Artigos - Estudos Linguísticos e Literários - IBILCE

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  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    "Feminismo" e suas adjacências: estudo lexicultural sob a ótica da Análise Dialógica do Discurso
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2023-04-17) Freitas, Liana de Carvalho ; Silva, Maria Cristina Parreira da ; Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas (IBILCE)
    Um repertório lexical pode ser criado, ressignificado e até mesmo apagado, ao passo que é motivado por evidências de momentos histórico-culturais situados pelo discurso, provocando mudanças em nível cultural, ideológico e comportamental (BAKHTIN, 2014). Uma língua tem o poder de moldar tanto quanto pode ser moldada pela comunidade que a fala. O movimento feminista incentiva a reflexão acerca da importância da língua quando traz à cultura de massa evidências das subjetividades presentes na relação de opressão entre a figura masculina e a feminina na sociedade, como a invisibilização da mulher por códigos linguísticos (BOENAVIDES, 2019). Conforme as feministas acadêmicas identificaram tensões no uso da língua, elas também adquiriram a consciência de que o léxico e a sociedade estão em constante mudança devido a sua relação de interdependência (COELHO; MESQUITA, 2013). A convergência desses dois conhecimentos dentro do movimento feminista permitiu que o coletivo de mulheres desenvolvesse, desde sua organização mais primordial, as ações e debates na luta pela mudança social por meio da nomeação da própria realidade por meio da criação do que Biderman (2001) define como lexia, termo cunhado por Pottier (1972). O objetivo desta pesquisa é traçar um percurso lexicológico que evidencie as relações entre os discursos feministas de diferentes perspectivas científicas por meio do uso das lexias na função de validadores das questões pertinentes à realidade e identidade femininas. Nesse sentido, verifica-se a hipótese de que é possível descrever, pela perspectiva dialógica, as transformações discursivas provocadas pelas mudanças que o domínio e a utilização consciente da criação e ressignificação lexical promovem em nível cultural. O presente estudo interliga Lexicologia e Lexicografia (BIDERMAN, 1998; 2001), Lexicultura (GALISSON, 1987) e o dialogismo bakhtiniano (BAKHTIN, 1986; 2014) na investigação das marcas do discurso presentes nas unidades lexicais coletadas em artigos científicos, tratados com o AntConc -, da Revista Estudos Feministas, em dois eventos do movimento feminista no Brasil: o surgimento da teoria queer na década de 90, que coincidem com a criação do projeto responsável pela revista feminista, e a Marcha das Vadias de 2011, retratada por artigos de 2019 e 2020 publicados nesse mesmo periódico. Estão sob análise a lexia “feminismo” e as demais lexias adjacentes e derivadas que a ela podem ser associadas discursivamente e que estejam presentes nos artigos selecionados, como “transfeminismo”, “machismo”, “sexismo” e “patriarcado”. Assim, observou-se o desenvolvimento do aporte léxico do movimento feminista e sua capacidade de refletir a inclusão social das mulheres nos diferentes temas que cercam a realidade feminina. Ainda que constituído de vários discursos, o movimento feminista encontra nos Estudos Linguísticos a área ideal para a validação da existência da figura feminina no espaço social cultural bem como a valorização do compartilhamento de suas vivências.
  • ItemArtigo
    Diachronic Study of the Discontinuous Noun Phrase in Brazilian Portuguese
    (2022-01-01) de Souza-Martins, Nathalia Pereira ; Gonçalves, Sebastião Carlos Leite ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This work has as its main objective to examine, from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008), which are the pragmatic, semantic and morphosyntactic motivations underlying the ordering of the constituents of the discontinuous Np in different synchronies of Brazilian Portuguese, in order to verify whether the synchronic characterization of the phenomenon has a diachronic basis and whether there are differences in the productivity of the phenomenon in speech and writing. The empirical analysis of the phenomenon is based on samples from different historical sources: (i) letters from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries from the Projeto Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB) and from the Corpus Histórico do Português Tycho Brahe; (ii) readers’ letters from the 21st century from the newspapers Folha de São Paulo and Diário do Norte; and (iii) spoken language records from the 20th century, extracted from the minimum corpus of the NURC/ Brazil, and from the 21st century, taken from the Iboruna database (Amostra Censo). The methodology includes analysis parameters of interpersonal (rhetorical and pragmatic functions of the Np constituents), representational (type of semantic entity designated by the head noun and the semantic relationship between the head and the displaced constituent) and morphosyntactic nature (morphosyntactic configuration of the Np constituents and structural weight of the displaced constituent). Based on the analyses, the conclusion is that the discontinuity in the structuring of the Np has a stable behavior over time and it is motivated by factors of a more pragmatic order rather than morphosyntactic.
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    Influência da transparência e da opacidade na ortografia de fonemas fricativos
    (2023-01-01) Paschoal, Larissa ; Chacon, Lourenço ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    PURPOSE: (1) to verify to what extent the occurrence of possible errors is influenced by the relationship (opaque/transparent) between fricative phonemes and the graphemes with which they can be spelled; (2) verify the differences (if present or not) of relationship types among the phonemes that present common graphemic relationships. METHODS: We analyzed 750 textual productions from children in the first year of Elementary School (ES), and conducted a survey of the frequency of correct answers and errors in all fricative phonemes of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). RESULTS: The errors occurred in greater numbers in the group of phonemes with opaque spelling when compared with the number of errors in the group of phonemes with transparent spelling. In the first group, the errors showed a non-symmetrical behavior, since they varied according to the possibilities of graphemes for each phoneme. In the second group, the errors showed a symmetrical behavior. CONCLUSION: Given the symmetry in the errors of the phonemes of the first group and the non-symmetry of those of the second group, our results point to a gradation in the occurrence of errors, which varies as a function of the transparency and degree of opacity in the relations between phonemes and graphemes of a same class.
  • ItemArtigo
    Mismatch, forced disappearance and allegorization in 'Rubrica', a short-story by Caio Fernando Abreu
    (2022-07-01) Franco, Arnaldo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this article, I analyze 'Rubrica', a short-story by Caio Fernando Abreu, originally published in the book Pedras de Calcutá, in 1977. It is one of the first texts in Brazilian literature to address the forced disappearances, that happened during the 1970s, through a scene that basically pictures a tense dialogue between a young man and a girl who approaches him to talk. In my reading, I discuss the relationship between the thematization of disappearances and the formal procedures to build a narrative, namely: the truncated dialogue, the figure-ground perception, the incorporation of procedures from the cinematographic narrative (zoom, cut, image juxtaposition, editing) and allegory. The resulting analysis highlights that the formal resources articulate themselves with the thematization to create a critical allegory of Brazil under the civil-military dictatorship.
  • ItemArtigo
    Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses: a functional discursive perspective
    (Revista Virtual Estudos Linguagem, 2022-09-01) Camacho, Roberto Gomes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper aims at describing the functioning of restrictive and non-restrictive clauses in Portuguese based on the application of the theoretical framework of Discourse Functional Grammar (Hengeveld; Mackenzie 2008). The analysis shows that a restrictive clause encodes semantic categories that modify the Np which they are part of, restricting their reference, while a non-restrictive clause encodes Discourse Acts, understood as pragmatic categories. What differs, therefore, a restrictive clause from a non-restrictive one, which gives the first a semantic nature, and the second a pragmatic nature, is that the restrictive clause, on the one hand, takes the intonational contour of the main clause, which is an integral part of; the non-restrictive one, on the other hand, has the status of Subsidiary Act or Aside of another nuclear Discourse Act, which is reflected in the prosody by its own intonation and, as such, codified by the Phonological Level. Because of this, the most evident morphosyntactic reflection of this distinction is that between the non-restrictive relative clause and the nuclear clause there is a one-way dependence, which corresponds to a Co-subordination relationship, unlike the restrictive relative clauses, which, constituting an integral part of the nuclear clause, consist of cases of Subordination.
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    Coup or impeachment? an ideological clash from a perspective of Discourse Analysis
    (Univ Estado Rio Grande Norte, 2021-01-01) Regina Ghessi-Arroyo, Rafaela ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The present work aims, based on the theoretical assumptions of the French Discourse Analysis (MAINGUENEAU, 2008), to analyze the ideological clash between those who defend the legality of the impeachment of the ex-president Dilma Rousseff in 2016, and those who believe that it is configured as a coup to democracy. The coup d'etat/Impeachment pair represents the knowledge of two Discursive Formations that are in conflict, so that in each corresponds a different way of signifying the removal of Dilma Rousseff This work defends the hypothesis of the primacy of interdiscourse (MAINGUENEAU, 2008), in which, in the perspective of a constitutive heterogeneity of the discourses, there is an inextricable relationship between the Same of the discourse and its Other; such a perspective will make it possible to understand the differences and contradictions that are set in motion in these two positions, showing the functioning of the ideology materialized in the discourse. As a corpus of analysis, publications from the social network Facebook were selected, a space that reinforces controversial issues, in addition to being a vehicle for the collective sharing of opinions and positions. With the analyses, it was possible to observe that the left DF, for example, aims to dissociate every semantic term that considers the request for impeachment to be constitutional, while its opponent integrates these terms in its speech, often integrating its Other as a form of simulacrum, which consists in criticizing not the semantics of the opposing discourse, but its intention to legitimize the right-wing discourse.
  • ItemArtigo
    The Brazilian and the French Bas de Page
    (Legenda-modern Humanities Res Assn, 2014-01-01) Granja, Lucia ; DaSilva, ACS ; Vasconcelos, S. G. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • ItemArtigo
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2023-05-15) Galvão Passetti, Gabriel Henrique ; Pezatti, Erotilde Goreti ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Este artigo investiga, sob a perspectiva da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, a coordenação adversativa substitutiva, em que o segundo membro coordenado – e, às vezes, o primeiro também – é expresso por sintagma ou palavra, como em cê num dá tanto valor ao ídolo, mas à música dele. Essas estruturas têm recebido pouca atenção por parte de estudos funcionalistas, com exceção da Semântica Argumentativa (ANSCOMBRE; DUCROT, 1977; VOGT; DUCROT, 1980). De acordo com a teoria aqui adotada, nessas expressões, há dois Atos Discursivos relacionados, tendo o segundo membro da coordenação molde de conteúdo Tético com um Subato. Semanticamente, ambos os membros constituem Conteúdos Proposicionais e, em última instância, predicações, em que o segundo membro apresenta molde de predicação Identificacional, Classificacional ou Relacional, formulados numa interação entre os componentes Gramatical e Contextual. Assim, o segundo membro da coordenação é expresso por um único sintagma ou palavra, que introduz a informação nova (focal), considerada pelo Falante importante para atualizar a informação pragmática do Ouvinte. Advogamos, em consonância com o modelo teórico adotado, que não há apagamento de constituintes da predicação no segundo membro, mas que o fenômeno é resultado de uma discrepância (mismatch) entre os níveis pragmático e semântico na gramática do português.
  • ItemArtigo
    The different syntactic structures of Portuguese and their use
    (2022-01-01) Pezatti, Erotilde Goreti ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The aim of this study is to present the diff erent syntactic structures of Portuguese from a Functional Discourse Grammar perspective. To this end, the study uses a corpus that includes texts from diff erent varieties of Portuguese spoken in Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Saint Thomas and Prince, and East Timor and sets the discursive act as the unit of analysis. Results show that each syntactic structure is motivated by pragmatic concerns as well as the communicative needs of the speakers.
  • ItemArtigo
    Multi-functionality of mesmo: Relationship between function and morphosyntactic ordering
    (Univ Federal Fluminense, 2022-05-01) Pezatti, Erotilde Goreti ; Peres, Ana Carolina Teixeira ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This study investigates the use of mesmo in Brazilian Portuguese, taking as theoretical support Functional Discourse Grammar, developed by Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008). The proposal consists of investigating the multifunctionality of this linguistic item, relating it to the layers proposed by this theoretical model, with the hypothesis that the pragmatic or semantic aspect determines the codification of the Morphosyntactic Level in relation to the position in the syntactic unit (clause or phrase). Therefore, it uses private letters and official letters extracted from the corpus of the Project for the History of Brazilian Portuguese ( as a research universe. The objectives are to verify if the different uses are morphosyntactically codified by the position they occupy in the phrase or clause domain. The results reveal that mesmo, at the Interpersonal Level, scopes Subatos, indicating the pragmatic category Emphasis or the pragmatic function Contrast and occupies the initial (P-I) or final (P-F) positions of the phrase; at the Representational Level, it acts either as a nucleus, always occupying the medial position (P-M), or as an identity operator, positioning itself to the left of the phrase (PI+1), or even as a State of Affairs modifier, occupying, in this case, positions adjacent to the verbal word.
  • ItemArtigo
    Cleft constructions and similar structures: Contrast, focus and emphasis
    (2012-12-01) Pezatti, Erotilde Goreti ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper deals with so called cleft constructions and other similar structures in eight Portuguese varieties, aiming to show that the formal differences correspond to different functional strategies used by the Speaker to achieve his/her communicative intentions, i.e., Focus, Contrast and Emphasis, in accordance with the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld and Mackenzie, 2008). This study takes as evidence real spoken occurrences extracted from a corpus organized by Linguistic Centre at the University of Lisbon, in partnership with the University of Toulousse Mirail and the University of Provence-Aix-Marseille. The results show the following distribution: cleft construction is a strategy for pragmatic function Contrast marking; Focus-ser constructions are used to highlight a constituent and (é) que is used as an operator of emphasis showing the speaker's desire to intensify certain pieces of information.
  • ItemArtigo
    From description to teaching of relative clauses: The perspective of text books in Portuguese
    (2014-12-01) Pezatti, Erotilde Goreti ; Câmara, Aliana Lopes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper aims at investigating the treatment given to relative clauses by elementary school text books, evidencing how the teaching of grammar is proposed in the teacher's books. As a consequence, this study also intends to discuss important aspects to be considered as far as the teaching of relative clauses is concerned. In order to achieve that objective, five Portuguese text books (approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático-2014) were selected so that the grammar teaching proposals could be analyzed in relation to the definition and to the distinguishing criteria between defining and non-defining relative clauses. Results show that the teaching of relative clauses (as proposed by the teacher's books) still reflects the postulates of the traditional grammar, based on activities of identification and classification of morphosyntactic units, ignoring the pragmatic and prosodic aspects.
  • ItemArtigo
    Transparency and opacity in the choice of relativization strategies in Portuguese
    (2012-06-01) Camacho, Roberto Gomes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper aims at examining the hypothesis that the choice among the different strategies of relativization available in the Portuguese grammar is motivated by a lesser or greater degree of transparency between form and meaning, which implies, correlatively, lesser or greater degree of ease in cognitive processing. In addition, the lesser or greater degree of transparency allows to postulate a hierarchical ordering for the strategies in correspondence to a greater or a lesser degree of ease in cognitive processing.
  • ItemArtigo
    Prosodization Of Prepositional Clitics And Prosodic Words In Brazilian Portuguese: Investigation Of Phonetic Cues
    (2021-01-01) da Silva, Lilian Maria ; Tenani, Luciani Ester ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this paper, syllable duration (Vowel-to-Vowel unit) and F0 variation are analyzed as cues to distinguish the prosodization of prepositional clitic-host sequence from a syllable within a prosodic word in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). A production task was created to assess 1) whether the syllable production time helps to identify a clitic boundary and a word boundary and 2) whether the F0 configuration aligned to a clitic syllable differs from the F0 configuration aligned to a syllable in a word boundary. The results show that: 1) the syllable duration measurement supports the hypothesis that there is no distinction between prepositional clitics and a syllable which is part of a prosodic word (PW); 2) the pitch range of tonal events associated to the syllable that bears the PW boundary differs from that associated to the syllables that bear a clitic-host sequence boundary. Based on these results we argued that the prepositional clitics are prosodized as a syllable adjoined to its host. This interpretation leads us to suggest that the relevant domain for prepositional clitic prosodization is between PW and PPh (Phonological Phrase) in BP.
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    'I will not become an Internet meme': Visual-verbal textualization process in the study of the power and resistance in Brazil
    (2018-09-04) Komesu, Fabiana Cristina ; Gambarato, Renira Rampazzo ; Tenani, Luciani Ester ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade de Jönköping
    In this article, we analyze a delimited corpus of Internet memes showcasing Brazilian President Michel Temer. The theoretical framework is based on literacy studies, digital information and communication technology usage in research and teaching, and Bakhtin studies. The methodological design follows the approach of Gambarato and Komesu (2018), who selected and analyzed data sets of memes based on classification tools developed by Dawkins (1976) and Knobel and Lankshear (2007). The main goal is to discuss the relevance of using 'Internet memes', while studying the concept of 'text'. Therefore, regarding the mobilization of digital information and communication technologies, we consider how the appropriation of someone else's word takes place through verbal and visual-verbal elements potentially available to subjects on the Web. We aim to discuss effects of meaning deriving from the way these texts are disseminated across spreadable media, taking into account power and resistance relations between subjects of/in language.
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    New advertising campaigns for women: Break or more of the same?
    (2018-01-01) Brunelli, Anna Flora ; Fossey, Marcela Franco ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
    This paper analyzes a recent advertising piece targeted on women seeking to verify how the dialogue with the discourse against the beauty imperative is established. To this end, an interdisciplinary point of view is adopted, in which we assume the theoretical framework of French Discourse Analysis, and certain Social Psychology postulates about stereotypes, especially those of gender. With the analysis, the main goal was to verify, considering the image of women that emerges in the campaign, how a certain memory is mobilized for the interpretation of the advertising slogan and to what extent it is possible to assert that this piece stablish a rupture with the discourse that put a high value on the beauty imperative.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Prosodic phrasing and intonation in neutral and subject-narrow-focus sentences of Brazilian Portuguese
    (2008-01-01) Tenani, Luciani Ester ; Fernandes-Svartman, Flaviane Romani ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
    This work aims at discussing the relationship between prosodic phrasing and intonation structure associated with neutral and subject-narrow-focus sentences in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). The sentences were analyzed in terms of phonological phrases (φ{symbol}s) and tonal events. It is found when subject-narrow-focus occurs, the tonal events of neutral sentences can be affected. We argue that evidences of the syntactic structure can be determined by the relationship between the prosodic phrasing and intonation. Finally, we point out that ours results provide for a better understanding of the syntax-phonology interface in BP.
  • ItemArtigo
    The second person reference in the Rio Branco dialect
    (2021-12-02) Camacho, Roberto Gomes ; da Silva, Marinete Rodrigues ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal do Acre
    A variable that runs through almost all Brazilian Portuguese dialects is the alternation between the pronouns ‘tu’ and ‘você’ to refer to the interlocutor, a phenomenon that has been addressed in by researchers from different theoretical perspectives, including Menon (2000), Corrêa (2002), Lorengian-Penkal (2004), Lucca (2005), Dias (2007), Lopes (2007) and Franceschini (2011). This paper aims at focusing on this alternation in the in the variety of Portuguese spoken in Rio Branco, Acre, with the specific purpose of examining whether this phenomenon is a case of true variation in which the selection of one of the variants may represent a mark of social identity by virtue of a possible assigning of prestige or stigma or whether, alternatively, it is a case of a truly functional choice in which both forms alternate to yield different discursive effects in terms of determining the reference to the second person. The investigation of ‘tu’ and ‘você’ departs from the database collected by the project Estudo da Fala Urbana de Rio Branco, which is composed of narratives of personal experience. This corpus was elicited and transcribed by researchers of the Grupo de Pesquisa Ecossistema Linguístico do Acre. The results point to an expressive predominance of ‘você’ in undetermined reference. When determined reference is at issue, the use of ‘você’ is preferred by informants with higher education level, and the use of ‘tu’ is preferred by informants with elementary and high school education level. This distribution clearly shows the assigning of a prestige value to the use of ‘você’. Some cases of reported speech utterances were identified which represent a context potentially accessible to different role relationships between the interlocutors involved. In this context, choosing ‘tu’ or ‘você’ is motivated by the interaction situation: ‘você’ is used to indicate distance and formality and ‘tu’ is used to indicate familiarity and informality.
  • ItemArtigo
    A categoria de aspecto em algumas línguas indígenas do Brasil
    (2017-04-01) De Souza, Edson Rosa Francisco ; De Oliveira, Lucas Marques ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The aim of the paper is to analyze, from the Functional Discourse Grammar perspective, FDG (Hengeveld and Mackenzie, 2008), the notions of aspect in the indigenous languages of the families Arawak (Kinikinau), Jê (Parkatejê, Xerente and Xavante), Guató (Guató) Tupi-Guarani (Asurini) Boróro (Boróro) Karib (Ikpeng), Pano (Katukina, Matis and Shanenawa) and Ofayé (Ofayé), taking into account the ordering of the categories of tense, aspect and mood (TAM) with respect to the predicate and the semantic scope relations among these grammatical categories according to the levels and layers of the FDG. As a result, we found that the qualitative aspect (perfective, imperfective and so on) tends to be placed closer to the verb, by affecting the internal temporal constitution of the state-of-affairs, while the quantitative aspect (habitual) and tense tend to stand farther from the predicate, by modifying the state-of-affairs as a whole. The mood notions tend to be placed more distant from the verb, since they not directly affect the verb. We also verified that the distribution of TAM categories respects, in general, the ordering and the scope relations among them, as proposed by Hengeveld (2011) in: (mood(tense(aspect(predicate+arguments)))).
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    Resumo Acadêmico: uma experiência mediativa com o gênero na formação docente inicial
    (2014-01-01) Bragagnollo, Rubia Mara ; Menegassi, Renilson José ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
    Current research deals with the constitution of writing in initial teacher training when employing the Academic Summary genre. The mediation process and the tools involved are focused. Analysis is based on the concepts of interaction and writing discussed by Vygotsky (1991), Bakhtin and Volochinov (2006) and Bakhtin (2003) within the socio-interaction and enunciation perspectives of language and the notion of discursive genres. A mediation experience in the writing of academic summaries with teachers in initial training at the university and the highlighting of mediation in this process are provided. The experience occurred with first year students of the Language and Literature undergraduate course at a government-run university in Paraná in 2009. Employing the qualitative-interpretative approach in the analysis of one summary, the advantages of mediation activities inwriting process of the genre are demonstrated.