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PublicaçãoArtigo Landscapes of Investigation, Dialogue, and Inclusion: about the Encounter Among Deaf and Hearing Students in Mathematics Classes(2023-01-01) Moura, Amanda Queiroz; Penteado, Miriam Godoy
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Visitante do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
In this article, we present reflections on the meeting between deaf students and listeners in mathematics classes. In order to contribute to a better understanding of practices based on the concept of inclusion and equity, we bring a discussion about interactions in mathematics classes based on an approach in which the dialogic communication was privileged. Our reference for such discussions is the result of a research that is focused on interaction in which students speak different languages - Portuguese and Brazilian Sign Language. First, we present the context in which the research was carried out. Then, some relevant aspects of the dialogic perspective are elucidated. To illustrate how the interactions took place, we present an episode in which appears interactions among the participants. Finally, we present our reflections on the proposed landscapes of investigation and dialogue in a teaching environment that focuses on inclusion and equity. The results indicate the viability of dialogic interaction between two culturally different groups - deaf and hearing - and their participation in conditions of equity and cooperation during the mathematical learning process. We understand that the reflections and conclusions presented in this paper support mathematics education practices with a focus on diversity.PublicaçãoArtigo Landscapes of Investigation, Dialogue, and Inclusion: About the Encounter among Deaf and Hearing Students in Mathematics Classes(2023-01-01) Moura, Amanda Queiroz; Penteado, Miriam Godoy
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
In this article, we present reflections on the meeting between deaf students and listeners in mathematics classes. In order to contribute to a better understanding of practices based on the concept of inclusion and equity, we bring a discussion about interactions in mathematics classes based on an approach in which the dialogic communication was privileged. Our reference for such discussions is the result of a research that is focused on interaction in which students speak different languages — Portuguese and Brazilian Sign Language. First, we present the context in which the research was carried out. Then, some relevant aspects of the dialogic perspective are elucidated. To illustrate how the interactions took place, we present an episode in which appears interactions among the participants. Finally, we present our reflections on the proposed landscapes of investigation and dialogue in a teaching environment that focuses on inclusion and equity. The results indicate the viability of dialogic interaction between two culturally different groups — deaf and hearing — and their participation in conditions of equity and cooperation during the mathematical learning process. We understand that the reflections and conclusions presented in this paper support mathematics education practices with a focus on diversity.PublicaçãoArtigo Moringa oleifera Seed Addition Prior to Sludge Thickening for Supernatant Quality Improvement: Analyses of Clarification Performance and Toxicity(2023-05-01) Batista, Gabrielle Soares; Roledo, Cely
; Odjegba, Enovwo Erere
; Fiore, Fabiana Alves
; Moruzzi, Rodrigo Braga
; Reis, Adriano Gonçalves dos
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB)
Low-cost and easily accessible sludge treatment technologies are necessary in low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to evaluate the use of Moringa oleifera seed powder (MO) as a natural sludge conditioner for supernatant quality improvement prior to thickening as a result of gravity settling. The zone settling rate (ZSR) and sludge volume index (SVI) were used to evaluate the gravity settling capacity. Supernatant clarification was evaluated in terms of the capacity to remove turbidity, apparent colour, Escherichia coli, and organic matter associated with zeta potential evolution. The effects on the values of pH and electrical conductivity were also evaluated. Finally, the effects on the toxicity (chronic and acute) of the supernatant effluent were examined. A significant supernatant quality improvement was observed with the addition of MO. The ZSR (0.16 cm/min) and SVI (53 mL/g) results showed that the sludge had good sedimentability, and the addition of MO maintained these characteristics in a statistical manner. Increasing the MO dosage increased the zeta potential of the supernatant, resulting in an optimal dosage of 1.2 g/L, with a removal of 90% turbidity, 70% apparent colour, 99% E. coli, and 40% organic matter. The pH and electrical conductivity values did not change with increasing MO dosage, which is a competitive advantage of MO addition compared to iron and aluminium salt addition. A reduction in the ability to remove organic matter was observed at higher dosages of the natural coagulant due to the presence of residual MO in the final effluent. The optimal MO dosage of 1.2 g/L did not affect the acute or chronic toxicity of the supernatant. These results emphasized that M. oleifera seed powder can improve the supernatant quality and can potentially be a low-cost and easily accessible conditioner for wastewater sludge thickening.PublicaçãoArtigo TEMPORAL EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT IN RIO CLARO-SP(2022-04-12) Blasius, Jandir Pereira; Dos Santos, Paulo Henrique
; de MORAES, Renata Xavier Lona
; de TOLEDO, André Corrêa
; Garcia, Marcelo Loureiro
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Considering the importance of water and the influence of human actions on the degradation of water resources, the present work aimed to evaluate temporally the quality of surface water and the sewage treatment system in the municipality of Rio Claro-SP. The water quality was evaluated at five monitoring points as well as the effluents from the Sewage Treatment Stations (STS): Flores and Conduta. The results were compared to the standards established by CONAMA Resolutions nº. 357/2005 and nº. 430/2011, CETESB Board Decision nº. 112/2013/E and State Decree nº. 8,468/1976. The historical analysis revealed that the parameters: turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, ammonia nitrogen and chlorophyll-a met the limits established by the Legislation. Meanwhile, electrical conductivity, BOD, Escherichia coli, total phosphorus, dissolved aluminum and iron and total manganese contents showed nonconformities. Regarding sewage treatment, the effluents from the STS studied complied with the Legislation for the indicators of BOD, pH and settling solids and showed high efficiency in removing BOD (> 80%) and COD (> 77%). In general, the evaluation of water quality indices revealed a strong correlation between soil characteristics, location and economic activities developed in the region.PublicaçãoArtigo Early Aptian marine incursions in the interior of northeastern Brazil following the Gondwana breakup(2023-12-01) Fauth, Gerson ; Kern, Henrique Parisi ; Villegas-Martín, Jorge ; De Lira Mota, Marcelo Augusto ; dos Santos Filho, Marcos Antonio Batista ; Santa Catharina, Amanda; Leandro, Lilian Maia ; Luft-Souza, Fernanda ; Strohschoen, Oscar ; Nauter-Alves, Andressa ; Tungo, Edna de Jesus Francisco ; Bruno, Mauro Daniel Rodrigues ; Ceolin, Daiane ; Baecker-Fauth, Simone ; Bom, Marlone Heliara Hünnig ; Lima, Francisco Henrique de Oliveira ; Santos, Alessandra ; Assine, Mario Luis
; Unisinos University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Research Center (CENPES)
This study reports a set of primeval marine incursions identified in two drill cores, 1PS-06-CE, and 1PS-10-CE, which recovered the Barbalha Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil. Based on a multi-proxy approach involving stratigraphy, microbiofacies, ichnofossils, and microfossils, three short-lived marine incursions were identified, designated Araripe Marine Incursions (AMI) 1–3. AMI-1 and AMI-2, which occur within the shales of the Batateira Beds (lower part of the Barbalha Formation), were identified by the occurrence of benthonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, dinocysts, and a mass mortality event of non-marine ostracods. AMI-3 was recognized in the upper part of the Barbalha Formation, based on the occurrence of ichnofossils and planktonic foraminifera. The observation of the planktonic foraminifera genus Leupoldina for the first time in the basin indicates early Aptian/early late Aptian age for these deposits, and the first opportunity of correlation with global foraminifera biozonation. Our findings have implications for the breakup of the Gondwana Supercontinent, as these incursions represent the earliest marine-derived flooding events in the inland basins of northeastern Brazil.PublicaçãoArtigo Hydrochemistry and weathering at Pardo River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil(2023-05-01) Bonotto, Daniel Marcos; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
This work was conducted at the Pardo River hydrographic basin, which is a federal watershed belonging to the Paranapanema River hydrographic basin (PRHB) in Brazil (São Paulo State and Paraná State). The aim was to realize an integrated hydrochemical and radiometric (U-isotopes and 210Po) approach, highlighting the water/soil-rock and surface water/groundwater interactions, with implications to the weathering processes occurring there. The study area has been often considered one of the best preserved/unpolluted river in São Paulo State, contributing to the water supply of several cities distributed along its banks. However, the results reported here suggest possible lead diffuse pollution caused by the use of phosphate fertilizers in agricultural activities taking place in the basin. The analyzed groundwaters and surface waters tend to be neutral to slightly alkaline (pH of 6.8–7.7), possessing low mineral concentration (total dissolved solids up to 500 mg/L). SiO2 is the major dissolved constituent in the waters, while bicarbonate is the dominant anion, and calcium is the preponderant cation. The effects of the weathering of silicates to control the dissolution of constituents in the liquid phase have been identified from some diagrams often utilized in hydrogeochemical studies. Chemical weathering rates have been estimated from hydrochemical data associated to analytical results of the natural uranium isotopes 238U and 234U concerning to samples of rainwater and Pardo River waters. The fluxes in this watershed are permitted to obtain the following rates: 11.43 t/km2 year (sodium), 2.76 t/km2 year (calcium), 3.17 t/km2 year (magnesium), 0.77 t/km2 year (iron), and 8.64 t/km2 year (uranium). This new dataset constitutes valuable information for people engaged on the management of the Pardo River watershed, as well as to researchers interested on comparative studies considering the available data from other basins worldwide.PublicaçãoArtigo A New Genus and Species of †Cladocyclidae (Teleostei: †Ichthyodectiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous “Batateira Beds”, Barbalha Formation, Araripe Basin: The First Vertebrate Record in a Still Poorly Explored Fossil Site(2023-03-01) de Mayrinck, Diogo ; Ribeiro, Alexandre Cunha ; Assine, Mario Luis; Spigolon, André Luis Durante ; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) ; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Desenvolvimento e Inovação Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello–CENPES/PETROBRÁS
The Mesozoic Teleostei †Ichthyodectiformes presents a widespread distribution in marine brackish and freshwater deposits worldwide. The Brazilian fossil record of this group is represented by five nominal genera distributed exclusively in the sedimentary basins of Northeast Brazil (cf. Parnaíba, Sergipe-Alagoas, Recôncavo, Tucano, and Araripe). In the Araripe basin, the unique representative of the order is †Cladocyclus gardneri, restricted to the Crato and Romualdo Formations. Recent collecting efforts carried out in the Araripe Basin led to the discovery of two specimens of †Cladocyclidae. Based on the comparison with the known Brazilian taxa, we conclude that this new record represents a new genus and species of this clade. †Cladocynodon araripensis represents the first vertebrate described from the dark shales of the “Batateira Beds” of the Barbalha Formation and differs from the other †Cladocyclidae by the presence of hypertrophied bony fangs at the anterior region of the dentary, with other relatively small true teeth abruptly reduced posteriorly, and by presenting premaxillary and maxillary teeth significantly reduced in size. †Cladocynodon araripensis increases the anatomic diversity and temporal range of †Cladocyclidae in Gondwana.PublicaçãoArtigo Heat flow modelling of the Punta del Este Basin (offshore Uruguay) and its correlation with structural crustal domains(2023-05-05) Novo, Rodrigo; de Jesus Perinotto, José Alexandre
; Castillo, Maria Gabriela ; Conti, Bruno ; ANCAP ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Independent Consultant
The Punta del Este Basin is located at the offshore of Uruguay, and it is considered an underexplored basin with a high potential for holding hydrocarbon plays. Geologically, it constitutes an aborted rift related to the Gondwana fragmentation process, and subsequent opening of the Atlantic Ocean (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous). The stratigraphic and tectonic evolution comprises four phases from the Paleozoic pre-rift stage to present-day post-rift stage (Neogene/Quaternary). Due to the estimated hydrocarbon potential of this basin, exploratory activities have been intensified in the last decades, based on the acquisition of a significant amount of geophysical data which allowed a better comprehension of the basin's geology. Previous studies related to this basin were mainly oriented to the stratigraphy, structural framework, and petroleum systems comprehension. This research is focused on the thermal evolution of the Punta del Este Basin and its correlation with the crustal geological structure. For this purpose, a heat flow model was developed in order to understand thermal evolution through geological time. A 2D heat flow modelling based on pseudo wells was carried out to research and reconstruct the paleo heat flow. Bottom-hole temperatures (BHTs), seabed heat flow measurements, and Moho discontinuity depth interpretations have been employed in the reconstruction of heat flow evolution through time. A structural analysis based on seismic interpretation allowed to identify the Moho discontinuity and define four crustal domains in the study area: proximal (unattenuated crust), necking, hyperextended (stretched and thinned transition crust), and oceanic crust. The thermal model shows a strong correlation between heat flow and crustal thickness. In this way, the proximal domain develops low heat flow values while the distal sector shows higher values, due to the strong influence of the rifting event in crust thinning.PublicaçãoArtigo EVOLUTION OF THE SAIVAL GRANITIC STOCK ROCKS FROM TRÊS CORREGOS BATOLITH, SOUTH OF SÃO PAULO STATE(2022-01-01) Vieira, Otávio Augusto Ruiz Paccola ; Godoy, Antonio Misson; Duarte, Nicolli Ochi
; Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The Saival Granitic Stock rocks are located in the extreme southwest of São Paulo state, inserted in the Araçaíba Topographic Map region, 1:50.000 scale, in the municipality of Apiaí. The igneous lithotypes are intrusive and associated with the Barra do Chapéu Granite rocks, which are a part of the zone distribution and evolution of the Três Córregos Batholith. They are associated with the Neoproterozoic granite genesis evolution of the Apiaí Terrain. These rocks are intrusive in lithotypes of the Água Clara Formation metavolcanosedimentary unit, of Meso-to Neoproterozoic age of the Açungui Supergroup. The stock rocks are distributed in approximately 65 km², with a slightly elongated shape in the NNE-SSW direction, showing tectonic contacts and marked by the interference of the Conceição do Herval and Barra do Chapéu faults, in addition to Saival fault, in the NW-SE direction. These rocks are characterized by pink porphyritic biotite monzogranite facies, gray inequi-to equigranular monzogranite facies and pink equigranular syenogranite and alkali granite facies, in addition to pegmatitic rocks and late aplites. Chemically, they are high potassium calc-alkaline granitic rocks, predominantly peraluminous. These are I type granites, generated in a syn-to post-collisional environment, from the fusion of rocks from the lower crust and associated with the construction of the Ribeira Magmatic Arc correlated to the collisional event of the Ribeira Orogenesis.PublicaçãoArtigo MORPHOSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ITANHAÉM RIVER WATERSHED, SÃO PAULO STATE, BRAZIL(2022-01-01) Cigagna, Cristiano; Jiménez-Rueda, Jairo Roberto
; Bonotto, Daniel Marcos
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
This research comprises the use of remote sensing products in the characterization of the natural susceptibility to erosion of the Itanhaém river watershed and its major tributaries, through morphostructural analysis. The method proved to be effective in mapping areas that are naturally sensitive to erosion, even when applied to different work scales. The most susceptible sectors are found upstream of the basin and mainly cover drainage areas of the rivers Mambú and Branco, where regions with the greatest vulnerability stand out. Another relevant aspect is that river follows its course embedded in an important shear zone, the Cubatão Fault. The discussion about the relationships between morphostructures and their altimetry is of great relevance for the analysis of the physical environment and to understanding the physiology of the landscape, as well for a more adequate indication of land use and occupation, as well the study of natural vulnerability.PublicaçãoArtigo CombTEs: combining predictions from the search for transposable elements(2022-01-01) Fischer, Carlos Norberto; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Several tools, using different approaches, are available nowadays to identify transposable elements (TEs) in a query sequence. Normally, a same set of TEs can be predicted by many of these tools. However, for other TEs, only a few tools are able to predict them due to their particular characteristics. In both cases, combining predictions produced by two or more tools can be an interesting approach to increasing the number of correct results and, at the same time, to further improve the confidence about the predicted TEs. Taking this into account, this work presents an auxiliary tool, CombTEs, that combines predictions produced by other programs and pipelines used to identify TEs in a genome sequence. The basic idea is that, after running only once the tools of interest, the same sets of initial predictions are used in several combining processes, each one considering different values for the parameters used by CombTEs (for example, filters and distance between predictions), in a very fast way, making the annotation step easier and more reliable.PublicaçãoArtigo CONTRIBUTION OF NATURAL URANIUM ISOTOPES TO THE STUDY OF GROUNDWATER FLOW(2021-01-01) Mancini, Luís Henrique ; Bonotto, Daniel Marcos; Universidade de Brasília (UnB) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Uranium is a lithophile element that is preferentially concentrated in acid rather than basic/ultrabasic igneous rocks. Its average crustal abundance corresponds to 2.5 µg/g, composed of two primary isotopes, 238U (~99.3%) and 235U (~0.7%). Despite the technological importance of 235U, as it is the fissile isotope that is the basis of nuclear energy production, it appears that its contribution as a natural source of radioactivity is small, since the specific activity of 238U is about 20 times greater than 235U. Isotopes 238U and 235U are progenitors of radioactive decay series, the greater number of descendants corresponding to 238U, many of which possessing a long half-life, such as 234U formed in the 238U decay series from the following sequence: 238U (4.49 Ga, α) → 234Th (24.1 days, β-) → 234Pa (1.18 min, β-) → 234U (248 ka, α) →... Both 238U and 234U are emitters of alpha particles and, in groundwater, the assessment of the extent of radioactive imbalance between these uranium isotopes has allowed the development of numerous studies of hydrogeological interest since the 1960’s. The main mechanisms that explain such disequilibrium are the 234U selective leaching relatively to 238U from the crystalline lattice of minerals and alpha recoil that introduces 234Th into the liquid phase, which forms 234Pa by beta decay, radionuclide that produces 234U, also by beta decay, causing 234U-enrichment in groundwaters, i.e., 234U/238U activity ratios greater than unity. These ratios, together with the dissolved uranium concentration, have been extensively utilized in hydrological applications, such as those described in this paper.PublicaçãoArtigo CHRONOLOGICAL STUDY OF SEDIMENTS FROM ALAMBARI RIVER, SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, SÃO PAULO STATE, BRAZIL: IMPACTS OF INDUSTRIAL AND OIL REFINERY ACTIVITIES(2022-01-01) Bonotto, Daniel Marcos; Massari, João Pedro
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Several studies in Nuclear Geophysics have adopted the210Pb chronological method to determine sedimentation rates in hydrographic basins. In this paper, such technique was utilized to investigate sediments collected from the Alambari River, located in the vicinity of the Henrique Lage Refinery (Revap-Petrobras), in the municipality of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State, Brazil. This study was carried out in order to observe the potential anthropic influences of the refinery on the Alambari River sediments. For the collected sediments, analysis including loss on ignition (LOI), grain size, chemical composition, and sedimentation rates/sediment age were carried out, in this case, adopting the210Pb Constant Rate of Supply (CRS) model. The average sedimentation rate varied between 0.363 g/cm².year and 1.68 g/cm².year. Silica was identified as the main constituent in all three sediment cores analyzed in this study, with average concentrations of 41.63-82.58% and was correlated inversely with aluminum, iron and titanium, among other oxides. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometry also allowed identifying the presence of elements that could be associated with petroleum and its derivatives, such as palladium, nickel and vanadium, possibly indicating the contamination of sediments of the Alambari River by effluents or leaks due to the refinery's activities.PublicaçãoArtigo Hazard assessment of debris-flow-prone watersheds in Cubatão, São Paulo State, Brazil(2023-04-01) Veloso, Vinicius Queiroz; Reis, Fabio Augusto Vieira Gomes
; Cabral, Victor
; Zaine, José Eduardo
; dos Santos Corrêa, Claudia Vanessa
; Gramani, Marcelo Fischer ; Kuhn, Caiubi Emmanuel
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Institute for Technological Research – IPT
In Brazil, research related to the occurrence and prevention of debris flows is incipient when compared to the extent of the impacts caused by the phenomena. There is a need for further studies that consider susceptibility and hazard, especially in areas that are environmentally and socioeconomically vulnerable. This study aimed at assessing debris-flow hazard in the Rio das Pedras watershed, in Cubatão (State of São Paulo, Brazil), based on a set of different physiographic parameters (geomorphological, morphometric, geological) and in the application of empirical models. The hazard assessment was based on: (1) the evaluation of the history of events in the region; (2) the identification of the geomorphic controlling factors; (3) the estimation of the magnitude of a potential event; and (4) the identification of the elements at hazard. The results show that a debris-flow event in Rio das Pedras would more severely impact the Anchieta Highway (SP-150), the gas pipeline GASAN, the oil pipeline OSSP and the districts Pinhal do Miranda and Cota 95. These results highlight the relevance of geomorphological and geological parameters when estimating the extent of debris runoff, which is essential when defining the hazard in a debris-flow-prone watershed.PublicaçãoArtigo Dynamic analysis of an electromagnetic vibration absorber in a non-ideal system(2023-01-01) Petrocino, Eduardo Abuhamad; Balthazar, José Manoel
; Tusset, Ângelo Marcelo ; Gonçalves, Paulo José Paupitz
; Silveira, Marcos
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Technology – Paraná
A dynamic system usually used in engineering are rotating machines fixed to flexible structures, and an excessive vibration known as the Sommerfeld effect may occur in the passage of the resonance. This research aims to analyze an electromagnetic absorber in a non-ideal system, a simple model for the analysis of the first mode of a beam. In this context, an investigation of the dynamic behavior of a cantilever beam with a dc motor coupled to its free end, having an unbalanced mass on its axis, providing a non-ideal energy source. A permanent magnet is attached to this same free end, which is immersed inside a coil attached to the base. In this step, an analysis of the dynamic behavior is carried out by means of an analytical solution approximated by the averaging method and by numerical computational simulations. The absorber reduces the phenomena caused by the Sommerfeld effect and reduces the region of instability.PublicaçãoArtigo Transtensional tectonics during the Gondwana breakup in northeastern Brazil: Early Cretaceous paleostress inversion in the Araripe Basin(2023-01-05) Rosa, Milena Cristina; Morales, Norberto
; Assine, Mario Luis
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Intraplate deformation during the Mesozoic breakup of West Gondwana predominantly occurred along major ancient lithospheric discontinuities. The Precambrian Patos Shear Zone (PASZ) is an inherited lithospheric discontinuity in the interior of northeastern Brazil which is closely linked to the evolution of the Araripe Basin. In this study, unlike previous interpretations of purely extensional tectonics, we conducted stratigraphic and structural field mapping as well as paleostress reconstruction to demonstrate the role of intraplate transtensional tectonics during the Araripe Basin evolution. Limited to the north by the PASZ and associated with sinistral reactivation, a set of normal to oblique NE–SW faults constituting a transtensional horsetail structure generated the initial basin geometry. Stratigraphic records of this rift phase comprise the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Brejo Santo, Missão Velha, and Abaiara formations. Paleostress reconstruction showed a NE–SW/subhorizontal σ1 axis, a vertical σ2 axis, and a NW–SE/subhorizontal σ3 axis, resulting in a sinistral transtensional tectonic regime, which was mainly governed by intraplate processes that reflected the opening of the Brazilian East Margin. The subsequent Aptian post-rift early phase was characterized by NE–SW reverse faults and a succession of normal to oblique normal faults striking NW–SE to WNW–ESE. This fault arrangement generated a new NW–SE transtensional basin, which controlled the Barbalha Formation and modified and partially preserved the previous NE-SW transtensional basin. Paleostress reconstruction showed a NW–SE/subhorizontal σ1 axis and NE–SW/subhorizontal σ3 axis for strike-slip faults but NE–SW extension for normal faults. This is related to a second dextral reactivation of the PASZ following propagation of intraplate stress during the opening of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. In summary, tectonic evolution of the Araripe Basin was strongly influenced by stress propagation from the Gondwana breakup into intraplate settings, with two distinct reactivations of the PASZ pre-existing basement structures which results in a paleostress inversion during basin evolution.PublicaçãoArtigo The largest Quaternary inland eolian system in Brazil: Eolian landforms and activation/stabilization phases of the Xique-Xique dune field(2023-01-01) Mescolotti, Patricia Colombo ; Giannini, Paulo César Fonseca ; Pupim, Fabiano do Nascimento ; Sawakuchi, André Oliveira ; Ladeira, Francisco Sérgio Bernardes ; Assine, Mario Luis; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Eolian systems are sensitive to vegetation and climate changes, but also to the sediment supplied by neighbor depositional systems. This sensitivity is manifested in the alternation between periods of sand dune mobility and stability. In the Xique-Xique eolian system, the largest Quaternary interior dune field in Brazil (∼8000 km2), the neighboring depositional system responsible for the sand supply is the São Francisco River. We interpreted periods of dune activity and stabilization by mapping eolian landforms of this system, describing depositional facies under them and dating by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL-SAR). The stabilized parabolic landforms characterized and mapped (all formed by SE to E winds) were simple megadunes (25.5 ± 4.4 to 5.8 ± 2.0 ka), compound dunes (15.8 ± 1.2 to 5.2 ± 1.4 ka) and perched dunes (14.0 ± 1.0 and 1.2 ± 0.1 ka). We also recognized eolian plains (14.0 ± 2.1 to 6.5 ± 0.7 ka) and active parabolic dunes. Eolian deposits of undifferentiated landforms have also been described and dated (253.8 ± 19.0 to 8.2 ± 1.3 ka). The ages obtained allowed identification of two main phases of dune activity (∼60 to 18 ka and ∼16 to 5 ka) separated by a short period of stabilization marked by a paleosol (∼18 ka). The main periods of eolian activity are associated with phases of fluvial aggradation and high sediment supply, whereas dune stabilization since 5 ka is correlated with low sediment supply during the Late Holocene fluvial incision phase. The periods of eolian activity and stabilization respond not only to climate changes in the area occupied by the eolian system but mainly to local fluvial sediment supply by the river, which in turn can respond to more regional climatic controls. The Xique-Xique eolian system results from the coupling of abundant sediment supply from the fluvial system, high eastern wind speeds, and a significant wind deceleration caused by mountains on the western border of the dune field.PublicaçãoArtigo A second order phase transition characterized in the suppression of unlimited chaotic diffusion for a dissipative standard mapping(2022-12-01) Miranda, Lucas Kenji Arima; Moratta, Raphael
; Kuwana, Célia Mayumi
; Yoshida, Makoto
; de Oliveira, Juliano Antonio
; Leonel, Edson Denis
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
An order parameter is identified in a dissipative standard mapping during the transition from limited to unlimited chaotic diffusion. The suppression of the unlimited chaotic diffusion is proved due to the existence of a continuous phase transition. The average squared action is obtained, allowing the investigation of the main properties of the transition for long-time dynamics (stationary state). The main questions to characterize the order of this phase transition are: (i) what is the order parameter; (ii) what is the elementary excitation of the dynamics affecting the transport of particles in the system?PublicaçãoEditorial Editorial for Special Issue Dedicated to Vibrations and Control of Elastic Structures (VCES)(2022-09-01) Balthazar, José Manoel; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Technology at Ponta Grossa
PublicaçãoArtigo Relevance of tyre wear particles to the total content of microplastics transported by runoff in a high-imperviousness and intense vehicle traffic urban area.(2022-12-01) Goehler, Luiza Ostini; Moruzzi, Rodrigo Braga
; Tomazini da Conceição, Fabiano
; Júnior, Antônio Aparecido Couto ; Speranza, Lais Galileu
; Busquets, Rosa ; Campos, Luiza Cintra ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; RAM Consultoria e Assessoria Ambiental Ltda ; GreenCoLab – Associação Oceano Verde ; Kingston University ; University College London
Microplastics (MPs) are an emerging pollutant and a worldwide issue. A wide variety of MPs and tyre wear particles (TWPs) are entering and spreading in the environment. TWPs can reach waterbodies through runoff, where main contributing particulate matter comes from impervious areas. In this paper, TWPs and other types of MPs that were transported with the runoff of a high populated-impervious urban area were characterised. Briefly, MPs were sampled from sediments in a stormwater detention reservoir (SDR) used for flood control of a catchment area of ∼36 km2, of which 73% was impervious. The sampled SDR is located in São Paulo, the most populated city in South America. TWPs were the most common type of MPs in this SDR, accounting for 53% of the total MPs; followed by fragments (30%), fibres (9%), films (4%) and pellets (4%). In particular, MPs in the size range 0.1 mm–0.5 mm were mostly TWPs. Such a profile of MPs in the SDR is unlike what is reported in environmental compartments elsewhere. TWPs were found at levels of 2160 units/(kg sediment·km2 of impervious area) and 87.8 units/(kg sediment·km street length); MP and TWP loadings are introduced here for the first time. The annual flux of MPs and TWPs were 7.8 × 1011 and 4.1 × 1011 units/(km2·year), respectively, and TWP emissions varied from 43.3 to 205.5 kg/day. SDRs can be sites to intercept MP pollution in urban areas. This study suggests that future research on MP monitoring in urban areas and design should consider both imperviousness and street length as important factors to normalize TWP contribution to urban pollution.