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  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    Sobrevida das derivações ventrículo-peritoneais e os fatores associados às suas disfunções: um estudo transversal
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-08-19) Matilde, Jamille Duran ; Avila, Marla Andreia Garcia de ; Hamamoto Filho, Pedro Tadao ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Introdução: A derivação ventrículo-peritoneal (DVP) reduz a mortalidade e a morbidade de indivíduos com hidrocefalia e é o principal procedimento utilizado para tratamento. Porém, esse procedimento continua sujeito às complicações, principalmente devido ao mau funcionamento por obstruções e infecções. A literatura brasileira apresenta poucos estudos no que se refere a taxas de revisão e sobrevida das DVPs. Objetivo: Analisar a sobrevida das derivações ventrículo-peritoneais. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal retrospectivo no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2018, com seguimento dos pacientes submetidos à derivação ventrículo-peritoneal de 23 a 34 meses, no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). A sobrevida da DVP foi caracterizada com o tempo de duração da data da inserção até a sua remoção ou óbito do paciente, já a disfunção foi definida como “qualquer evento” que culminaria em uma cirurgia para revisar a derivação. Resultados: Foram analisados os dados de 58 pacientes e 101 procedimentos cirúrgicos de DVP ou revisões. Dos pacientes, 26 eram do sexo masculino e 32 do sexo feminino, idade média de 29 anos, 16 precisaram de pelo menos uma revisão. A mortalidade foi detectada em 13 participantes. Dos procedimentos, 53 ocorreram em pacientes do sexo feminino e 48 do sexo masculino. Ademais, 62 foram realizados em crianças e 39 em adultos; 25 possuíam DVE ou DVP prévia. Das cirurgias, 45 (44,55%) no período noturno. Em relação ao semestre, 51 (50,49%) cirurgias foram realizadas no primeiro. As revisões aconteceram em 36 episódios, em que 7 foram por infecção, 28 por disfunção e 1 por outra causa. Identificou que 30% das DVPs tendem a ser revisadas nos primeiros 300 dias. A sobrevida global das derivações foi de 262 dias, já as que tiveram revisão, de 27,5 dias. A cada ano de idade, há redução de 3,1% na chance de uma nova revisão e ter uma DVP prévia aumenta o risco de revisão em 3,5 vezes. As crianças têm quase 5,4 vezes chances maiores de precisarem de revisão do que os adultos, sendo prevalentes as condições do período neonatal. Conclusão: As DVPs realizadas em crianças apresentaram menor sobrevida e é um fator independente associado às suas disfunções.
  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    Viabilidade técnica e econômica da compostagem descentralizada de resíduos de feiras: caso de São José dos Campos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-08-04) Amorim, Pedro Lopes Lucas de ; Souza, Ricardo Gabbay de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    A fração orgânica representa uma porção significativa dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, e no Brasil a maioria desta é destinada para aterros. O uso de alternativas para tratamento como a compostagem pode fornecer benefícios ambientais, visto que valorizam o uso dos resíduos orgânicos para aplicações como a adubação do solo. A compostagem pode ser feita em diversas escalas, e, quando feita de maneira descentralizada, fornece um tratamento mais simples e próximo das fontes geradoras. Dentre as aplicações da compostagem descentralizada, as feiras urbanas representam uma fonte de resíduos que em geral contêm elevada quantia de resíduos orgânicos e poucas impurezas, porém ainda é escassa a quantidade de estudos que abordam a viabilidade de seu tratamento, tanto do ponto de vista técnico quanto econômico. Esta dissertação propõe analisar a viabilidade técnica e econômica da implantação de um modelo de compostagem de baixo custo em escala piloto para tratamento descentralizado de resíduos orgânicos de feiras urbanas no município de São José dos Campos, Brasil. Através da montagem e monitoramento do piloto foi observado que mesmo o modelo na configuração mais simples proposta possui potencial para tratamento destes resíduos, pois produziu compostos com parâmetros adequados de relação C/N final e coliformes termotolerantes, transformando a massa de resíduos inicial para aproximadamente 1/3 de composto dentro de um período de 2 meses. Pela análise econômica, concluiu-se que para a viabilidade dos cenários propostos é necessária compatibilização de alguns recursos já existentes. Porém, nas situações com menos requisitos a compostagem descentralizada pode ser mais interessante do que a manutenção da destinação para aterro, podendo arrecadar entre R$ 284,11 e R$ 41.492,01 até o fim do período considerado, enquanto que com a manutenção do aterramento haveria apenas despesas.
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Aplicações das imagens de ressonância magnética no estudo das desordens temporomandibulares
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-11-20) Lopes, Sérgio Lúcio Pereira de Castro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) consist of a diartrodial joint, with remarkable anatomical complexity, and may be influenced by different factors, including anatomical, psychic, and systemic changes. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) consist of a set of signs and symptoms that characterize the presence of alterations that affect the TMJ, as well as related structures, such as mastigatory muscles. Among the imaging exams that help in the diagnosis of TMD, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard for this purpose. This imaging modality has, among other advantages being a noninvasive examination, besides the possibility of providing high definition of soft tissues, such as the articular disc and mastigatory muscles, thus being the only imaging technique that enables a high precision study of these structures, besides the anatomical bone components of the TMJ. This thesis compiled 06 studies, published in impact journals, which analyzed the relationship between: anatomical variations of the TMJ structure, the presence of psychological and systemic findings and the use of computational imaging technologies, in order to study the TMJ and possible findings in TMD, using MRI. Two of these studies performed the MRI approach of the TMJ components in individuals with Major Depression (MD) and Migraine (M), in order to investigate the role of psychic and systemic changes in the presence of TMD, observing appears that MD does not appear to be related to factors that would indicate the presence of TMD, but that M would indicate lateral pterygoid muscle hypertrophy and, therefore, could be associated with factors linked to TMD. Regarding the approach of TMD-related anatomical variations, one of the studies reported here investigated the relationship between the articular eminence anatomy of the TMJ and the presence of articular disc displacement, finding a result that reinforced this hypothesis... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    E pluribus unum: as relações entre esporte, comunicação e literatura numa antologia de treza artigos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019) Marques, José Carlos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Análise crítica das obras envolvendo os diálogos da habitação social em centros históricos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019) Salcedo, Rosío Fernández Baca ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    A cartografia no ensino básico: experiências em cursos de formação continuada de professores
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-04-06) Freitas, Maria Isabel Castreghini de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work has the objective of presenting the methodology used on semipresencial courses of continuing education to teachers from the Basic Education in Cartogrophy and Environment, supported by the creation of study groups and preparation of records in the period from 2005 to 2009, through CECEMCA/UNESP, Centro de Educação Continuada em Educação Matemática, Científica e Ambiental (Center for Continuing Education in Mathematical, Scientific ano Environmental Education), linked to the Training Network from the Basic Education Bureau from MEC (Ministry of Education from Brasil). It also intends to analyze the main activities of Cartography conducted by tutors and teachers in courses and study groups. Proposes a systematization of its analysis through an analytical schedule of spatial relations, from the results of the activities developed by teachers on the sketches (croquis) preparations from the classroom. On the development of the work we relied on the qualitative method, which had as a source of data our experience and the reports from Continuing education Courses from CECEMCA/UNESP in the thematic Cartography and Environment, as well as, interviews with trainers and reports from tutors and teachers. The quantitative approach was also used to record and analyze additional aspects of the courses. Among the results, we can emphasize that the courses in Cartography and Environment allowed the integration of Academic knowledge with the Basic Education teachers knowledge, allowed by the starting point of the educational material offered by the course. Tutors and teachers have organized themselves into study groups that allowed the replication of experiments and obtain results that could be compared. The local tutors found strategies to ally themselves experienced teachers who participated in the study groups, in due to overcome difficulties in individual and collective issues. The records introduced in this study groups activities ...
  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    O Chão em Presidente Prudente: a lógica da expansão territorial urbana
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 1983) Sposito, Maria Encarnação Beltrão ; Oliveira, Ariovaldo Umbelino de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Sistematização crítica de parte de obra acadêmica: (2009/2019) : direito à comunicação : dimensões sociais e políticas no Brasil
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019) Napolitano, Carlo José ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
  • ItemDissertação de mestrado
    Preparação de supercondutor de alta-Tc no sistema BSCCO com adição de Pb utilizando Método Pechini de síntese
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-01-30) Aguiar, Felipe Magalhães de ; Paula, Fernando Rogério de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    With high critical temperature superconducting discovered in the 80s, the studies of superconducting materials have intensified in an attempt to obtain materials with Tc increasing, above the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K). However, some superconducting materials of high Tc are difficult to be obtained, as in the case of superconducting ceramic compositesof Bi- Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) that presents predominant four phases: Bi2Sr2CuO6 (Bi-2201), Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8 (Bi 2212), Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 (Bi-2223) and Bi2Sr2Ca3Cu4O12 (Bi-2234), with its Tc respectively in the range of 7-22 K, 75-94 K, 100-125 K and 90-100 K. Unfortunately the high-Tc phase (Bi-2223) in this high-temperature superconductor is thermodynamically unstable. One of the used solutions to improve this phase stability is the chemical element substitution. Thus, in this work we study the stabilization of the Bi-2223 phase using the method of chemical element substitution in which the Bi was replaced partially by Pb. For this, the stoichiometry used was Bi2-xPbxSr2Ca2Cu3Oywith x = 0.00; 0.30; 0.35; 0.40; 0.45; 0.50 mol/g. The solutions were prepared by the polymeric precursor method based on the Pechini method. The polymeric resin obtained was thermally treated at 200°C for 10 h.Then the resin was macerated and the powder obtained in this procedure was again thermally treated between 400°C and 810°C. With the resulting powder, pastilles were prepared and soon after were subjected to a new thermal treatment to 845°C for 60 h. Structural characterizations of the samples were investigated by the technique of X-ray diffraction - (XRD); electrical characterization by four-point probe dc conductivity method and chemical characterization by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).The results showed that in the samples prepared with concentrations of 0.00, 0.30 and 0.35 mol/g Pb prevailed the phase Bi -2212, however for the concentration of 0.40 mol/g of Pb the Bi-2223 phase was the...
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Efeito luminal da angiotensina sobre a secreção de potássio em túbulos distais de rim de ratos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-02-23) Amorim, José Benedito Oliveira ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The effect of luminal ANGII on K+ secretion by late distal tubule (connecting segment and initial cortical collecting duct) was studied using in vivo stationary microperfusion and K-sensitive microelectrode techniques. Luminal perfusion of ANG II reduced Jk+ from a control value of 0.90±0.19 (n=12) nmol/cm2.s to 0.51±0.05, n=9, (10-12M), 0.70±0.22, n=27 (10-11M) and 0.63±0.08, n=12 (10-9M) nmol/cm2.s (p<0.05 by paired t-test). However, high doses of ANGII (10-6M) had no significant effect on Jk+. Losartan 10-6M, a non-peptide AT1 receptor blocker, reverted the inhibitory effect of ANGII. To test the possibility that the PLA2/arachidonic acid/PGE2 pathway, which had been shown to inhibit other transport mechanisms, is involved in ANGII-mediated cellular signaling cascades, PGE2 was perfused luminally (Jk+ control = 0.93±0.08, n=12 nmol/cm2.s; 10-9M PGE2, Jk+ = 0.55±0.05, n-12; 10-6M PGE2, Jk+ = 0.47±0.04), n=12; both doses reduced K+ secretion significantly (p<0.01). Perfusing with Indomethacin, an unspecific blocker of the PLA2/arachidonic acid/PGE2 path, (10-5M), plus ANG II (10-9M), JK+ increased to 0.95±0.12 (n=13) nmol.cm-2.s-1 compared to ANG II alone (Jk+ = 0.63±0.05, (n=13) nmol/cm2.s, p<0.05). During luminal perfusion with Indomethacin alone, no significant effect on K+ secretion was seen (Jk+ control = 0.73±0.05 (n=10) nmol/cm2.s, 10-6M INDO Jk+ = 0.63±0.07 (n=10), P>0.19. In conclusion, ANG II is able to regulate distal K+ secretion when applied to the tubule lumen, probably via AT1 receptors; it is suggested that the signalling path of the inhibitory effect of ANG II may involve PLA2/arachidonic acid/PGE2
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Análise exergética e termoeconomia: sistematização crítica da produção científica
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-04-09) Tuna, Celso Eduardo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This text describes the lines of research in which the author acted after his doctorate related to the energy area covering the following topics: exergetic analysis and exergoeconomic analysis. The scientific productions described herein were results obtained from the author's research and guidance from graduate students, besides the results of collaborations with other researchers from the research group that participates. Among the main contributions of the articles published, are the development and application of exergoeconomic analysis for various configurations of thermal and electrical generation systems, and also the participation in the construction of a biogas steam reformer prototype and a fluidized bed gasifier in the Energy Systems Optimization Laboratory of UNESP, Guaratinguetá campus. The author is classified in the Scopus base with an h index of 9, and in Google scholar with an h index equal to 11, demonstrating the relevance of its 19 publications in indexed journals with high impact factor
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Avanços nas pesquisas em combustão e mitigação de emissões na geração de energia: sistematização crítica da produção científica
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-12-05) Ávila, Ivonete ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This thesis reports the research lines in which the author developed after her doctorate, related to the energy generation, addressing the following topics: physical-chemical characteristics of raw materials; thermochemical conversion processes and evaluation and carbon capture processes. The scientific output described in this thesis have resulted from postdoctoral researches of the author and data obtained by undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students advised by the author, as well as results of collaborations. Among the leading contributions of the author's papers, it is mentioned the establishment of a direct relation between the activation energy and the ignition delay. The combination of the results of the physicochemical properties and the hydrodynamic behaviour of alternative renewable fuels were also investigated to predict the combustion parameters for the studied materials under fluidised bed combustion conditions. In the investigations on carbon capture and sequestration technology, the potential in the application of raw materials was evaluated to minimise the time of tests, resource use, and environmental impact. From the researches developed by the author, it was also possible to construct an adequate infrastructure in the Laboratory of Combustion and Carbon Capture (LC3) to form a research group, aiming the area of combustion and mitigation of emissions from the generation of energy
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Fenômenos de transporte aplicados a diferentes processos industriais
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-06-26) Guimarães, Daniela Helena Pelegrine ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In present work an algorithm was developed to describe fouling kinetics of whey proteins, based on these proteins solubility curves. Such curves were determined experimentally in the range of 40-100ºC, including dependence with pH, among 4.0 to 7.0. The algorithm was developed for cylindrical tubes thus leading to a less complex one-dimensional mathematical model. The system of equations was solved by the finite differences method with an algorithm developed in Delphi 6.0 and the results obtained were compared with the results of the experimental tests carried out on a tubular heat exchanger, constructed in the pilot plant of the Agronomy Department, in Taubate University. Experimental results showed that protein solubility depends on the solution temperature and pH and the fouling kinetics was dependent on the fluid temperature and pH, as well as the mass flow rate. The time needed for 30% decrease on the internal radius was smaller for higher values of both temperature and flow rate, as well as near the isoelectric point of whey proteins (pH around 5.0), since protein solubility is minimal under these conditions. Protein deposition was more intense in the tube entrance. According to the experimental results obtained by the constructed pasteurizer, it was observed convergence with those obtained from the simulation, verifying, therefore, the validation of kinetic models proposed by the algorithm
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Um estudo sobre as contribuições para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de conceitos de física a partir de experimentos controlados remotamente
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-10-10) Monteiro, Marco Aurélio Alvarenga ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work aimed to study the process of building a laboratory with remotely controlled experiments aimed at the teaching of Physics at the Middle level and investigate the impact of this resource on the teaching and learning process of scientific concepts. The intention was to understand how the experimentation can remotely be a useful tool for teachers and students who do not have adequate and necessary infrastructures to perform experiments in Physics classes in High School. From this perspective, we studied techniques that could be used to construct apparatuses that reproduce natural phenomena and enable the collection of real data online, attending to the idiosyncrasies of high school students who begin their studies in Physics. In this way, the experiments were constructed to allow the students to manipulate the experimental apparatus, through the computer connected to the internet, in afreely, avoiding the existence of black boxes, making possible the observation of any effect occurred due to a Effective action of the student. We also sought to study the best way to use such a resource from the didactic point of view, considering for this, not only the consultation of the vast publication in the area on the use of the laboratory and information and communication technologies (ICT) in Teaching Physics, but also the opinion of teachers of Physics of High School. The results point to the facilitation of the teacher's work in carrying out experimental activities in the classroom, improving students' understanding of scientific concepts, increasing the possibilities of social interaction in the classroom, considering the debate about experimental results obtained and The explanatory models of the phenomena observed and the greater protagonism of the students in the process of teaching and learning
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Uso de analogias como recurso didático na disciplina de transmissão de calor
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-06-26) Matelli, José Alexandre ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The use of analogies as a didactic resource in the discipline of heat transfer is discussed in this thesis. The application of analogies in teaching is reviewed in the literature, so that a theoretical framework that justifies the use of analogies can be established. Thus, it is proposed that the analogy can be interpreted as a Vigotski's symbolic mediation. Uses of analogies either adapted or developed in the classroom by the author of this thesis are presented. The impressions of the author about the students' receptivity to the resource are discussed, as well as some cases of interaction with the students are presented
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Monitoramento de processos: uma análise da produção Científica da docente após o doutorado
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016-09-05) Machado, Marcela Aparecida Guerreiro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The author analysis yours scientific production, focusing on the research published after the conclusion of her doctorate, in 2009. It is a set of 17 articles about control charts for monitoring univariate and multivariate processes. Regarding univariate processes, the author investigated the performance of autocorrelated control charts and control charts with special runs rules. Regarding multivariate processes, the author proposed new statistics for monitoring the mean vector and/or the covariance matrix, and recently, has been investigating the performance of the control charts for monitoring multivariate autocorrelated processes, with or without special runs rules
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Projeto de controlador hibrido aplicado a vibrações
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-03-14) Chavarette, Fábio Roberto ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Os desastres naturais são um grande interesse em engenharia, pois são fenômenos de caráter dinâmico. O desastre natural estudado neste trabalho é a ocorrência de ações sísmicas sobre estruturas, mais precisamente a ação das vibrações do terremoto em estruturas civis. Amortecedores de massa sintonizados (AMS) ou Absorvedores Dinâmicos são dispositivos para controle passivo de vibrações em máquinas, prédios ou outras estruturas. Com o passar dos anos esses dispositivos foram aprimorados e tornaram-se mais versáteis. Neste contexto, apresentam-se um dispositivo considerando uma dependência cúbica do deslocamento na rigidez do elemento elástico acoplado à massa principal e conectada ao aparelho, ambos em paralelo com um amortecimento viscoso linear. O problema é modelado através de equações diferenciais ordinárias não lineares que serão linearizadas em torno de seu ponto de equilíbrio. Como forma de excitar o AMS, foi utilizada uma excitação sísmica sendo esta uma função espectral real, o espectro Tajimi- Kanai, já que em uma situação real, as propriedades do solo local produzem alteração nas propriedades dinâmicas, causando assim uma instabilidade na estrutura onde foram utilizados parâmetros para encontrar um comportamento caótico no sistema. Como forma de minimizar as vibrações causadas pela excitação sísmica foi desenvolvido um controle hibrido estrutural. A técnica de controle utilizada tem o objetivo de minimizar as vibrações e reduzir o movimento caótico do sistema a um ponto estável. Comprovou-se que a estratégia de controle híbrido adotado demonstra eficiência para este tipo de situação e pode ser utilizada como forma de auxiliar na atenuação de danos provocados às estruturas, evitando prejuízos econômicos, perdas biológicas e materiais
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da formação de conceitos matemáticos por educandos dos anos iniciais da EJA
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018) Miguel, José Carlos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Aiming at the theoretical and methodological assumptions involved in a process of formation of mathematical concepts in the first segment of adult education, the research has examined some perceptions and difficulties of students and teachers as well as pointed out alternative teaching procedures for referral of problems. Thanks to bibliographical research, performed the classroom observation and document analysis, collecting the data in a collaborative action research environment. In general, the students of EJA bring to school a vast repertoire of mathematical situations they experience on a daily basis. Informally, deal with recorded information in tables and graphs, make mental calculations with some dexterity and perform estimates that surprise to teachers. However, these skills are usually not much explored in everyday classrooms, prevailing treatment for mathematics strongly marked by algorithmic procedure that although value as procedural content contributes little to the development of logical reasoning necessary to the formation of theoretical thinking. This school conduct restricts the development of skills such as problem solving, decision making, interpret information and adapt to changes in the production process, making the integration of people in the formal labor market. The misunderstanding of the information conveyed or its purely intuitive interpretation may constitute a form of exclusion from individual citizenship. In literacy, mathematics should be treated as support to the processes of reading and writing. It is a condition to speak of effective literacy process, highlighting the complementary functions of the mathematical language and the mother tongue. The results pointed to the theoretical and practical consequences of the decision to think the teaching of mathematics as a ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Sistemas de organização do conhecimento: aspectos teóricos, conceituais e metodológicos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018) Moreira, Walter ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Discusses the concepts of knowledge organization and knowledge representation taking them as nuclear theoretical elements for the understanding of the object of information science. Argues in favor of the inextricability between the concepts of organization and representation. Reinforces the need for the contribution of classification theory to the understanding of new and old models of knowledge organization systems; for this, builds claims based on the historicalanalytical retrieval of bibliographic classification systems. Discusses the concept of knowledge organization systems, presents its typologies and its relations with the concept of documentary languages. Analyzes the interrelationships between knowledge organization systems based on the comparative and guiding concept of ontologies, and presents the model of conceptual relations most common to knowledge organization systems from what prescribes the international norms applied to controlled vocabularies and thesauri. In order to achieve the proposal, it uses the resource of the theoretical-critical systematization constructed from a defined and delimited corpus with respect to the author's production and its theoretical environments. Understands the knowledge organization systems, observed in a broad sense, as representations of socially organized knowledge that need to establish dialectical relationships with the knowledge organization systems, observed in the strict sense, according to its application in knowledge organization processes carried out in documentary information systems. Finally, discuss the unfeasibility of the development of universal knowledge organization systems and argues in favor of the need to identify its limits by clearly explaining the ontological commitment that they aim to establish.
  • ItemTese de livre-docência
    Teorias semióticas no campo da documentação na Espanha
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017) Almeida, Carlos Cândido de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In the Documentation in Spain, Semiotics has been a source of influential conceptual and constitutes a relevant theoretical proposition. The linguistic or logical approaches applied to Documentation began in the 1980s. Since then, documental processes have been considered as semiotic activities, they assume manipulation, translation, conversion, transmission and interpretation of signs. This research investigated the semiotic lines in the Documentation in Spain. The hypothesis it was that the semiotic orientation of Spanish studies in Documentation still required a comprehensive and systematized treatment. The research had as objective to analyze the disciplinary relations between Semiotics and Documentation in Spain. The research adopted, on the one hand, the theoretical-bibliographic method, and on the other hand, with testimonies of specialists in Documentation and Semiotics. Among the results, it highlighted the convergence of most of the theoreticians with semiotic themes linked to Linguistics; the need to approach linguistic and semiotic scientific communities; the important refoundation of a Documental Semiotics, following the guidelines of Izquierdo Arroyo; the inclusion of information technology, computational linguistics and descriptive representation within semiotic studies in Documentation and, finally, the identification of disciplinary barriers. It concluded that the semiotic approaches had an original potential to language studies in the knowledge organization, and can contribute to Information Science in Brazil.