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  • PublicaçãoArtigoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    BENOIT, Audrey. 2019. Trouble dans la matière. Pour une épistémologie matérialiste du sexe. Col. Philosophies Pratiques. 1ª ed. Paris: Éd. Sorbonne. 359 p. ISBN 979-10-351-0335-4.
    (Centro Latino-Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos (CLAM/IMS/UERJ), 2021-12-20) Gellis, Andre ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Paris VIII
  • PublicaçãoArtigoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Psychoanalysis vis-à-vis irony: A review of the main approaches and conceptions of irony
    (2020-05-01) Gellis, Andre ; Junta, Augusto Cesar ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Irony is a polymorphous notion, historically known for its polysemy and for posing an undeniable difficulty to its apprehension. This characteristic is redoubled in psychoanalysis, field in which the rare works dedicated to irony take one definition amongst many others. For Freud, irony is taken as a joke technique; for Reik, the rejection of a frustrating world; for Assoun, the rhetoric of Unconscious itself. This work aims to circumscribe the main approaches of irony, critically reviewing the specialized literature, highlighting the major questions and definitions of irony in order to provide elements to its approach in psychoanalysis.
  • PublicaçãoArtigoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Eu também sei atirar!: reflexões sobre a violência contra as mulheres e metodologias estético políticas
    (Conselho Federal de Psicologia, 2014-09-01) Oliveira, Érika Cecília Soares ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This article sought to foster discussions about violence against women in a heterosexual relationship, as well as getting to know discourses on gender, violence, power, femininities and masculinities from the following groups of some cities in the State of São Paulo: pickers of recyclable material, students of a literacy program and of a vocational college, and finally, health-care professionals. The methodological path laid out also intended to inaugurate a new device for research and social intervention within Psychology: Forum Theatre. Scenes were constructed that depict a protagonist in situation of violence and we asked for people to go up to the stage and to help resolve that impasse. Five presentations were held for groups of 10 to 50 participants of both women and men. During the forum, there were three types of speeches that were named as regulating speeches, counter discourse and legal discours, which showed the positions undertaken by (the) speakers in discursive order. These were analyzed though Foucaultian analysis of speech. In addition, it was possible to conduct trials who took the theatre forum method as aesthetic and political device capable of producing debates, question of truth regimes and emancipate involved subjects.