Artigos - Letras Modernas - IBILCE

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  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    Enfim puta: uma análise da escrita de vida em "E se eu fosse pura" de Amara Moira
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-02-27) Freitas, Ana Carolina Biscolla de ; Nigro, Cláudia Maria Ceneviva ; Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas
    Amara Moira é travesti escritora e doutora em teoria literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Durante o doutorado, atuou como prostituta e relatou as suas experiências na obra E se eu fosse puta, publicada em 2016. Em 2018, o livro passa por uma revisão e ampliação, sofrendo uma alteração no título: E se eu fosse pura. Moira (2018) escreve que a mudança tem um caráter político, pois a palavra “puta”, estampada na capa, impossibilitava a circulação; não era algo aprovado socialmente. Assim, têm-se a troca dos termos, que dialoga com a similaridade estrutural das palavras, mas há uma diferença semântica entre elas. Ademais, na sociedade, os termos são vistos como antagônicos, porque uma puta não pode ser pura. Essa concepção dialoga com os pressupostos de Foucault (1985, 2021a e 2021b) a respeito da história da sexualidade e com a teoria de Butler (1993) a respeito dos corpos e das performances de gênero. Para compreender tais aspectos na produção de Moira, estudaremos conceitos de escrita de vida, de maneira histórica, passando por Lejeune (2014), que entende a autobiografia como uma narrativa retrospectiva em prosa, na qual a pessoa reflete sobre a própria existência, por Olney (1980), posicionando a autobiografia como um texto que trata a profundidade do ser, colocando o gênero como uma forma de descobrir as características variantes da sociedade e, finalizando em Smith & Watson (1998, 2010), pois expandem as ideias a respeito da autobiografia, utilizando o termo escrita de vida para abranger o tratamento de atos autobiográficos. Com isso, o intuito do presente trabalho é estudar a escrita de vida na obra E se eu fosse pura (2018) e como a autora se constitui como sujeito a partir de sua produção. Para isso, discutimos aspectos da autobiografia e a sua importância sociocultural, analisando como o objeto de estudo constitui-se como uma escrita de vida. Para tal, nos pautamos em teorias a respeito da constituição do sujeito, do relato autobiográfico e das perspectivas queer na literatura e na sociedade. Baseamo-nos em Philippe Lejeune, James Olney, Smith & Watson e Julie Rak para discorrer sobre o que a teoria compreende por autobiografia; Genette (2015, 2017) como uma forma de compreender o foco narrativo; Soares (2020), Almeida (2023) como base para o estudo da representatividade e para o estudo da produção da literatura travesti.
  • ItemArtigo
    (2021-12-01) Curti-Contessoto, Beatriz ; Deângeli, Maria Angélica ; Barros, Lidia Almeida ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper intends to discuss how the concepts denominated by the term casamento civil translate the identity (ies) of woman from its institution in 1890 to 2002, when the last change on the rights of women occurred in the context of Brazilian marriages. To do so, we are based on studies on cultural identity in postmodernity (Silva et al. 2012; Hall 2001; among others), relating them to the forms of symbolic domination (Bourdieu 2016), to feminism (Miguel and Biroli 2014) and to the issue of language in the feminist perspective (Figueiredo 2013). Thus, we observe that the conceptual evolution of the term casamento civil has translated different identities of women over the years (from submissive to husband to equal to man) in the specific context of Brazilian Civil Law. Despite this change, we conclude that there are other forms of domination, which are the result of machismo and patriarchy that have sustained (and still sustain) relations in our society.
  • ItemArtigo
    The Irish Play on the London Stage: an Overview from Independence to the Present
    (Palgrave, 2015-01-01) Harris, Peter James ; Morse, D. E. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • ItemArtigo
    (Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2022-01-01) Santos, Luana Viana dos ; Pinto, Paula Tavares ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Given the new social scenario due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in which teaching practices are carried out under the condition of constant adaptation, this article aims to analyze the activities developed in a Basic English Reading Strategies Course offered as an optional subject to undergraduate students in a multicampus university. We present the students' final averages to discuss their level of reading comprehension and performance in the course and propose a reflection on online teaching to undergraduate students during the pandemic period, in which Emergency Remote Education (ERE) was adopted as an alternative measure to contain damage in education. Based on the study done through bibliographic review and a survey answered by two hundred students, we came to the conclusion there is still some need for interaction maintenance between students and teachers during the isolation period, as well as the synchronous class model for the success of the subject.
  • ItemArtigo
    Second Language Writing Teacher Education in Brazil
    (Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2020-01-01) Aranha, Solange ; Oliveira, Luciana C. de ; Seloni, L. ; Lee, S. H. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Univ Miami ; TESOL Int Assoc
  • ItemArtigo
    (UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL), 2023-05-01) Serpa, Talita ; Pinto, Paula Tavares ; Sbrogio, Renata De Oliveira ; Camargo, Diva Cardoso De ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lagos
    This article presents a preliminary online repository called TRADCorpus - Translation and Online Corpora for Training Professional Competences, which aims at providing open multilingual, parallel and comparable corpora as resource for teaching and learning translation and language skills in multiple language pairs such as Portuguese ↔ English ↔ Spanish ↔ French ↔ Italian ↔ German. The theories used for building this collection mainly follow the concepts of Data-Driven Learning as well as Corpus-Based Translation Pedagogy which promote a process of effective use of corpora for performing teaching and translation tasks. This database, as well as a list of online computational tools, will be available to language teachers, translators and students who will be able to access a set of files and activities produced by different users and they will be able to share their own work as well. Most of the corpora and lists of words, keywords and collocates are the results of the research developed by the groups Translation, Terminology and Corpora and En-Corpora: Corpus-Based and Corpus-Driven Teaching (CNPq).
  • ItemArtigo
    (2022-05-01) Fernandes, Giséle Manganelli ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The fact that U.S. Latinx live between two worlds makes their artistic production a pungent element to obtain support for social inclusion and equality. The anxieties of these artists are related to a wide range of social and identity matters. Longing for the American Dream, these immigrants and their descendants realized the necessity to overcome not only physical but also cultural, linguistic, economic and racial barriers. In this paper, the text Entre Lucas y Juan Mejía (1992), by Julia Alvarez will base the debate related to the issue of her being hyphenated, that is, a Dominican- American, and the meaning of this situation to her identity. The play Los Vendidos (1967), by Luis Valdez, and poems by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Tino Villanueva as well as the movie Sleep Dealer (2009) will be analyzed in order to examine how the authors address stereotypes applied to U.S. Latinx on a daily basis.
  • ItemArtigo
    Malationa, malation or malatiom? Denominative variation in the process of creating a bilingual glossary in the area of pesticide chemistry
    (2022-01-01) de Souza, José Victor ; Pinto, Paula Tavares ; de Freitas Lima, Marcela Marques ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This research aims to meet the needs of a terminological study in the field of pesticide chemistry, since Brazil is one of the most productive countries in agricultural activities in the world. The study starts from the translation and terminological problem of the area, previously observed by Pinto and Lima (2018) and Souza (2019), and proposes the search of terms in the area for the elaboration of a Portuguese ⇔ English glossary. The research is based on the areas of Terminology (Krieger & Finatto, 2004; Finatto, 2004; Bevilacqua, 2013), Chemistry (Abakerli et al., 2003) and Corpus Linguistics (Sardinha, 2000; Tagnin, 2002). In this paper, we demonstrate the process of creating the study corpus, as well as the criteria for selecting candidates for terms in English. In order to illustrate occurrences of denominative variation during the selection of equivalents in Portuguese, we present the steps used for the selection of the most appropriate term among the Portuguese vernacular variants ‘malation’, ‘malationa’, and ‘malatiom’, and show why ‘malation’ is the form chosen, taking into account its absolute frequency, Average Reduced Frequency, coefficient of variation, number of results in web research, as well as linguistic, conceptual and normative criteria. We concluded that the partnership between computerized tools and specialized knowledge, both in linguistics and in chemistry, brought benefits to the discussion that would not be achieved only through computational calculations.
  • ItemArtigo
    Towards a Working Definition of Negotiation in Telecollaboration: Analysis of Teletandem Oral Sessions1
    (Univ Distrital Francisco Jose De Caldas, 2022-07-01) Aranha, Solange ; Rampazzo, Laura ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Inst Fed Educ Ciencia & Tecnol Sao Paulo (IFSP)
    As digital technology advances, geographically distant learners have been engaging in cross-cultural communication and negotiation via telecollaborative projects. Research has shown that negotiation of meaning is crucial for effective communication in these scenarios, but more studies on other types of negotiation are needed, given its importance for establishing cooperation. This paper aims at exploring the negotiation patterns between dyads in ten sessions selected from a Multimodal Teletandem Corpus and provides a working definition of negotiation in telecollaboration. The participants, who were university students in Brazil and abroad and were enrolled in language classes, met online to help with practicing each other's language and were expected to exchange information about themselves in the first synchronous session. Through a qualitative analysis of the transcripts of the ten sessions, we identified moments in which the conversation was suspended to negotiate meaning, technology issues, separation of languages, and aspects related to the tasks requested by teachers. Our analysis shows that negotiation in telecollaboration may be motivated by aspects internal to the conversation, such as meaning, or by external factors, as with problems with equipments, tasks, or with deciding the language to be spoken. The findings suggest that negotiation serves an essential purpose, as it allows participants to make collaborative decisions and resolve conflicts that could otherwise prevent conversation from continuing. The results may prove useful for researchers and practitioners interested in telecollaboration, aiming to design experiences and guide participants through learning in such contexts.
  • ItemArtigo
    Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL) teacher’s education in a language centre in a university context
    (Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2021-12-01) Consolo, Douglas Altamiro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this paper, I report on experiences of Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL) teacher education, as pre-service teacher development, in a language center and teacher development extension project at IBILCE-UNESP. Portuguese teacher development in the Letters degree at that university has currently been restricted to only one compulsory course subject about PFL in the curriculum, and to students' participation in extension projects. On the other hand, Letters undergraduates who act as teachers in the CLDP-IBILCE have the opportunity to reflect on the teaching and learning of PFL, to plan courses and course materials, and to teach PFL lessons in co-teaching partnerships with their supervisor. The complementary experience of teacher development in the CLDP has proved to be very satisfactory, besides the fact that PFL courses can be offered to students from both the university and the outside communities.
  • ItemArtigo
    (UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL), 2022-06-17) Bertonha, Fábio Henrique de Carvalho ; Zavaglia, Claudia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Considering linguistic variation is recurrent, a dictionarized sense marked according to its diatechnical variation (HAUSMANN, 1977 apud WELKER, 2004) may guide translator’s choice; especially those in training, in order to emphasize a given lexis must be used in a context of singular and restricted use. In this paper, we showed the relations between Translation and Terminology from a perspective of specialized translation and analysis of terminological issues that translators face, as well as the most adequate strategies and resources to solve them, among them, a look at the diatechnical labels in dictionary entries. Based on Fajardo (1997), Strehler (1998), Garriga Escribano (2003) and Welker (2004), we analyze labels that evidence a specialized domain through technical language in lexicographic units and their respective terminological equivalents in printed and online bilingual school dictionaries produced by Michaelis group that are corpus of this study. Finally, we emphasize labels in dictionaries’ microstructures are a strong ally to translation process and present different degrees of terminological involvement that translators may face during the translation process of their texts. (Supported by: CAPES - DS/CNPq - PD 2).
  • ItemArtigo
    Teletandem: Integrating e-learning into the foreign language classroom
    (2016-10-01) Cavalari, Suzi Marques Spatti ; Aranha, Solange ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper aims at describing the characteristics of a blended foreign language learning context in which a series of teletandem sessions has been integrated into the syllabus of an EFL course at UNESP (in São José do Rio Preto). It focuses on the changes that have been made in the implementation of teletandem practice so that it became a pedagogic activity that is embedded in an EFL course with a number of tasks to be performed and subject to the professor's assessment. It is argued that such modifications have made it possible to characterize a new modality of teletandem in Brazil: institutionalintegrated teletandem (Aranha & Cavalari, 2014). This new modality, as implemented at UNESP-Rio Preto, entails the presence of some constituent elements, such as preparation of participants, integration of tasks and of assessment.
  • ItemArtigo
    The Patriarchy Game in Fences
    (2021-09-01) Nakanishi, Débora Spacini ; Nigro, Cláudia Maria Ceneviva ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The dramatic text can admit several political reflections, which are increased in intensity, as the text materializes in performance. In this article, we bring a critique of patriarchy, based on black feminism, gender studies and intersectionality. The play we have chosen is Fences (1985), a poignant text from African American literature created by playwright August Wilson (1945–2005). In the work, the protagonist Troy is bound by the American racist system, behaving according to the strict rules of Baseball. In the game, his wife Rose has little chance of winning. And it is precisely this reduced life for Rose that Wilson points out brilliantly, making it possible to conceive a critique of the family institution and of Western capitalist society, all sustained in patriarchy.
  • ItemResenha
    Changes in the concept designated by the term mariage civil throughout the history of French law 1791–2013
    (2021-07-05) Curti-Contessoto, Beatriz ; de Oliveira, Isabelle ; Barros, Lidia Almeida ; Cidade Universitária ; Université Sorbonne Nouvelle ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In 1791, the term mariage civil first appeared in French law in order to designate a civil and secular union recognised only by the State. After the introduction of this term into the French legal domain, there were legislative changes regarding the rules of civil marriages over the following years. The present paper examines the semantic evolution of the term mariage civil in French law, relating this evolution to socio-cultural and historical aspects of France between 1791 (when civil marriage was instituted in this country) and 2013 (when the most recent legislative change in the area occurred). Based on this investigation, it is possible to affirm the transformations in the French society and legislative changes have modified the concept designated by the term mariage civil, especially concerning the notion of family and the achievement of rights by women and homosexuals.
  • ItemArtigo
    Heart metaphors in Pope Francis’ speeches
    (2018-09-01) Pimentel Rocha, Jean Michel ; Orenha-Ottaiano, Adriane ; Sabino, Marilei Amadeu ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    - This paper, based on the theoretical background of Corpus Linguistics, Phraseology, and Cognitive Semantics, aims at analyzing, in a corpus compiled from Pope Francis’ speeches, from 2013 to 2015, the metaphorical meanings emerged from phraseolo-gisms, especially collocations and idioms which have as node the lexical item heart. With the help of the software WordSmith Tools, a large number of high metaphorical potential combinations were extracted. This result will allow us to argue, throughout the discussions and analysis carried out, that the lexical item heart is conceived, among other things, as a repository of emotions from which a lot of conceptual metaphors may arise.
  • ItemCapítulo de livro
    Foreign language writing assessment and brazilian educational policies
    (2018-01-01) de Oliveira, Luciana C. ; Aranha, Solange ; Zolin-Vesz, Fernando ; University of Miami ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)
    Little is known about foreign language assessment in Brazil, and much less about foreign language writing assessment. This chapter addresses to what extent foreign language writing assessment has been included in Brazilian educational policy in Years 1-3 of high school. The authors examine and discuss an official document that guides the teaching and learning of foreign languages in Brazil, especially English and Spanish, and the guidelines to select school textbooks. The authors propose a framework for the inclusion of foreign language writing assessment for the Brazilian educational context and discuss principles of foreign language writing assessment that should guide assessment and instruction in high school classrooms.
  • ItemArtigo
    Dinamismo lexical nas redes sociais: Contribuições para a Lexicografia
    (2017-09-01) De Carvalho Bertonha, Fábio Henrique ; Zavaglia, Claudia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper proposes a reflection on the (internal and external) lexical dynamism, including social networks, in order to discuss its contributions to Lexicography, as the lexicon of a language system is supported by its constant evolution. To meet this purpose, theoretical postulations from Lexicography and Semantics are introduced, as well as contributions from Pragmatics and Terminography. These are used to support discussions based on some lexical items found in the most updated dictionaries of Brazilian Portuguese language, such as Ferreira (2010) and Houaiss (2009); of Italian language, as Zingarelli (2016); and of English language, as Oxford (2015, 2016). New entries and new meanings found in these lexicographical works are discussed in terms of the influence of media and social networks. Their inclusion into the Brazilian, Italian and English linguistic systems are analyzed through examples of some lexemes, whose tendency is the increase of the lexical flow. The advance of technology was found to contribute to the exponential increase of the lexicon, particularly through social networks, which connect, at the same time, a wide range of native speakers and foreign users to the same environment. Lexicography could consider this recent technological reality in order to register these lexical items in the dictionary as they are created and disseminated; obviously, they would be subjected to inclusion criteria justified theoretically.
  • ItemArtigo
    The phraseological translation
    (2002-01-01) Xatara, Claudia Maria ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Almost all texts contain some complex lexical units belonging to the phraseology of the language of a specialized field or of the general language. The translator must first identify this phraseologism, and then understand its meaning. However, it is not enough to propose an explanation in the target language: the translator has to establish its phraseologically equivalent lexical unit in meaning and in phraseological formulation.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Grammar and communication in portuguese as a foreign language: A study in the context ofteletandem interactions
    (Insticc-inst Syst Technologies Information Control & Communication, 2009-01-01) Consolo, Douglas Altamiro ; Brocco, Aline de Souza ; Custodio, Camila Mendes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper presents a study about the role of grammar in on-line interactions conducted in Portuguese and in English, between Brazilian and English-speaking interactants, with the aim of teaching Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL). The interactions occurred by means of chat and the MSN Messenger, and generated audio and video data for language analysis. Grammar is dealt with from two perspectives, an inductive and a deductive approach, so as to investigate the relevance of systematization of grammar rules in the process of learning PFL in teletandem interactions.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Grammar and communication in portuguese as a foreign language: A study in the context ofteletandem interactions
    (Insticc-inst Syst Technologies Information Control & Communication, 2009-01-01) Consolo, Douglas Altamiro ; Brocco, Aline de Souza ; Custodio, Camila Mendes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper presents a study about the role of grammar in on-line interactions conducted in Portuguese and in English, between Brazilian and English-speaking interactants, with the aim of teaching Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL). The interactions occurred by means of chat and the MSN Messenger, and generated audio and video data for language analysis. Grammar is dealt with from two perspectives, an inductive and a deductive approach, so as to investigate the relevance of systematization of grammar rules in the process of learning PFL in teletandem interactions.