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  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    Uberização: o viés tecnológico da precarização das relações de trabalho
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2023-12-01) Asselli, Ana Luísa Scarduelli ; Barrientos-Parra, Jorge David
    Nas últimas décadas, a influência da evolução técnica, no presente trabalho considerada como todos os atos e meios empregados para se viver de forma mais eficaz, tornou-se ainda mais notória na vida cotidiana, em que se insere, como uma das principais formas de utilização do tempo, a vida laboral. Neste cenário desenvolveram-se formas mais flexibilizadas de vida e, consequentemente, de organização, forma e meio ambiente de trabalho, atualmente caracterizados pelo fenômeno da uberização. Através da utilização técnica todos os processos de vida tornaram-se mais acelerados, sempre em busca de maior economia, agilidade e autonomia, impactando de forma direta no ritmo do mercado de trabalho e na forma como ele se regulamenta ou deixa de se regulamentar. Neste cenário que o técnico e o humano entram em constante diálogo e, muitas vezes, discordância, criando uma nova geração de trabalhadores que não possuem segurança jurídica, estabilidade e planos de carreira, mas são mais produtivos, qualificados, proativos e, por consequência, precarizados e adoecidos. Dessa forma, através da aplicação de pesquisa jurídico dogmática pelo método dedutivo associado ao método de estudo de caso, desenvolvidos pela análise de materiais científicos relativos ao tema, incluindo atualizações recentes, relacionadas ao material produzido pelos marcos teóricos utilizados, acompanhados de outras referências acadêmicas e dos dados específicos levantados pelo estudo “Dirigindo para a Uber”, realizado pelo Observatório das Plataformas Digitais da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) sob a coordenação do Professor Fábio Tozi, o presente trabalho objetivou compreender o funcionamento do trabalho por demanda através de aplicativos, como resultado de uma mudança na organização social de forma geral, principalmente em relação as questões de saúde dos trabalhadores.
  • ItemArtigo
    All mixed up in the terrain: The geographic knowledge of mamelucos applied by Jesuits in the cartographic production of Paraguayan Backlands (1746-1753)
    (2023-11) Moura, Denise Aparecida Soares de
    All mixed up in the terrain: The geographic knowledge of ‘mamelucos’ applied by Jesuits [...] mixed up in the terrain: The geographic knowledge of mamelucos applied by Jesuits in the cartographic production of Paraguayan Backlands (1746-1753)Todo mezclado en el terreno: Los conocimientos geográficos de los mamelucos aplicados por los jesuitas en la producción cartográfica del Backlands paraguayo (1746-1753)Denise A. S. de Moura1AbstractCartographic images made by Jesuits in the 18th century turned out to be transnational and locally mixed cognitive experiences, as these missionary agents of a global institution were forced to establish a collaborative relationship with the multicultural spaces where they settled and undertook their activities. One of the cartographic genres developed by the missionaries, the Paraquariae Provinciae, combined information and geographical knowledge of the mamelucos, a mestizo social type of Amerindian with white Portuguese settler which has been widely acknowledged but poorly elucidated by the historiography making process. The present paper aims to address these issues by applying concepts and methods of critical cartography in order to compare maps built by the Jesuits
  • ItemArtigo
    Foreign policy, sovereignty and individual rights of foreigners: the epilogue of the Battisti case in the light of a historical analysis of the jurisprudence of the STF (Supreme Federal Court)
    (2022-01-01) Borges, Daniel Damasio ; Universidade Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The way in which the Brazilian State directs and implements its foreign policy affects the individual rights of foreigners, especially in matters of expulsion and extradition. The recent STF decision on the Battisti case is an illustration of this. This case gives us the guiding thread to reflect on this relationship between foreign policy and individual rights. Throughout its history, the STF has adopted two notions of sovereignty in cases involving Brazilian foreign policy. The first is in the sense of a sovereignty limited by the Constitution, in which the rights of foreigners must be guaranteed. The second is in the sense of the unrestricted power of the Executive Branch, which cannot be controlled by the Judiciary Branch. The article seeks to analyze the STF judgments in which these two meanings appear. In order to carry out this analysis, a study of the STF’s jurisprudence was made, addressing historical cases on this issue since the first Republican Constitution of 1891. As we will try to demonstrate, if the first concept of sovereignty avoids arbitrary acts of the Executive Power, the second justifies.
  • ItemArtigo
    (2023-01-01) Braga, Ana Gabriela Mendes ; Ferreira, Letícia Cardoso ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This work aims to map and discuss the representations constructed around the female offender in a Brazilian Criminal Sciences journal, as well as to demarcate absences of this category, using a feminist legal method. For this, we used the documentary analysis, cutting a sample composed of articles from the Brazilian Journal of Criminal Sciences published in the last twenty years with the theme of the illicit trade in narcotics. The material was read through the content analysis technique, directed by Katharine Bartlett's proposal in Feminist Legal Methods. In the end, in the context of a growing increase on women's criminalization and in the interest on this theme, we conclude that, although the female offender category is present in most of the sample, it was mobilized more descriptively - for the composition of a scenario - than as an analytical category, by the reflexivity on gender and crime.
  • ItemArtigo
    Complaints of a celebrated theologian about the fourteenth century university: Jean Gerson's critiques towards the masters and students of his time
    (2019-01-02) França, Susani Silveira Lemos ; de Almeida, Letícia Alfeu Gonçalves ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    With emphasis on personal and official epistolary writings, this paper seeks to examine how a fifteenth-century theologian, the prominent chancellor of the University of Paris, Jean Gerson (1363-1429), reflected on the situation of that university, pointing out its ways and redefining or reaffirming its role in the Christian West. Based on letters addressed to authorities, fellow theologians and friends linked to such an environment, this article explores the main points about institutional and political barriers, the weaknesses of the knowledge produced there and, above all, the behavior of teachers and students who, according to the chancellor, prevented the University from fully exercise its function for the benefit of the Christian community. In short, the complaints of a doctor in theology about behaviors worthy of reprimand regarding the relationship of his peers with knowledge and his expectations about the university of his time are scanned.
  • ItemArtigo
    Historical analysis of the acquisition of rural properties by foreigners in Brazil: contribution to Critical Agrarian Studies
    (2022-01-01) Lourenço, Welington Batista ; Maniglia, Elisabete ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article seeks to investigate, from a historical approach, how the legal regime for the acquisition of rural properties by foreigners evolved in the Brazilian legal system and how it is currently regulated by Brazilian legislation. It aims to establish bases for the development of future studies that relate the acquisition of rural properties by foreigners in Brazil to critical issues of agrarian law, such as land grabbing, agrarian extractivism, food sovereignty and climate changes. It is, therefore, a descriptive research. The methodology used was a non-systematized bibliographic and documentary review. At the end of the research, it was identified that the regime for the acquisition of rural properties by foreigners evolved from a paradigm of encouraging immigration and facilitating the acquisition of property by foreigners in Brazil to a regime of restriction on the acquisition of rural properties by foreigners
  • ItemArtigo
    A piece on the board: a prince in the fourteenth-century expansion
    (2023-01-01) França, Susani Silveira Lemos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The article's purpose is to reflect on a character, that of D. Henrique of Portugal, whose action was accepted, throughout the centuries, as decisive in the process of European expansion. Despite some contradictory and derogatory judgments, the traces of his image that have come to us are predominantly favorable and constitute a fertile field for the consideration of the reasons alleged in the 15th century Iberian kingdoms in defense of combat and conversion in foreign lands, or rather, to conjecture about what was understood as good, right and necessary. Returning to sources that were fundamental in the diffusion of expansionist ideas and ideals, starting with later famous Portuguese authors who ensured the fortune of his image, the study, without claiming to defend that his personal virtues reiterated in the sources attest to his historical performance, examines particularly the deliberate actions described in the fifteenth-century narratives, his unfortunate choices and the hazards that favored his prominence in a historical process that went far beyond his life. The study aims to scrutinize the qualities and actions that translate a sharing of values that favored his importance or his elevation over his brothers, both by the deeds attributed to the prince and by the combination of later events that led to the distinction of some conquerors in relation to others.
  • ItemArtigo
    The moralist of the Empire
    (2022-09-01) França, Jean Marcel Carvalho ; Ferreira, Ricardo Alexandre ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The article addresses a relatively discreet character, although a very present one in the process of Independence and construction of independent Brazil: Mariano José Pereira da Fonseca, the marquis of Maricá. It is our goal, above all, to analyze the life and trajectory of the Marquis, as well as the general aspects of his moral reflections, and the place that his single published work occupied in Brazilian society. That being the Coleção completa das Máximas, pensamentos e reflexões do marquês de Maricá, a moral guide that, as we will try to demonstrate, was well regarded among the public during the first half of the 19th century - from readers of newspapers, books and magazines to purchasers of leaflets enriched with the Marquis' maxims -, having an undisputable role in its formation.
  • ItemArtigo
    Sovereignty, State Powers and Provincial Autonomy at the Time of the 1823 Constituent Assembly: “Liberal-moderate” Conceptions in Miguel do Sacramento Lopes and José Bernardino Batista Pereira d’Almeida
    (2022-01-01) Leme, Marisa Saenz ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article evaluates conceptions of the State presented between 1822 and 1823, with characteristics which, later on, after the political reopening of 1826, acquired visibility as those of the so-called “liberal-moderates”. Blurred at the time of the Constituent Assembly by the antagonism between the positions deemed to be “liberal-radical” and “aulic”, their recovery contributes to the reconstitution of the mosaic of positions presented from then on for the construction of the national State. In order to do so, I comparatively approach the conceptions developed in the periodical O Conciliador Nacional, by Miguel do Sacramento Lopes, from Pernambuco, and in the books of José Bernardino Batista Pereira d’Almeida, from Espírito Santo.
  • ItemArtigo
    A critique of the concept of critical juncture: the question of change in Historical Institutionalism
    (2023-01-01) Mariano, Marcelo Passini ; Ferreira, Guilherme Augusto Guimarães ; Neves, Bárbara Carvalho ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
    Introduction This article addresses the divergences around the definition and use of the concept of “critical juncture”. It points to the need to advance its theoretical-conceptual development to broaden the ability of the notion to identify the occurrence of critical junctures. Materials and methods: From a detailed review of the literature of Historical Institutionalism, considering the reference texts and authors of this field in national and international academic repositories, we present a critique of the potentialities and lim-itations of the concept of critical juncture for explaining moments of change. Results: Seeking to overcome the assumed causality between critical juncture and change, this article proposes to reinterpret the concept of critical juncture from the idea of con-tingency, characterizing it as a period of reduction of institutional constraints in which significant changes are possible, although not necessary. Discussion: In a context marked by political-institutional crises, by transformation in the forms of social interaction and by growing instability in various parts of the globe, it is increasingly important to identify and understand periods of crisis of expecta-tions and uncertainty about the future. We argue that the concept of critical juncture, if redefined, as it is done in this article, expands the theoretical model's ability to identify the occurrence of critical junctures, as well as whether they have occurred, are occurring, or will occur. At the same time, this operation helps to explain what would be the necessary causes for institutional change to occur or not
  • ItemArtigo
    The consent in sex trafficking under the hammer of the Judiciary: judicial practices and discourses
    (Univ Estado Rio De Janeiro, Fac Direito, 2022-01-01) Garbellini Filho, Luiz Henrique ; Borges, Paulo Cesar Correa ; Univ Sevilha ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper aims to analyze the judicial response on consent to sex trafficking. The qualitative analysis falls on the judicial practices and discourses of the Court's judges in seven (07) judgments of the Tribunal Regional Federal da 3 Regiao as elements for problematizing the relation between punitive power and gender from the theoretical -methodological arsenal of Feminist Criminology and Critical Discourse Analysis. We sustain that, in decisions after 2016, the judges have (i) broked with the categorization, standardized portraits and moral panics about sex trafficking, as well as (ii) modified the understanding about consent, which became relevant for a configuration of crime. We argue that the judges can create new standards of anti-discriminatory and non -generalizing judicial understandings, however, they fail to develop an effective feminist legal project.
  • ItemArtigo
    (Univ Coimbra, 2013-01-01) Carvalho, Margarida Maria de ; Figueiredo, Daniel de ; Cerqueira, F. ; Goncalves, A. T. ; Medeiros, E. ; Leao, D. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • ItemArtigo
    (Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2022-12-02) Penido, Ana Amélia ; Mathias, Suzeley Kalil ; Faustini, Ana Carolina Miguel ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    En la Academia Militar de Agulhas Negras, se lleva a cabo la formación de oficiales del Ejército Brasileño en sus aspectos profesionales, políticos, sociales y culturales. En este artículo se propone identificar el perfil y cómo se forman quienes, en el futuro, serán generales. Para eso, la investigación utiliza datos cuantitativos del perfil de los cadetes de 2002 a 2012 y analiza características formales de la enseñanza, como currículos y horarios. También ha merecido atención la dimensión informal e igualmente relevante del proceso de aprendizaje: la resocialización del alumno a través de la exposición permanente a situaciones de fuerte carga simbólica, cuando se forman nociones de jerarquía, disciplina y lo que significa ser militar frente a 'civiles'. Las conclusiones dialogan con estudios relacionados, cuestionando al Ejército como imagen de la nación, confirmando tendencias y trayendo noticias, como el crecimiento del reclutamiento entre civiles y la permanencia del reclutamiento endógeno, pero ahora entre los militares de bajo rango.
  • ItemArtigo
    (2022-01-01) Leme, Marisa Saenz ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article discusses the proposals for the organization of the state made by the Portuguese trader João Soares Lisboa, one of the exponents of the field considered radical-liberal, shaped in the Independence process and the beginning of the First Reign in Brazil. They were presented in his newspaper, Correio do Rio de Janeiro, especially in the 1823 editions, when the Brazilian Constituent Assembly met, a forum in which were confronted different conceptions about the State to be constituted in the country that was then being formed. In a linguistic context of synonymy between the terms federation and confederation, Lisboa distinguished himself by the uniqueness of his conceptions in the face of the political field to which he belonged. These are important differences to be recovered in order to deepen the understanding of the liberal conceptions in Brazil at that time. The formulations presented in the Federalist Articles regarding the themes addressed constituted the theoretical references for evaluation of these conceptions.
  • ItemArtigo
    “Candeia. Luz da Inspiração”: cultural policy, memory and identities in Brazil in the 1970s
    (2022-01-01) Garcia, Tania da Costa ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article, moving away from the approaches that treat cultural policy strictly as State policy, analyzes, during the period of political distension of the military dictatorship, the different vectors tensioned around the appropriations of the popular as representations of the national, by confronting the official document, National Cultural Policy, with the networks of aesthetic-political-ideological relationships and belonging that inform the performance of Hermínio Belo de Carvalho in front of the Department of Popular Music (DMP) of the National Art Foundation. Therefore, I choose the Lúcio Rangel project and the writing of the monograph Candeia. Luz da Inspiration, as a case study, book by João Baptista Vargens, published by the Foundation.
  • ItemArtigo
    Brazil and Chile: a comparative history of coups, authoritarianism, and democracy
    (2022-01-01) Aggio, Alberto ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The article performs a comparative analysis of the political history of Brazil and Chile from the moment when both countries suffered ruptures in the democratic constitutional order, in Brazil, in 1964 and in Chile, in 1973. The article initiates with a discussion about the use of comparison in political history studies to define an interpretative board concerning the conjunctures that preceded the coups d’État. It then considers the main characteristics of the authoritarian regimes, analyzing especially the economic, social, and political transformations that were occurring. It continues with the analyzes of the democratic transition process and its governments, in Brazil, from 1985, and in Chile, until 1990. Lastly, it analyzes, comparatively, the reach and the deadlocks of both democratic experiences. A post-scriptum is also added on the events that took place in Chile from October 2019.
  • ItemArtigo
    The defense of the Amazon and its militarization
    (Univ Federal Para, 2022-01-01) Penido, Ana Penido ; Mathias, Suzeley Kalil ; Barbosa, Lisa Sousa ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; CNPq
    The dispute for control over the Amazon's resources is intense, particularly as hegemonic competition on a global scale intensifies. In general, military sectors predominate in the discussion about what threatens this territory. This paper aims to critically discuss military thinking about the region, organized around five assumptions: sovereignty; geopolitics; the self-perception that only the military is committed to the defense of the Amazon; the vision that the Amazon should be integrated into the country; and a focus on borders, which fuels distrust of neighbors. Based on a bibliographical survey and elements of situational analysis, a tendency towards militarization of the formulations about the Amazonian reality is identified, with various reflections. The text is collated with suggestive comments for a new regional defense policy, based on other assumptions.
  • ItemArtigo
    João Soares Lisboa’s state conceptions: conceptual diversity in the liberal-radical array in a constitutional year
    (Coimbra Univ Press, 2022-01-01) Leme, Marisa Saenz ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article discusses the proposals for the organization of the state made by the Portuguese trader Joao Soares Lisboa, one of the exponents of the field considered radical-liberal, shaped in the Independence process and the beginning of the First Reign in Brazil. They were presented in his newspaper, Correio do Rio de Janeiro, especially in the 1823 editions, when the Brazilian Constituent Assembly met, a forum in which were confronted different conceptions about the State to be constituted in the country that was then being formed. In a linguistic context of synonymy between the terms federation and confederation, Lisboa distinguished himself by the uniqueness of his conceptions in the face of the political field to which he belonged. These are important differences to be recovered in order to deepen the understanding of the liberal conceptions in Brazil at that time. The formulations presented in the Federalist Articles regarding the themes addressed constituted the theoretical references for evaluation of these conceptions.
  • ItemResenha
    Between the archive imperative and the bandeirante rhetoric: The constitution of a scientific knowledge for the invention of the Paulista
    (2021-08-31) Anhezini, Karina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This text analyzes the history of the construction of a knowledge established through the assembly of an archive. This knowledge will be presented by analyzing a course on bandeirologia (the science of expeditions towards inner country), offered in 1946 in the city of São Paulo. During the narrative, the reader will come across fragments of archival gestures and the repetition of statements that resulted in the constitution of a bandeirante (explorer) rhetoric. Such discourse was committed to provide a new historicity for Brazil, creating and making believe in a History of Brazil dependent on and grounded in events delimited by the history of São Paulo’s expeditions to the countryside.
  • ItemResenha
    Historical and historiographical dialogues: 19th and 20 th centuries
    (2013-01-01) Naxara, Marcia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this paper, I try to juxtapose the historiographical perspectives of two authors - Henrique de Beaurepaire-Rohan (1812-1894) and Manoel Luiz Salgado Guimarães (1952-2010). In spite of being intellectuals whose lives were separated by more than a century, both had strong interests on knowledge about the writing Brazil's history. For Beaurepaire-Rohan, cultivating knowledge of Brazil's geographical and historical constitution was needed for the larger task of constructing the nation. Guimarães, on his side, used to dedicate special attention to the study of historiographical procedures and to understanding the debates around the issue of how to write history from a national point of view in nineteenth-century Brazil. The paper is thus an exercise in approaching and distancing the aims of today's historians to/from those of their nineteenth- -century counterparts.