Ourinhos - FCTE - Faculdade de Ciências, Tecnologia e Educação

URI Permanente para esta coleçãohttps://hdl.handle.net/11449/253765


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  • ItemArtigo
    Spatial variation in the trophic category of fish assemblages in longitudinal stretches in a Neotropical reservoir
    (2023-01-01) Garcia, Thiago Deruza ; Quirino, Barbara A. ; Jarduli, Lucas R. ; Carvalho, Edmir D. ; Vidotto-Magnoni, Ana Paula ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) ; Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) ; Centro Universitário das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The spatial gradients created after the installation of large reservoirs produce a great diversity of biotopes, which affects the distribution and structuring of aquatic communities, mainly fish. Thus, we hypothesized that the fishes living in the lotic stretch (river zone, closest to the natural environment) of the reservoir would have lower overlap and higher niche breadth than fishes living in the lentic stretch. Samples were collected in six sections (lentic and lotic) of the Chavantes Reservoir, middle Paranapanema River. A total of 1478 individuals distributed in 13 species were sampled in both stretches. Many resources were acquired by species, and we observed that nine species present significant differences when comparing the two stretches. Furthermore, only Schizodon nasutus and Steindachnerina insculpta showed interindividual variability. Despite the large number of food items exploited by the species, the vast majority showed preferential consumption for few food resources, evidenced by the low values of trophic niche breadth in both stretches. Furthermore, it was observed a trend towards specialization of all trophic categories indicated that the results found here, combined with a low degree of niche breadth of the species, offer a high trophic food variation among the fish species in the reservoir.
  • ItemArtigo
    Impact of different dexamethasone treatment protocols in goats for preterm neonatal outcomes
    (2022-11-01) Narciso, Luis Gustavo ; Alcindo, Jefferson Filgueira ; Bovino, Fernanda ; Trevizan, Juliane Teramachi ; da Silva Vieira, Dielson ; Martins de Almeida, Breno Fernando ; Feitosa, Francisco Leydson Formiga ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of the Semi-Arid Region – UFERSA ; Educacional Foundation of Andradina ; University Center of Rio Preto ; University Center of the Integrated Schools of Ourinhos (Unifio) ; Yale University School of Medicine
    This study aimed to evaluate metabolic parameters, such as hemogasometric, glycemic, and lactate values of premature newborns from goats subjected to prenatal dexamethasone treatment using different protocols in comparison with those obtained with previous protocols and studies. The protocols were as follows: Group I received 20 mg dexamethasone at 139 days of gestation; Group II received 2 mg dexamethasone from the 133rd to the 136th day of gestation, 4 mg from the 137th to the 139th day, and 20 mg on the 140th day; Group III received 16 mg dexamethasone from the 139th day, with repeated doses every 12 h until elective surgery; and Group IV received 4, 8, 16, and 20 mg dexamethasone on days 137th, 138th, 139th and 140th days of gestation, respectively. The groups whose mothers received 4, 8, 16, and 20 mg dexamethasone at 137, 138, 139, and 140 days of gestation had higher bicarbonate values at 0, 1, and 48 h compared to the other groups. The highest lactate values were observed at birth, with a gradual reduction in all groups. In all groups, there was an increase in glucose levels after birth, with the highest values observed 48 h after birth. The use of antenatal dexamethasone in goats promotes fetal development, and consequently, lung maturation. More extended protocols seem more efficient, resulting in lower mortality rates and less intense metabolic changes. This study will help establish protocols to overcome the mortality and morbidity associated with preterm ruminants.
  • ItemArtigo
    Impact of tectonic topographic rejuvenation in landscapes with high bedrock/duricrust strength: Insights from geomorphic evidence in a post-rifted region (SE Brazil)
    (2023-08-15) Campos, Daniela Schievano de ; Santos, Marcilene dos ; Marques, Karina P.P. ; Silva, Alexandre Christófaro ; Vidal-Torrado, Pablo ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys
    The evolution of Cenozoic relief in post-rifted and post-orogenic landscapes reveals enigmatic and intricate dynamics. Unsteady conditions long after the cessation of ongoing tectonics have been reported in these landscapes with evidence for relief growth rather than the expected slow topographic decay. Various controlling factors (e.g., lithology and isostasy) have been invoked to explain their geomorphic evolution; however, topographic rejuvenation controls remain puzzling, particularly within intraplate landscapes. Here, we investigated topographic rejuvenation, exploring the interactions between the river long profiles of the drainage network, the broader landscape topography, and their collective relationships with the strength of the bedrock and duricrust soils that cap the land surface in the Southern Espinhaço Range of Brazil. This is a humid tropical post-orogenic and post-rifted landscape characterised by resistant bedrock and duricrusts, despite some rock-type strength variability. We show robust evidence for a first-order control exerted by the lithology/rock strength. However, results revealed an overall non-collinearity between the transformed river profiles. These profiles displayed knickpoints separating upstream low-relief uplands capped by Fe/Al duricrusts from an incised downstream transient landscape associated with uplift/base-level fall. Regionally, the river profiles display an asymmetric pattern of relief growth with an eastward gain in elevation and fault-controlled dismantling of duricrusted surface that cannot be explained exclusively by bedrock strength variations. This spatial configuration suggests that links exist between the internal and external factors that collectively control the landscape development. The interplay between faulting/dismantling of the duricrusts and river incision/topographic patterns provides compelling evidence for Pliocene tectonic/topographic rejuvenation. Our findings are consistent with a pattern of regional surface uplift related to combined flexural isostasy and far-field stress interactions. Collectively, our study demonstrates that lithology, as a first control factor on topographic rejuvenation, is not exclusive to post-orogenic landscapes with strongly heterogeneous bedrock. The bedrock/duricrust strength acts in combination with locally inherited discontinuities and large-scale tectonics/flexural isostasy. Such interactions add significant complexity to the evolution and rejuvenation of post-rifted landscapes, particularly within intraplate settings.
  • ItemArtigo
    Ecological effects of changes on Brazilian native vegetation protection law in an urban area
    (2022-01-01) Issii, Thais M. ; Pereira-Silva, Erico F. L. ; S. Galvanin, Edinéia A. ; Attanasio Júnior, Mario R. ; Hardt, Elisa ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This study compared the ecological effects on forest conservation before and after changes in Brazilian forest protection, taking a case study of a water source area in Diadema, the municipality with the highest demographic density in São Paulo State. We also evaluated compliance with the laws (Forest Code—FC and Native Vegetation Protection Law—NVPL), considering the reality of land use and land cover (LULC) in the year before the new law NVPL. We created LULC maps of legal scenarios for both laws analyzed based on landscape metrics of optimal resource availability (ORA), distance from the nearest neighbor (ENN), and anthropogenic edge frequency and length (ESD and ED). Our findings revealed that changes to some technical criteria in the NVPL reduced the quantity (220–105 ha) and quality (ORAFC = 0.02 and ORANVPL = 0.005) of Diadema protected forests and altered their neighborhood relationships, stronger influenced by human-modified fields as agents of fragmentation and pressure for further disturbances. The results indicate that the new law does not substantially increase compliance (30–35%), but if it has full compliance, landscape connectivity could be improved (ENNFC = 8.6 and ENNNVPL = 11.2). Our technique to create a LULC map of legal expectation, combined with the application of selected landscape metrics, proves valid for understanding the changes in Brazilian expectative protection regarding forest conservation.
  • ItemArtigo
    Spatial concentration and variability of rainfall in the Iguaçu River Basin, State of Paraná−Brazil
    (2023-01-01) de Andrade, Aparecido Ribeiro ; Nery, Jonas Teixeira ; Toledo, Bruno Henrique Costa ; Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste−UNICENTRO ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
    The analysis of rainfall as an environmental factor that influences landscape dynamics is an important and ongoing topic of discussion. This discussion can be centred on the discovery of impacts caused by the increase or decrease in rainfall frequency and intensity. From this perspective, this study sought to analyse the rainfall variability in the Iguaçu River basin, located in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. The main objective was focused on the temporal-spatial rainfall distribution in the study area and its interaction with landscape dynamics (different land uses). Precipitation data for the period 1988−2018 were obtained from the ‘Águas Paraná’ Institute. To calculate the Concentration Index−CI values of the study area, data analysis was performed using the ‘R’ software with Climatol and Precindicon subroutines of the software, and analysis of Landsat 8 satellite images through ArcGIS. The results indicated that there was a well-defined spatial variability in the study area, as the CIs defined higher rainfall concentrations upstream from the river basin and lower rainfall concentrations downstream—implying that these processes may be strongly associated with land use.
  • ItemArtigo
    The contribution of Amelia Americano Domingues de Castro (1920-2020) to Geography Didactics
    (Univ Fed Goias, Inst Estudos Socio-ambientais, 2022-08-01) Mello, Marcia Cristina de Oliveira ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The teacher-training course at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters (FFCL) of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) played an important role in the constitution of the history of Didactics of Geography in our country. From the select group of professors graduated at USP between the 1930s and the 1960s emerged a generation of brilliant geographers, among them Professor Amelia Americano Domingues de Castro (1920-2020), which we highlight. She graduated in 1940 and was hired in 1942 as a Didactics teacher, becoming a pioneer in the area. She stood out for introducing Jean Piaget's ideas, presenting some answers to questions about methodological orientation concerning the teaching-learning process. Her intellectual production certainly evidences the matrix characterized by the scholastic orientation of that time, which had countless variables, whose versions can still be investigated. In this sense, we present in the XIV National Meeting of Post-graduation and research in Geography a fair homage to Professor Amelia, through the disclosure of her legacy that influenced the pedagogical field and the discussions around the teaching of Geography.
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    Inovações tecnológicas e perenização da degradação sistêmica do trabalho: a contrarreforma da previdência social com enfoque para o trabalho no setor rural
    (Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, Fac Ciencias & Tecnologia, 2022-09-01) Souza, Edvnia Angela de ; Thomaz Junior, Antonio ; Carvalhal, Marcelo Dornelis ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article discusses the setbacks in Brazilian Social Security since the counter-reform occurred in 2019. This situation is even worse when it is considered the main feature of the labour market in this country: a high proportion of the working class is in informal employment and, as a result, enormous obstacles to making contributions to secure access to pensions, especially in rural areas. The paper also analyses the effects of the previous counter-reform in the Employment and Social Security policies adopted in 2017, as well as the challenges faced by the rural labour force in the context of increased use of new technological tools, digitalisation and information sources in agricultural production. Those challenges had been a distinctive feature of the capital expansion before the COVID-19 pandemic, showing its relevance in the (post)pandemic period. As final remarks, the work highlights the historical context of capital development in which (re)definitions of the power and control of the work is predominant in global geopolitics. Therefore, the counter-reform of social rights, the elimination of social protection mechanisms and the neoliberal rationales are related to a more general capital movement promoting widened productivity, cost reductions and capital accumulation rates by controlling work and nature.
  • ItemArtigo
    Synovial fluid and radiographic evaluation of joints from dogs with visceral leishmaniasis
    (2022-09-08) Silva, Alexandre R S ; Gomes, Ana A D ; Aquino, Monally C C ; Almeida, Breno F M ; Lima, Valéria M F ; Ciarlini, Paulo C. ; Pinoti, Luciana D R ; Marcondes, Mary ; Vieira, Rafael F C ; Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF) ; Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA) ; University Center of the Integrated Faculties of Ourinhos (Unifio) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) ; Ohio State University
    BACKGROUND: Polyarthritis has been associated with canine visceral leishmaniasis (CanVL), and co-infection with Ehrlichia canis is common and may alter clinical manifestations. METHODS: A total of 89 dogs presenting CanVL were subdivided into two groups: (1) G1, consisting of 46 dogs seronegative to Ehrlichia spp., and (ii) G2, consisting of 43 dogs seropositive to Ehrlichia spp. Eight joints (carpal, tarsal, stifles and elbows) from each dog were evaluated by radiography and synovial fluid (SF) cytologic analysis. RESULTS: Overall, 74 of the 89 (83.1%) dogs presented joint abnormalities suggestive of osteoarthritis by radiography (G1: 40/46 [86.9%]; G2: 34/43 [79.0%]), with no statistically significant between-group difference. All dogs with abnormal joint X-ray images presented radiographic lesions bilaterally, independent of the characteristics of the lesion. Soft tissue swelling around the joint and joint space narrowing were more commonly observed in G1 than in G2 dogs. There was no significant between-group difference in terms of other radiographic abnormalities suggestive of osteoarthritis (evident trabecular pattern, subchondral bone sclerosis, osteolysis, osteolytic-proliferative lesions or bone proliferation). SF from 174/315 (55.2%) and 152/307 (49.5%) joints from G1 and G2 dogs, respectively, presented an inflammatory infiltrate, but there was no significant association between the presence of inflammatory infiltrate and group. There was also no statistical difference between groups in either of the evaluated joints in terms of the percentage of neutrophils or mononuclear cells. Leishmania spp. amastigotes were found in 69/315 (21.9%) joints from G1 dogs and in 100/307 (32.5%) joints from G2 dogs (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.002, odds ratio = 0.5, 95% confidence interval = 0.4-0.8). The neutrophilic infiltrate was significantly higher in joints with amastigote forms in both G1 (Mann-Whitney U-test, U(18) = 817, Z = -3.76, P = 0.0001) and G2 dogs (Mann-Whitney U-test, U(18) = 6543, Z = - 5.06, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of arthritis in dogs with CanVL was found, and all dogs presented involvement in multiple joints. Although no difference was observed between groups in terms of the number of dogs with polyarthritis and the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate in SF, Leishmania spp. amastigotes were found more frequently in joints from G2 dogs. Further studies evaluating SF in dogs co-infected with L. infantum and E. canis should be performed to evaluate this finding.
  • ItemArtigo
    Feline obesity causes hematological and biochemical changes and oxidative stress – a pilot study
    (2022-01-01) Martins, Tainara de Oliveira ; Ramos, Rebecca Cápera ; Possidonio, Geovana ; Bosculo, Maria Rachel Melo ; Oliveira, Paula Lima ; Costa, Leticia Ramos ; Zamboni, Vinicius Aquiles Gomes ; Marques, Marcel Gambin ; de Almeida, Breno Fernando Martins ; University Center of the Integrated Faculties of Ourinhos (Unifio) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Obesity, an extremely important factor in feline clinical practice, is estimated to affect up to one third of the feline population. Moreover, it can trigger chronic inflammation, which could predispose to oxidative stress by increasing reactive oxygen species, thereby generating potentially irreversible cellular damage. This study analyzed hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress profiles at various degrees of feline obesity. Forty-five cats were selected and divided into three groups: control (n = 17), overweight (n = 13) and obese (n = 15), after clinical and laboratory evaluation and body condition score. Biochemical and oxidative stress analyses were performed using a photocolorimeter and hematological analyses were performed in a veterinary cell counter. Obese cats showed increased mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red cell distribution width (RDW), HDL cholesterol and triglycerides and decreased activity of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) than control cats, although within the reference ranges for the species. As for oxidative stress, obese cats showed higher total antioxidant capacity (TAC), by the inhibition of 2,2’-Azino-Bis-3-Ethylbenzthiazoline-6-Sulfonic Acid (ABTS), inhibition of ABTS associated with horseradish peroxidase (ABTS + HRP), cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods, while overweight cats had a higher TAC-ABTS + HRP and TAC-FRAP than control cats. We conclude that the conditions of natural obesity and overweight in the feline species alter its hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters.
  • ItemArtigo
    (2022-01-01) Souza, Wennely Karoline Costa ; Mendonça, Mariana Orlandini ; de Oliveira, Tainara Martins ; Gonçalves, Geovanna Santos ; Vieira, Susana Eduardo ; Monzani, Guilherme Stuqui ; de Oliveira, Paula Lima ; Bosculo, Maria Rachel Melo ; Floriano, Beatriz Perez ; Almeida, Breno Fernando Martins ; Centro Universitário das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos (Unifio) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Fundação Educacional de Andradina (FEA)
    The influence of the circadian rhythm on canine laboratory parameters is yet to be elucidated. This study aimed to investigate possible fluctuations that occur on laboratory tests of healthy dogs following overnight and over−day fasting. For this purpose, 20 adult clinically healthy dogs were enrolled in the study. Venous blood samples were obtained 7:00 am (ONF, overnight fasting) and at 7:00 pm (ODF, over−day fasting) at the same day, following a 12−hour period of respectively overnight and over−day fasting for hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress assessment. The erythrogram showed significant reduction of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measured by the cell counter following ODF. The only change seen on the leukogram was a lower lymphocyte count following ODF. No significant changes were found on platelet count, although ODF was associated with decreased mean platelet volume (MPV) and total plasma protein (TPP). ODF caused a significant reduction of total cholesterol, ALP, phosphate and triglycerides. On oxidative stress parameters, ODF reduced total oxidant capacity (TOC) and increased lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, the time of fasting can partly influence hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters in dogs significantly, which warrants standardization of fasting period prior to laboratory tests in dogs, especially during research.
  • ItemArtigo
    Spatio-temporal analysis of land use/land cover change dynamics in Paraguai/Jauquara Basin, Brazil
    (2022-06-01) Silva, Daniela ; Galvanin, Edinéia A. S. ; Menezes, Raquel ; Minho University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Although global climate change is receiving considerable attention, the loss of biodiversity worldwide continues. In this study, dynamics of land use/land cover (LULC) change in the Paraguai/Jauquara Basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil, were investigated. Two analyses were performed using R software. The first was a comparative study of LULC among the LULC classes at the polygon scale, and the second was a spatio-temporal analysis of moving polygons restricted to the agricultural regions in terms of topology, size, distance, and direction of change. The data consisted of Landsat images captured in 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, and 2016 and processed using ArcGIS software. The proposed analytical approach handled complex data structures and allowed for a deeper understanding of LULC change over time. The results showed that there was a statistically significant change from regions of natural vegetation to pastures, agricultural regions, and land for other uses, accompanied by a significant trend of expansion of agricultural regions, appearing to stabilize from 2005. Furthermore, different patterns of LULC change were found according to soil type and elevation. In particular, the purple latosol soil type presented the highest expansion indexes since 2001, and the elevated agricultural areas have been expanding and/or stabilizing since 1997.
  • ItemArtigo
    Reflections and guidelines for the study of vernacular landscapes
    (2021-12-20) Frank, Bruno José Rodrigues ; Yamaki, Humberto Tetsuya ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)
    Coined by J.B Jackson in the 1970s, the concept of Vernacular Landscape was used to appreciate certain landscapes in the United States that were considered banal or common, seeking to interpret and value it. Since then, this concept has been worked within the studies of Cultural Landscape. Despite the wide range of possible interpretations, the Vernacular Landscape as a concept does not have the systematic theoretical and methodological it deserves. The aim of this article is to fill this gap by conceptualizing it and look for the particularities that differentiate it from other categories of Cultural Landscape. Therefore, we defined certain guidelines and parameters for its interpretation, followed by the most relevant research approaches. The article also brings, as an example, the of an Invernada (similar to paddocks in the northern hemisphere), where some of the guidelines discussed are applied in the text.
  • ItemArtigo
    Reflections and guidelines for the study of vernacular landscapes
    (Univ Fed Goias, Inst Estudos Socio-ambientais, 2021-12-01) Frank, Bruno Jose Rodrigues ; Yamaki, Humberto Tetsuya ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)
    Coined by J.B Jackson in the 1970s, the concept of Vernacular Landscape was used to appreciate certain landscapes in the United States that were considered banal or common, seeking to interpret and value it. Since then, this concept has been worked within the studies of Cultural Landscape. Despite the wide range of possible interpretations, the Vernacular Landscape as a concept does not have the systematic theoretical and methodological it deserves. The aim of this article is to fill this gap by conceptualizing it and look for the particularities that differentiate it from other categories of Cultural Landscape. Therefore, we defined certain guidelines and parameters for its interpretation, followed by the most relevant research approaches. The article also brings, as an example, the of an Invernada (similar to paddocks in the northern hemisphere), where some of the guidelines discussed are applied in the text.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Phishing Detection Using URL-based XAI Techniques
    (2021-01-01) Hernandes, Paulo R. Galego ; Floret, Camila P. ; De Almeida, Katia F. Cardozo ; Da Silva, Vinicius Camargo ; Papa, Joso Paulo ; Da Costa, Kelton A. Pontara ; Fatec Ourinhos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The Internet has been growing exponentially and expanding facilities, such as payments and online purchases. Likewise, the number of criminals using electronic devices to commit theft or hijacking of information has increased. Many scams still require interaction with the victim, who in many cases is persuaded to access a malicious link sent by email, which is classified as phishing. This technique is one of the biggest threats for users and one of the most efficient for criminals. Several studies show different sorts of protection using Artificial Intelligence, which despite being very efficient, do not describe the reasons for categorizing them or using a URL as phishing. This paper focuses on detecting phishing using explainable techniques, i.e., Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations and Explainable Boosting Machine, to lighten up new advances and future works in the area.
  • ItemArtigo
    Neospora caninum infection and reproductive problems in dairy cows from Brazil: A case-control study
    (2022-02-01) de Souza, Giovanna Gati ; Amatti, Lidiana Zanetti ; Garcia, Luana Venâncio ; Costa, Letícia Ramos ; Minutti, Ana Flávia ; Martins, Thais Agostinho ; Bogado, Alexey Leon Gomel ; Ignácio, Fernanda Saules ; de Almeida, Breno Fernando Martins ; Garcia, João Luis ; de Barros, Luiz Daniel ; Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) ; Universidade Norte do Paraná ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Neosporosis, an infectious disease caused by the protozoan Neospora caninum, has been associated with economic losses in cattle rearing worldwide. However, previous studies have not presented any evidence regarding the association between serological status of neosporosis and alteration of the reproductive parameters. Thus, this study aimed to determine whether N. caninum is associated with reproductive disorders and to evaluate the possible risk factors of the infection. Blood samples from 202 dairy cows, 51 with a history of reproductive disorders (case group) and 151 without (control group), were collected from different farms in Brazil. Epidemiological questionnaires were conducted with all the farmers. Serum samples were subjected to an indirect fluorescent antibody test to detect antibodies against the parasite. In total, 28.22% (57/202) of the cows were seropositive: 47.06% (24/51) from the case group and 21.85% (33/151) from the control group. By logistic regression, cows aged ≥48 months and cows with history of abortion were 4.8 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.91–12.05; p = 0.001) and 2.3 (95% CI = 1.06–5.1; p = 0.034) times more likely to be seropositive, respectively. Furthermore, our results show an association between N. caninum seropositivity and abortion in dairy cows from Brazil with poor management conditions and N. caninum seropositivity risk factors for reproductive disorders.
  • ItemArtigo
    Biochemical profile of 'Niagara Rosada' grapes under different rootstocks and training system
    (2021-01-01) Pimentel, Adilson ; Neto, Francisco José Domingues ; Monteiro, Gean Charles ; Borges, Cristine Vanz ; Lima, Giuseppina Pace Pereira ; Tecchio, Marco Antonio ; Centro Universitário das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Grapevines are used to be trained to different systems, while there is a paucity of literature on the main cordon disposition with regards to grape quality, especially grafted on to different rootstocks. Therefore, a field experiment took place in the city of São Manuel, state of São Paulo, Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of the 'Niagara Rosada' grapes by training them to vertical shoot position (VSP) system with unilateral and bilateral cordons grafted on to rootstocks during two crop seasons (2015 and 2016). To assess the data, a 22 factorial setup organized in a randomized complete block design was used, corresponding to two rootstocks ('IAC 766 Campinas' and 'IAC 572 Jales') and two cordons (unilateral and bilateral cordon). The variables assessed were the content of soluble solids, titratable acidity, fruit-ripeness index, reducing sugars, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, anthocyanins, antioxidant activity via DPPH and FRAP. Results indicated that 'IAC 766 Campinas' rootstock and bilateral cordon improved the chemical quality in grapes, especially the contents of anthocyanins and sugars. This management practice should be selected when growing 'Niágara Rosada' grapes, provided that there is an influence in the quality of the final product.
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    Fusion of data for analysis of images recorded by satellites: Proposal of metadata model
    (2020-09-01) Katahira, Isaque ; Dias, Danilo Camargo ; Dolci, Danilo ; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes ; Botega, Leonardo Castro ; Leiva, Isidoro Gil ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Bioinformática pela Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) ; Faculdade de Tecnologia (FATEC) ; Formação Pedagógica (Licenciatura) pela Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (CEETEPS) ; Engenharia de Sistemas pela Escola Superior Aberta do Brazil (ESAB) ; Escola Técnica Estadual (ETEC) ; Pós-graduação em Redes de Computadores pela Faculdade Estácio de Sá de Ourinhos (FAESO) ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) ; Curso de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Garça (FATEC) ; Universidad de Murcia (UM) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) ; Técnicas y Métodos Actuales en Información pela Universidad de Murcia (UM) ; Universidad de Murcia (UM) - Campus de Espinardo
    Several technologies have emerged in recent decades that have provided considerable growth in the volume and complexity of digital image repositories. In view of this development, it is also necessary to create new information treatment strategies, especially those related to organization and recovery. Historically, the use of metadata is a technique used to identify image files. In this sense, data fusion can be used as a method to connect parameters in heterogeneous data sets for indexing in image repositories, in order to establish connections. In this sense, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the potential of data fusion for the organization of images recorded by different satellites, specifically, to develop a metadata model for the representation of information in data fusion by AI systems. This research is an exploratory bibliographic review used to demonstrate the potential of data fusion from images recorded by different satellites, coming from two NASA monitoring systems: National Snow & Ice Data Center and the GES DISC Data Archive, with further development proposal of a metadata model to assist data fusion, by observing common parameters and exploring the metadata structure. At the end of this work, it was possible to prove that the fusion of image data stands out as an efficient strategy for the representation and recovery of information and collaborates to expand the understanding of climate change on the planet.
  • ItemArtigo
    Evaluation of hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress profile in calves under propofol anesthesia
    (2022-02-01) Lima, Pedro Paulo Arcanjo ; Narciso, Luis Gustavo ; Alcindo, Jefferson Filgueira ; Deschk, Maurício ; Ciarlini, Paulo Cesar ; dos Santos, Paulo Sérgio Patto ; de Almeida, Breno Fernando Martins ; Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University Center of the Integrated Faculties of Ourinhos (Unifio)
    Propofol is a widely used drug in veterinary medicine to induce anesthesia; as well as the chosen compound for protocols of intravenous anesthesia. The present study aimed to describe the hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress alterations in calves kept under anesthesia by propofol in different dosages. In order to achieve this, eight Holstein calves were induced using propofol in a 5 mg/kg dosage and maintained under continuous propofol infusion for 60 min, having being administered 0.6 mg/kg/h or 0.8 mg/kg/h in crossover design with seven days interval. Blood samples were collected immediately before the anesthesia induction (baseline), and 30 min, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 h after the procedure started. Statistically relevant propofol influence was observed both in blood and biochemical parameters, with differences between dosages according to the time of infusion. The drug action over oxidative stress was also observed, causing a raise of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) with an uric acid increase. Additionally, the increase of triglycerides, induced by the anesthesia maintenance with propofol, caused lipemia in the samples, which was capable of interfering directly in the measurements made by refractometry and spectrophotometry. It was concluded that, in spite of propofol induced alterations in blood and biochemical parameters, such alterations are subtle. In addition to that, the drug presented an antioxidative effect, which reinstates the safety of anesthesia maintenance with propofol in calves.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Understanding higher education teaching, learning and evaluation: A qualitative analysis supported by ATLAS.Ti
    (2018-01-01) Nicácio, Rosemary T. ; Barbosa, Raquel L. L. ; Research and University Extension Center ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Teachers’ education has been studied by Ferreira (2014), Gatti (2009; 2013), Alves (2011), Garcia (2010), Tardif (2010), Imbernón (2009), Patto (2004), and others, who discuss it on Basic Education level. We investigate how university professors who teach future teachers understand teaching foundations, which is a great field for studying in Brazil. This research is conducted based on AVENA Project in two Brazilian universities. Our main objective is to analyze possible patterns on understanding teaching, learning and evaluation in teacher`s training courses. We also analyzed students understanding in the same courses. In this article, we present a methodological path chosen, because of the great amount of the collected data we used ATLAS.ti software, which we chose because of the possibilities of organization for qualitative analysis.
  • ItemArtigo
    Transient and relict landforms in a lithologically heterogeneous post-orogenic landscape in the intertropical belt (Alto Paranaíba region, Brazil)
    (2021-10-15) Marques, Karina P.P. ; dos Santos, Marcilene ; Peifer, Daniel ; da Silva, Clauzionor Lima ; Vidal-Torrado, Pablo ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ; Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
    High elevations and steep slopes are currently observed in ancient mountain ranges despite active tectonics having ceased tens to hundreds of millions of years ago. Explanations for landscape dynamics in these settings generally postulate that post-orogenic relief is either the product of a recent topographic rejuvenation episode (or episodes) or was formed by ancient orogenesis after which the landscape has survived ever since, perhaps in a topographic equilibrium condition where erosion is spatially uniform. Here, we explore the morphology of a tropical wet and dry, high relief post-orogenic landscape in the Brazilian continental interior capped by ferruginous duricrusts and characterised by stark lithological variability. We explore whether a decline in relief has remained constant or increased during its post-orogenic evolution. We show that river knickpoints demarcate regional topographic transitions between 1) flat, relict uplands, 2) a rugged transition zone where channels and adjacent hillslopes are steep, and 3) gentle lowland morphologies in downstream areas. Relict areas are primarily capped by ferruginous duricrusts that are likely Eocene, as suggested by weathering geochronology in surrounding areas. Topography in the study area records at least two regional, transient topographic disequilibrium events, where the oldest drop in relative base level is expressed by knickpoints lying in high elevations fixed within ferruginous duricrusts that slow the propagation of the transient base level lowering signal. This transience is consistent with regional uplift events, likely driven by denudational isostatic rebound or compressional far-field stresses, with local effects superimposed linked with the strike-slip reactivation of old faults and the formation of the Pratinha Pull-Apart Basin. Relief is growing as the topography is slowly decaying, yet the topographic configuration of the area was established before these disequilibrium events. Our study demonstrates that ancient and younger landforms coexist in a post-orogenic setting, implying that the competing hypotheses for post-orogenic development are not mutually exclusive.