Ilha Solteira - FEIS - Faculdade de Engenharia
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PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Nanopesticides: modes of action and impacts(Elsevier, 2023-08-11) Pontes, Montcharles da Silva ; Forini, Mariana Monteiro de Lima ; Caires, Anderson Rodrigues Lima ; Santiago, Etenaldo Felipe ; Tripathi, Durgesh Kumar ; Kah, Melanie ; Grillo, RenatoPONTES, Montcharles da Silva; FORINI, Mariana Monteiro de Lima; CAIRES, Anderson Rodrigues Lima; SANTIAGO, Etenaldo Felipe; TRIPATHI, Durgesh Kumar; KAH, Melanie; GRILLO, Renato. Nanopesticides: modes of action and impacts. In: ZHANG, Peng; LYNCH, Iseult ; WHITE, Jason C.; HANDY, Richard D. Nano-Enabled Sustainable and Precision Agriculture. London: Elsevier, 2023. Cap. 4, p. 79-103.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Superconducting Nanowires(2023-01-01) Zadorosny, Rafael; Junior, Milton B.F.
; Koblischka-Veneva, Anjela ; Koblischka, Michael R. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Experimental Physics
Superconductivity is characterized by two critical lengths, the London penetration depth, Λ L (T), and the coherence length, Ξ(T), so nanowires may have at least one dimension below one of these characteristic lengths. Superconducting nanowires are mesoscopic one-dimensional (1D) objects if the diameter is smaller than Ξ. Consequently, nanostructuring superconducting materials may alter the superconducting properties, quantum fluctuations may dominate and show up effects that are not known from the respective bulk materials, e.g., size-dependent breakdowns of superconductivity or enhanced transition temperatures, T c. As Λ and Ξ increase towards T c, these effects may be prominent around T c. Besides the fundamental questions concerning the mechanisms of superconductivity, there are several possible applications of superconducting nanowires as interconnects, sensitive detectors of magnetic fields (SQUIDs), single photons (SNSPDs), microkelvin temperature variations (nanoSQUIDs), and quantum computer processors for hosting of qubits with improved stability. Superconducting nanowires can be made from metallic low-T c materials as well as from ceramic high-T c superconductors, and several different approaches to fabricating them are described in the literature, including patterning techniques, templating, and spinning processes. The latter techniques, solution blow-spinning, and electrospinning enabled a fully new class of superconducting materials, called fibrous non-woven fabrics with entirely new properties and possible applications.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Properties, synthesis, characterization and application of hydrogel and magnetic hydrogels: A concise review(2020-01-01) da Silva Fernandes, Renan; Tanaka, Fabrício Nunes
; Angelotti, Arthur Maffei
; Ferreira Júnior, Carlos Roberto
; Yonezawa, Uilian Gabaldi
; Watanuki Filho, Adhemar
; de Moura, Márcia Regina
; Aouada, Fauze Ahmad
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; (IFSP) - Campus Presidente Epitácio
Magnetic hydrogels are considered smart materials because they can respond to the magnetic field, and in some case, it can also present other sensibilities, like temperature, pH, etc. It can be obtained employing various techniques. Generally, their synthesis consists of a polymeric matrix and at least one magnetic component. The synthesis methods include the most common physical interactions (mixing method) and chemical crosslinking method (grafting method). Hydrogels and magnetic hydrogels can be used in different ways, since biomedical applications until agriculture and the environment. This diversity is based on their properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility, atoxicity, absorption capacity, hydrophilicity. Beyond these properties, the incorporation of these magnetic particles is relatively easy, producing composites with good stability. It is believed that magnetic hydrogels will soon be able to replace existing materials with the full capacity both for application and for acceptance by the consumer likely.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro A Comparative Study of Techniques for Modeling the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Heat and Moisture Fluxes at Different Agroecosystems in Brazil(2013-01-01) de Castro Teixeira, Antônio Heriberto ; Hernandez, Fernando Braz Tangerino; Lopes, H. L. ; Scherer-Warren, Morris ; Bassoi, Luís Henrique ; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; UNIVASF ; ANA
The difficulties to measure the energy fluxes from mixed agroecosystems by field experiments make the use of remote sensing by satellite images a valuable application and its use for this purpose has already been demonstrated in different climate regions (Tang et al. 2009; Teixeira 2010; Miralles et al. 2011; Anderson et al. 2012; Pôças et al. 2013). Remote sensing is a suitable way for determining and mapping the spatial and temporal structure of the water and energy balance components. Hydrological models can be too complex and costly to be used for this purpose because of unavailability of datasets in different hydrological uniform subareas (Majumdar et al. 2007).PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro POWER SYSTEM PLANNING AND OPERATION(2020-01-01) Simon, Sishaj Pulikottil ; Padhy, Narayana Prasad ; Park, Jong-Bae ; Lee, Kwang Y. ; Zhou, Ming ; Xia, Shu ; da Silva, Anna Carolina R.H. ; Choi, Jaeseok ; Lee, Yeonchan ; Lambert-Torres, Germano ; Salomon, Camila Paes ; da Silva, Luiz Eduardo Borges ; Bai, Wenlei ; Eke, Ibrahim ; Rueda, Jose ; Carvalho, Leonel ; Miranda, Vladimiro ; Erlich, Istvan ; Theologi, Aimilia-Myrsini ; Asada, Eduardo N. ; Souza, Aldir S. ; Romero, Rubén; National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli ; Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee ; Konkuk University ; Baylor University ; North China Electric Power University ; Eletrobras ; Gyeongsang National University ; Gnarus Institute ; Itajuba Federal University ; ABB Enterprises Software Inc. ; Kirikkale University ; TU Delft ; INESC TEC ; University of Porto ; University of Duisburg-Essen ; Jedlix Smart Charging ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; State University of Piauí ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
This chapter provides implementation of various optimization algorithms to various power system problems that utilize power flow calculations. Determination of the schedule (ON/OFF status and amount of power generated) of generating units within a power system results in great saving for electric utilities. The unit commitment problem can be formulated in order to minimize the total operating cost, satisfying the system, the unit, and several operational constraints. The power transfer limit of overhead transmission lines (OTLs) is an important constraint for power systems’ planning and operation. This constraint plays an essential role in the secure and economic management of power systems. The chapter presents economic dispatch problem by considering GAs and particle swarm optimization (PSO) in complex power system analysis. It uses a hybrid PSO to solve load flow problem while uses artificial bee colony optimization for solving the optimal power flow problem.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Mathematical models and optimization techniques to support local electricity markets(2021-01-01) Franco, John Fredy; Macedo, Leonardo H.
; Arias, Nataly Bañol ; Tabares, Alejandra
; Romero, Rubén
; Soares, João ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; School of Engineering of Polytechnic of Porto
The implementation of local electricity markets (LEMs) requires efficient tools that can provide solutions for the optimal management of distributed energy resources (DERs) considering economic and technical aspects. This chapter presents mathematical models for the formulation of optimization problems in LEMs including DERs (renewable distributed generation, energy storage devices, and electric vehicles) as well as control devices (capacitor banks and voltage regulators). Mathematical formulations based on mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), stochastic programming, and robust optimization are also discussed. Moreover, meta-heuristic and decomposition methods are presented as optimization techniques that contribute to tackle two critical aspects in the solution of complex optimization problems: finding good-quality solutions and reducing the computational effort. Those deterministic and approximate approaches form a stack of optimization techniques that can be adopted to solve optimization problems in LEMs such as feasible and economic operation, integration of DERs, and demand response.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro LQR Optimal Control Applied in an Energy Harvesting System with Non-ideal Excitation Operating with Uncertain Parameters(2022-01-01) de Almeida, Estevão Fuzaro; Chavarette, Fábio Roberto
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The majority of active control applications in vibrational dynamic systems are utilized to minimize vibrations. The goal of this research, on the other hand, is to employ vibrations to generate electrical energy in such a way that the vibration becomes a desired phenomenon. The change of the physical characteristics of the system was conducted in this work with the goal of enhancing the modeling of complex energy harvesting systems with non-ideal excitation, bringing higher resilience, and bringing them closer to reality. To stabilize the orbits and compare the power generated by the systems with and without control, the optimal control technique via Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) is used.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Optimal placement of piezoelectric sensor/actuators for smart structures vibration control(2016-04-19) Lopes, Vicente; Steffen, Valder ; Inman, Daniel J. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Uberlaandia ; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Fundamentals of Simulated Annealing(2007-06-08) Monticelli, Alcir J. ; Romero, Rubén; Asada, Eduardo Nobuhiro ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Fundamentals of Tabu Search(2007-06-08) Monticelli, Alcir J. ; Romero, Rubén; Asada, Eduardo Nobuhiro ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Applications to System Planning(2007-06-08) Asada, Eduardo Nobuhiro ; Jeon, Youngjae ; Lee, Kwang Y. ; Miranda, Vladimiro ; Monticelli, Alcir J. ; Nara, Koichi ; Park, Jong-Bae ; Romero, Rubén; Song, Yong-Hua ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) ; Baylor University ; University of Porto ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Fukushima National College of Technology ; Konkuk University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of Liverpool
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Phase-mode transformation matrix application for transmission line and electromagnetic transient analyses(2010-12-01) do Prado, Afonso José; Kurokawa, Sérgio
; Filho, José Pissolato ; Bovolato, Luiz Fernando
; da Costa, Eduardo Coelho Marques ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Structural health monitoring based on piezoelectric transducers: Analysis and design based on the electromechanical impedance(2017-01-01) Baptista, Fabricio G.; Filho, Jozue Vieira
; Inman, Daniel J. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of Michigan
Piezoelectric transducers are widely used in many applications. In recent years, these transducers have been used in a modern and promising application: structural health monitoring (SHM) of various types of structures.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Transmission expansion planning by using DC and AC models and particle swarm optimization(2012-12-01) Torres, Santiago P. ; Castro, Carlos A. ; Rider, Marcos J.; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) entails to determine all the changes needed in the electric transmission system infrastructure in order to allow the balance between the projected demand and the power supply, at minimum investment and operational costs. In some type of TEP studies, the DC model is used for the medium and long term time frame, while the AC model is used for the short term. This chapter proposes a load shedding based TEP formulation using the DC and AC model, and four Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based algorithms applied to the TEP problem: Global PSO, Local PSO, Evolutionary PSO, and Adaptive PSO. Comparisons among these PSO variants in terms of robustness, quality of the solution, and number of function evaluations are carried out. Tests, detailed analysis, guidelines, and particularities are shown in order to apply the PSO techniques for realistic systems. © 2013, IGI Global.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Vegetable-based polymer composite: Characterization and application(2012-08-01) Malmonge, José Antonio; de Souza, Maria do Carmo Lopes
; Malmonge, Luiz Francisco
; Sakamoto, Walter Katsumi
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Composite films of castor oil-based polyurethane (COPU) and polyaniline (PAni) were obtained by two methods. In the first one, the composites were prepared by chemical polymerization of polyaniline in situ onto PU surface, and in the second method, the composite called semi-interpenetrating network (sIPN) were prepared by swelling the polyurethane sheets with aniline followed by immersing the specimen in an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) containing ammonium persulphate as oxidant. A typical coating layer with electrical conductivity around 10° S/cm, with excellent adhesion and transparency between 50 to 60% in the range of 475 to 605 nm were obtained. The maximum thickness was reached in one hour of immersion for polymerization at 0°C. The layer thickness showed to be dependent on time immersion and the aniline polymerization temperature. The bulk conductivity and surface resistivity were found around 10-4 S/cm and 105 ω/?, respectively for the composite obtained by swollen method. These composites are thermally stable up to 90°C and showed a globular morphology. DSC spectra showed a shift around 15°C, to high temperature direction, on the glass transition temperature for the sIPN composite, and the UV-vis-NIR spectra showed a typical spectrum of doped polyaniline. Besides the use of a polymer from a renewable source, the results on the control of electrical conductivity indicate that the composite films obtained can be used for purposes such as antistatic and electromagnetic shielding. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Cellulolytic enzymes isolated from Brazilian areas: Production, characterization and applications(2011-12-01) Do Prado, Heloiza Ferreira Alves; Leite, Rodrigo Simões Ribeiro ; Martins, Daniela Alonso Bocchini
; Gomes, Eleni
; Da Silva, Roberto
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Biological and Enviromental Science Faculty
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Piezo and pyroelectric composite film for acoustic emission and X-ray radiation intensity detection(2010-12-01) Sakamoto, W. K.; Higuti, R. T.
; de Carvalho, A. A.
; Estevam, G. P.
; Pontes, W.
; De Paula, M. H. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)
The continuous technological advances have required materials with properties that conventional material cannot display. Material property combinations are being the focus to the development of composite materials, which are considered a multiphase material that exhibits properties of the constituent phases. One interesting material to be studied as sensing material is the composite made of ferroelectric ceramic and polymeric matrix as a two phases composite material. In that case the combinations properties intended are the high piezo and pyroelectric activities of the dense ceramic with the impact resistant, flexibility, formability and low densities of the polymer. Considering the way that the ceramic is dispersed in the polymeric phase, according to Newnham [1] there are 10 possible connectivities, which indicate the way that each phase is self-connected in the composite. The composite studied here is made of a modified lead titanate (Pz34) ceramic and polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) high performance polymer matrix. The composite film was obtained hot pressing both phases at 360° C during 2 h, and 12 MPa of pressure, being essentially a 0-3 composite that means the dispersed ceramic grains are not self-connected. Using the piezoelectric property the composite film was used to detect acoustic emission (AE), which is a transient elastic wave generated by sudden deformation taken place in materials under stress. AE can be applied for evaluating the health of structures in a non-destructive way. The composite film was surface mounted on an aluminum panel and ball bearing drop and pencil lead break were used as simulating AE sources. On the pyroelectric side, the composite film was used as sensing element in a pyroelectric chamber to measure X-ray intensity in the orthovoltage range (120 KVp - 300 KVp). Experimental results indicate that the combination properties of ceramic and polymer phases provide an alternative sensing material to be used as piezo and pyroelectric sensor. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Toxocara vitulorum in livestock(2006-02-07) Starke-Buzetti, Wilma A.; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Determination, Validation, and Dynamic Analysis of an Off-Road Chassis(2020-01-01) de Moraes, Mateus Coutinho; Menezes, Miguel Ângelo
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
The chassis of a car can be interpreted as a large spring connecting the rear and the front suspension. A flexible chassis adds another spring to an already complex system being difficult to control the handling and especially the vehicle lateral load transfer. Factors such as handling as well as vibrations are primordial, since a more rigid structure implies smaller prototype deformation along the path. The torsional stiffness relates to the torsional deflection of the structure when subjected to a pure torque acting on the vehicle’s longitudinal axis. The torsional stiffness is one of the main design criteria of a chassis. The problem of settle the best relationship between cost, weight, and chassis rigidity is of great importance in both the development of popular and high-performance cars. The influence of the chassis torsional stiffness on the dynamic and kinematic suspension behavior is still poorly explored, and there are only a few studies in the literature referred for Baja SAE vehicles. This work has the aim of exposing the boundary conditions necessary to determine the chassis torsional stiffness based on the finite element method. Furthermore, the explanation of the methodology to be used for the determination of this parameter in practice and finally the post-processing in which are used lateral dynamic concepts to assess how the chassis torsional stiffness influences the dynamic and kinematic behavior of the vehicle.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Application of pulsed laser ND: YAG in superduplex steel uns S 32750: Autogenous laser welding, laser welding with refusion process by laser and hybrid welding (laser/Gtaw)(2020-01-01) Da Silva Crespo, Gillian; Moraes e Videira, Arthur
; Ventrella, Vicente Afonso
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; and Technology of Mato Grosso
The families of duplex and superduplex steels were developed to serve sectors that demand steels with extreme mechanical capacity and good corrosion resistance. Such characteristics are due to their structure being composed of a binary matrix with 50% austenite and 50% ferrite. However, when welding processes are employed, an imbalance of these phases occurs, leading to a loss of mechanical and corrosion properties. So, we carried out studies on the behavior of superduplex steel UNS S 32750, when submitted to autogenous welding with Nd:YAG pulsed laser, autogenous welding with Nd:YAG pulsed laser with subsequent (2, 3 and 4 times) refusion processes with Nd:YAG pulsed laser, and hybrid welding combining Nd:YAG pulsed laser and GTAW (gas-shielded tungsten arc welding) in two situations (coating of the laser welding with GTAW and laser shooting in the GTAW molten pool). The analyses were carried out with geometric analysis and qualitative quality analysis of different cross-sections of welding, along the longitudinal direction of the weld bead, and the percentage balance of the volumetric fractions, of ferrite and austenite on the weld metal, in each process.