marcelo Augusto Mendes ; Moraes, Mario Luiz Teixeira de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Acrocomia aculeata is a species of large occurrence in the Brazilian Cerrado and is also present in some other biomes that surround it, with great potential for use of all plant components (leaves, stems and fruit). It also covers a range with numerous utilities and can be framed in different areas of study. Within this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the genetic variability in seed a natural population of Acrocomia aculeata through the levels of starch compounds, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins (albumin, globulin, glutelin and prolamin) and macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur). They used fruit and seeds originating from Acrocomia plants aculeata collected 30 open pollinated trees in a population located in areas of environmental preservation of the CESP in the old site of HPP works. Eng. Sergio Motta in the municipality of Rosana region - SP in Pontal do Paranapanema. Laboratory tests were carried out in the Laboratory of Genetics of Populations and Forestry, Soil Analysis Laboratory and Tissue Plant and the Agronomic Institute of Campinas. Statistical analysis showed that for the starch content, the species showed overall average of 0.27 mg g-1. For carbohydrates: 10.24 mg g-1. Lipids have an overall average to the value of 20.23 mg g-1. The average levels of proteins found were: Albumins, 16.39 g kg-1, glutelin, 6.69 g kg-1, Prolamins, 21.81 g kg-1, and globulins with 41.82 g kg-1. Analysis of the macronutrient content with values of 23.6 g kg-1, for nitrogen, for calcium 1.53 g kg-1, phosphorus 6,64 g kg-1, potassium 3.33 g kg-1, magnesium 1.80 g kg-1, and sulfur 1.69 g kg-1. The experimental coefficient of variation was maintained at appropriate values for the analyzes with the highest being 24.89% for calcium and 0.89% to lower lipids, indicating good precision the estimates. The indices of heritability and coefficient of variation of the gene patterns showed high value...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Perfil de alunos do ensino fundamental e ensino médio quanto aos conhecimentos relacionados ao uso e abuso de drogas
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Oliveira, Gabriela Pinto de ; Escolano, Ângela Coletto Morales ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Being drugs present in the daily lives of everyone and the tenuous division between what can be positive and / or negative on the subject, we face the need for discussion on the use and drug abuse by adolescents to be often at this stage the beginning of the unlawful or excessive use of these substances. Thus the present study aimed to verify the students of 6 and 9 years of elementary school and high school 3rd series know about the subject and what the differences of knowledge between students of the three selected series. The participants were 284 students who answered voluntarily and anonymously to a questionnaire during regular classes. In general we found that the older the students, the more contact with people who use or have used drugs or even the greater the possibility of the students have already made use of. Most students know differentiate licit and illicit drugs also consider as a bad thing. As for students' opinions about drug users, we have the 6th year the views are more directed to the harm that drugs do, both for the person who uses it and for those who live with users, suggesting to stop the use and the need to support them. In 9th grade students consider this to be a problem of those who use, but state that users annoy others and suggest that need support. In 3rd grade most he responded that everyone knows of your life. Thus we believe that this work can serve as a starting point for future interventions and / or projects in the schools involved, although this theme is closely related to health of the population as a whole, the school has an important role in the transmission of knowledge and adequate information to improve the quality of life
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Parâmetros fisiológicos de genótipos de algodoeiro herbáceo (Gossypium hirsutum L. var. latifolium Hutch) em função da aplicação de regulador de crescimento e estresse hídrico
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Machado, Luis Henrique Marani Daruichi ; Furlani Júnior, Enes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The herbaceous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. var. Latifolium Hutch), belonging to the Malvaceae family, is an indeterminate plant growth, that is, growth continues sending successive terminal buds, unless it is stopped by external or internal factors. Among the cultural techniques used in modern cotton production, there is the use of growth regulators, which are natural or synthetic substances which involve interactions with plant hormones, and the use of mepiquat chloride (MC) inhibits the natural production of gibberellin reducing the vegetative growth in excess without decreasing the productivity of the plant. The use of growth regulators in increasing doses and the occurrence of extreme water can initiate different physiological responses in plants, since it may change the cell metabolism regulation. The cotton genotype FMT 701 features high size and Fibermax 966 features low size, genetically distinct. The objective of this study was to evaluate two cotton genotypes with different genetic characteristics, depending on the application of increasing doses of MC and water stress, the physiological aspects of growth. The experiment was conducted in the UNESP greenhouse, Ilha Solteira-SP, in November 2014, whose experimental design was randomized blocks, with four repetitions, in a factorial 2X4X2, being the factors: 2 cotton genotypes (FMT 701 and Fibermax 966), three growth regulator doses (1, 2, 4 L ha-1) and the witness equivalent to study in pots, and 2 water levels in the soil (field capacity, FC and 1/3 field capacity, 1/3FC), for a total of 64 vessels. 30 days after plant emergence (DAE) was begun to differentiate the water regimes, and the MC was sprayed directly on the plants, parceled in three applications performed at 50, 60 and 70 DAE. With the results, it was found that the implementation of the MC in genotypes was efficient in terms of growth limitation in time, highlighting the idea that the growth regulator interfere in the...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Ambientalização curricular em escola de ensino integral
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Loretto, Jéssica Arantes ; Dornfeld, Carolina Buso ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This study aimed to analyze the presence of environmental issues in an Integral Education School in interior of the São Paulo State, and the way they are presented in official documents and represented by school managers and teachers. Through document analysis and questionnaires answered by managers and teachers were possible to perform the triangulation of data considering the complementarity of these results. The research gives evidence of a review of existing curricula of Basic Education in São Paulo. We note that in this school there is the possibility of inclusion of this theme in regular classes, especially in Elective Courses. Note that still are not very experienced in everyday school life assumptions of Public Policies EA (National and State / SP) and the National Curriculum Guidelines of EA
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Estoque de carbono e variação genética para caracteres silviculturais em teste de progênies e procedências de Genipa americana L
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Coleto, Angelica Leonel ; Moraes, Mario Luiz Teixeira de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In a Progeny Test and Proceedings of the Genipa american L. (Rubiaceae), known as jenipapo, this study aimed to estimate the genetic variation of growth traits, the basic density of wood, dry mass of the canopy, leaf and stem in and between two populations, turn the TPP in a Seed Orchard for seedlings, as well as determining the carbon stock. For evaluation of growth traits were measured: height (m); diameter at breast height (cm) and stem form. And for biomass and carbon sequestration, there was thinning of 45 plants in TPP FEPE in Selvíria-MS, with an intensity of 16,66%. The variance components and genetic parameters were estimated by REML / BLUP method. And for the selection of the best progenies was found genetic gain from the DAP, and the Spearman coefficient. For growth traits within populations was detected significant difference in ALT and DAP, averaging 6,88 m and 9,00 cm. The characters canopy, leaf, stem and DBM also obtained significant differences, with the highest average value of the canopy with 3,74 kg. As for the analysis of the population, the DAP was the character that showed a significant difference to Mogi and Selvíria not denoted no significant difference between the characters, indicating that there is homogeneity of characters between the progenies. The average value of the greatest magnitude for both populations DAP, and Mogi (9,39 cm) and Selvíria (8,59 cm). The values of biomass were significantly different for the crown and bole to Mogi, and again Selvíria showed no significant differences. The Mogi showed average population of the crown of 4,57 kg, and the bole of Selvíria population an average of 3,19 kg. The genetic gain for the first situation to Mogi showed a gain of 3,4 cm on the average, and the second 2,4 cm. Selvíria, showed no significant gain in any of the two situations. In the first strategy of the Spearman coefficient, there was no match in 23 % of individuals. Carbon storage was higher in the...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Caracterização de uma população natural de Curatella americana L. (Dilleniaceae) em uma área degradada do cerrado
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Nascimento, Samara da Silva ; Moraes, Mario Luiz Teixeira de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The Curatella americana, popularly called the Lixeira, is a native tree species of Cerrado. In an area that has been degraded to the construction of the Ilha Solteira hydroelectric Selvíria the region - MS, called loan area, there is the occurrence of a natural population of C. Americana, which is gradually recovering the vegetation of the site. Thus, we seek to work with this characterization of the C. americana of individuals in relation to silvicultural variables: height, diameter at breast height, average crown diameter, crown insertion and shape of the trunk and assess the quality of seeds by physical tests (moisture content and weight of 100 seeds) and physiological (electrical conductivity). The study was conducted in Farm Research Education and Extension UNESP and Genetics Laboratory of Populations and Forestry. The statistical program Selegen was used. The time had an average of 8.83 meters, with crown insertion of 1.96 meters. The diameter at breast height was 20.38 cm and the average crown diameter of 7.73 m. The form had a score of 1.77. The average electrical conductivity was 135,69 μS cm-1, whereas the 100 seed weight was 1.18 grams. The characterization of C. americana is important, since this is an essential arboreal species for recovery of degraded areas of the Cerrado
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Ensino de ciências em uma escola de ensino integral: enfoque nas questões ambientais
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Ferreira, Elisa Maria dos Santos ; Dornfeld, Carolina Buso ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Curricular greening is to initiate environmental education (EE) from a level already established, adapting processes, content and practices to the objectives and principles of EE. The objectives of this research were to analyze the changes in science education curriculum, especially with the implementation of Model School of Integral Educationand, verify that environmental education permeates the contente in the science classes. The methodology were: documental analysis, questionnaires with the school management, science teachers and students of the 6th year and observation of the science classes. The perception of teachers, administrators and students about the alterations (such as experimental practical classes, laboratory and electives classes) were positive for an effective education in science. The documental analysis and questionnaires answered by managers and teachers, pointed that there is posibility to work with Environmental Education in association with the work of the classes of science
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Recursos didáticos direcionados como complemento ao ensino de Biologia para professores com deficiência visual: um estudo de caso
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016) Flores, Andrezza Santos ; Escolano, Ângela Coletto Morales ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    From the guidelines of the Declaration of Salamanca (1994), all students have the right to be part of a regular school, including those who have some kind of special need. However, schools are not prepared structurally and educationally to meet all the needs of students and not even the teachers are trained to handle these situations in the classroom. On the other hand, a teacher in the classroom has several tricks to boost your class and make it more attractive, unlike a blind teacher who often do not have alternative resources to complement in his class. Thus, this study aimed to make and analyze the use of educational resources, facing the Science and Biology teaching, for a visually impaired teacher responsible for the resource room of a State Public School in northwest of São Paulo, who teaches for students with full and low vision blindness, seeking to improve the resources for it to develop its work. Thus, such a methodological procedure has observed through the transcription and analysis of videos that the use of materials was extremely important for the education of their students and the teacher in him who had no trouble to teach their classes with the adapted material, since it is one of the prerogatives, in the opinion of the teacher, adapt the materials, but the visual impairment and lack of support hinders their performance in the classroom