São Paulo - IA - Instituto de Artes

URI Permanente para esta coleçãohttps://hdl.handle.net/11449/254633


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  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Ditchan, você se foi, mas eu continuo aqui: processo de criação de uma história em quadrinhos independente
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-08-20) Fukumoto, Yasmin Kaori ; Leote, Rosangela da Silva ; Marques, Rodrigo Dorta ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Este trabalho objetiva explorar todo o processo de criação de “Ditchan, você se foi, mas eu continuo aqui”, uma história em quadrinhos (HQ) autoral independente que aborda reflexões sobre o luto. Desde as primeiras ideias, até a arte finalização e, enfim, a venda, foram necessárias várias etapas, documentadas através de fotos, rascunhos, anotações e ilustrações. Também são exploradas referências narrativas e visuais que contribuíram ao projeto, sendo elas livros e outras HQ’s. Além do processo, busca-se contextualizar as definições de HQ e entendê-la como uma mídia artística, junto da ilustração digital, ferramenta utilizada para sua produção. Ao final, compartilha-se sobre como foram as vendas e a recepção do público. Assim, torna-se evidente que a escolha de explorar os desafios e técnicas do processo de criação de um quadrinho é benéfica tanto àqueles que também desejam criar sua história quanto aos que procuram compreender melhor como funciona seu desenvolvimento.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A composição como ferramenta de ensino musical
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-03-06) Ferreira, Dinis Catunda Doutel ; Wladimir Farto Contesini de Mattos
    Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo levantar as potencialidades da composição musical coletiva como ferramenta pedagógico-musical em um contexto escolar especialmente. O tema abordado durante essa pesquisa são as possibilidades criativas que podem se dar na educação musical a partir da composição. Para se ter uma compreensão mais ampla sobre o tema, serão revisados trabalhos de diferentes épocas versando sobre a composição para a educação, para por fim se focar em um caso específico vivenciado pelo autor.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Ao adulto cabe lembrar-se: cartografando existências, coreografias e encantarias
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2023-02-04) Salgado, Matheus Rodrigues Pesso ; André, Carminda Mendes ; Catelan, Fernando Bueno
    Este trabalho tem como intuito refletir acerca da infância, educação e teatro. Abarca um processo criativo no campo das artes da cena expandida junto à reflexões que partem da memória, da imagem e dos devaneios e imaginações de possíveis. Cartografa uma experimentação de contação de história, performance e dramaturgia a partir de cartas do Tarô de Marselha por onde percorre toda práxis refletida no trabalho. Ao final, propõem um diálogo com nós adultos e adultas para acolhermos as crianças que chegam e permitir que se expressem, dancem e se encantem e nos encante de novo com o mundo, o potencializando em sua máxima: a vida.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Finalização em processo em finalização
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-11-22) Hanazumi, Paulo Yoshio Moreira ; Oliveira, Pelópidas Cypriano de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This brief text proposes to serve as a report on one of the experiences of learning, production and adaptation of a specific student of Visual Arts by the Institute of Arts of UNESP (State University of São Paulo), and, thus, try to bring a small, but significant reflection on the experiences of a first-time student in Higher Education of a course of subjective character, and the effects that their environment can have on themselves. Accompanying the text, a tutorial (at this moment, incomplete) on the joint action of computer programs to manipulate both 2D images and 3D shapes. This essay also works, in an ambiguous way, with the idea of being incomplete.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    O tempo é um só: procedimentos de investigação na cerâmica e na arte popular
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-22) Silva, Mariana de Araujo Alves da ; Dalglish, Geralda M. F. S. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    not available
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Circungestar: o encontro entre as experiências de formação e a ecopedagogia
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-08-18) Midori, Amanda ; Coutinho, Rejane Galvão ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This final graduation project integrates the ecopedagogy to the experiences in arte and education that took place during the graduation studies. Through an experimental and reflexive approach, the work ecopedagogycal wiew: A Arte de Cuidar (The art of Care) from the Curumim Program developed at SESC Santana, Brasil, and de Escola da Ponte, developep at Vila das Aves, Portugal. The project intends to integrate theories and practices in order to compose new actions and perspectives on human educational development
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Circungestar: autopoiese de uma poética
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2010-11-05) Midori, Amanda ; Valente, Agnus ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This presente paper relates the concept of autopoiesis with my artistic production, elaborated through the course of the last five years of work. Introduced in the perspective of the process, it supports the the circular and horizontal relationships existing between the many parts that sum up the whole, represented by a private poetics. Inside this context, it reinforces the importance the feminine aspect's emersion on the various ways of relating, thus balancing it before the mechanicist thinking, supporting iself on the ecological notion, on the everyday life, on the reflection about itself and on the complex thinking
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Reflexões sobre o binomio professor(a)-artista: a criação da aula como acontecimento artístico
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-11-23) Reichert, Maiquel Cristian ; André, Carminda Mendes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    We tried to develop a reflection about the theater teacher's acting, and for this we developed a practical theoretical research where we could put some concepts in the field. Performing a decupagem of the possible forms of performance of this teacher, here characterized by metaphors: teacher-artist, teacher-actor, teacher-director and teacher-performer. The performance of the theater teacher requires flexibility and play, since, in most cases, this professional is in a multi-purpose threshold: maestrodirector-actor-artist. Our field of practical experimentation was an educational stage realized at Sesc Belenzinho, next to the educational team of the exhibition YoYo: Tudo que vai Volta.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    (In)utilidade para quê(m)?
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-29) Freixeda, Fabio ; Valente, Agnus ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Reflexões acerca da presença humana nos espetáculos de teatro visual encenados pelo teatro didático da Unesp
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-28) Lagua, Elis Regina Alonso ; Cintra, Wagner Francisco Araújo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    O teatro político de Augusto Boal: notas sobre sua trajetória no teatro de arena de São Paulo
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-27) Furtoso, Vanessa Cristina Monteiro ; Bredariolli, Rita Luciana Berti ; Mayor, Mariana Soutto ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper intends to resume the theater manifestations performed by Augusto Boal during the years he acted as director of the Teatro de Arena of São Paulo and to emphasize the reasons that led him to develop his political poetic, highlighting his role as the director of a politically engaged theater. Augusto Boal became worldwide known for developing the Theater of the Oppressed. His theater was formulated during the years he was exiled in Latin America and was launched for the first time in France, planting seeds in many other countries and generating groups of Theater of the Oppressed, which act in search of a better society. However, this poetic was born, actually, during the years he worked as the director of the Teatro de Arena, in São Paulo, when Brazil was facing a period of violence, repression and censorship: the Military Dictatorship. His path in the Brazilian theater will gradually take him towards a popular and political theater, until his work is radicalized as a militancy and denunciation proposition, facing the national political conjuncture. Within the years of 1964 and 1971, Boal leads an artistic movement of resistance with Arena's spectacles, which will be decisive to the heading he chooses to take in theater.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Hamlet de Stanislávski e Craig: o drama dos bastidores
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-17) Dias, Edilaine ; Romano, Lúcia Regina Vieira ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Biquini Carioca: e outros estudos sobre o cor-de-rosa
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-13) Sheery, Yardena do Baixo ; Romagnolo, Sérgio Mauro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not avalilable
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Arte gênero e educação: oficina (des)bordando, a cultura visual da criança e os estereótipos de gênero
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-13) Naufel, Juliana Nicolau ; Bredariolli, Rita Luciana Berti ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This monography is a result of the reflection about how gender issues are silenced in school classes in Brazil. This research aims to promote consciousness gaining about the subject, so the discussion can also happen in education, regarding an equal education to students, considering the role of women in society and historical facts that are significant for this debate. Embroidery is also a fundamental part of this study, once it can be used as a subversive language regarding the construction of femininity and gender stereotypes.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    O ator inserido no teatro performativo: experiências práticas a partir do espetáculo Dinamarca, do grupo Magiluth
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-21) Bassi, Thays Fernanda Barbosa do Vale ; Haddad, Pedro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Canciones de América del Sur: um estudo de orquestração
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-10-09) Tavernese, Alí Saboy ; Rocha, Abel Luís Bernardo da ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The work consists in presenting orchestrations for string quintet (violin I, violin II, viola, cello and contrabass), clarinet and flute made up of songs by erudite composers from South America. The repertoire chosen is, for the most part, for soloist and the melody of the voice was not modified (in some cases there was the addition of a second voice and vocal quartet). Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana were excluded from the proposal because of the strong cultural and political ties they have with their European settlers to date, thus depriving them of typically Latin American music. The purpose of the work is to define, record and perform one of the many orchestration possibilities that emerged during the study process (the revised versions are attached). The report presents the difficulties to obtain material and, as a result, the modifications that were necessary with respect to the project, as well as the setbacks in relation to the management of people; also points out how rewarding it is to be able to stop thinking of music just like accumulation of notes by measure to begin to understand phrases, textures and musical structures. The presentation of the musical pieces showed that the work is relevant for the community in general (musicians and non musicians) because it was a novelty for the public's ears, either because they did not know the repertoire, or because a different sonority of the original piece was presented. Perhaps this was the greatest learning I take from work: to understand art always in terms of the audience.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A história da flauta transversal na cidade de São Paulo entre 1910 e 1979
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-10-18) Trigo, Tayná Tacyane Aparecida ; Mesquita, Marcos José Cruz ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work aims to present in a chronological line the history of the transverse flute in the city of São Paulo, between 1910 and 1979, with some research based on the main instrumentalists and teachers who taught transverse flute by that time. Initially a summary will be made on the school of the transverse flute in Brazil and on a historical panorama of this period, so that one can better understand how its development occurs in the city of São Paulo. The work gathers information from books, online newspapers, theses, concert programs and interviews with teachers and musicians. This work is intended for musicians and non-musicians who have an interest in knowing a little about how the transverse flute school in São Paulo was formed and outlined, who were the people responsible and how it came to be such a recognized school in Brazil, having his flautist teaching and playing in several of our universities, conservatories and orchestras.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Libertando Níobe: um livro de mulheres abjugadas da pedra
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-12-04) Orefice, Giulianna Felicio ; Valente, Agnus ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The present work aims to realize a theoretical-practical research and an artist's book creation using lithographs that contains a composition done by me consisted of a women's texts and illustration juxtaposition. To reach this goal it was realized a theoretical review linked to the production of the proposed book, a meeting of ten texts interpretation of poems and prose poetry of different women followed by the creation of the drawings carried out. This grouped material is a way of discussing the importance of artist's book as an artistic and poetic form of personal creation; it is a way of consider lithography as a method of producing the picture book; it is a way to find out how the narrative appears in the artist's book; it is way to understand the historical erasure of women in art; and, finally, a way of to grasp the different issues of my work, leading it to the conclusion that the paths followed in this work have allowed me to become more self-aware in relation to my artistic practices and to visualize new routes for other productions.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    O corpo da dança da fala: formas pedagógicas no maracatu
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-30) Nascimento, Gabriel Mesquita do ; Bredariolli, Rita Luciana Berti ; Verdugo, Marcos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This is a research in education on the oral tradition of African matrix in popular cultures, traditional groups and communities. Through the oral tradition happens the human constitution grounded in the ancestrality, resisting the domination processes of the Eurocentric modernity/coloniality and schooled mentality. In this way of educating, the ancestral identities are formed and can thrive, they are not loosened from memory along the historical resistance path since the ancestors and the colonialism. It is not possible to unlink past from present, education from life. It is an ethnographic research in traditional groups and communities of African matrix (Maracatu), theoretically based on the historical-cultural perspective, trying to understand the educative processes of human constitution. Proposes a dialog with the Paulo Freire's thinking and the decolonial thinking, given the research characteristics. Assuming, from the bibliography, that by the oral tradition of African matrix, in Brazil history and ancestry are perpetuated by the transmission of wisdom and knowledge through generations, and at the same time resisting the historical attempts of domination, the research answers to the following objective: investigate how the educative processes in the oral tradition of African matrix happens, and how this processes contribute to the human constitution of the communities' people. From the field research, the emerging reflections point to the transmission of wisdom and knowledge through the orality of African matrix as a educative process of human constitution that has the conscience and exercise of the ancestrality as its guideline. It also points to the conscience of the ancestrality as an educative element to freedom, as the traditional groups and communities of African matrix keep reaffirming to the world its ways of resisting and re-existing.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Aspectos visuais da música no teatro visual
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-11-29) Erbert, Igor ; Cintra, Wagner ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work has a it purpose to investigate the original sound track of Paulicéia Desvairada spectacle, development and staged by Unesp Didactic Theater. A study of the evolution of music and some of its peculiarities in its western historical periods was of great importance in order to have a greater understanding of the songs that are used and composed for the works of the Unesp Didactic Theater. He also showed the need to know the formation of the group and the fundamental language that becomes paramount in his spectacles: The Visual Theater through the dramaturgy of VISUALITY.