Artigos - Colégio Técnico Industrial (CTI) - Bauru

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  • ItemArtigo
    To be or not to be nas malhas híbridas do suporte digital YouTube: Práticas de leitura, linguagens e o sujeito
    (2016-10-01) Pimenta, Leny André ; Momesso, Maria Regina ; Assolini, Filomena Elaine Paiva ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências E Letras de Ribeirão Preto
    The article observes and ponders on the reading practices of an animated short film scene of To be or not To be of Hamlet in digital support YouTube. Given the premise that support change can promote changes in reading procedures and, consequently, produce effects of meaning that reverberate in the structure of the discursive subjects involved in the process of construction of literary art, especially in the authorship. Reflection is based on discourse analysis of French 'line' and Lacanian Psychoanalysis, in which postulates deal with the historical determination of meaning processes, considering that the meanings are constructed as singular, in the relationship with the other and in their environment, and, for that, the subject has to take possession of the language field. Based on these assumptions, the corpus is configured by the virtual narrative of the animated short film Mabinogi: Hamlet - To be, or not to be, Scene One, which makes a clipping of a classic literary Shakespeare's work, Hamlet. The results point to multiple, hybrid reading gestures, in which senses and possibilities for co-Authoring can reverberate in the work of the adolescent that is constituted through language and questioning about his own self.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Distance learning for training business game bom burguer tutors
    (2016-01-01) Marinho, Mariana de Toledo ; Rodrigues, José de Sousa ; Zambon, Kátia Lívia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This work is result of research that proposes incorporation of Distance Learning to Business Game Bom Burguer as strategy to enhance tutors training considering difficulties presented by public school’s teacher about entrepreneurship. Part of this could be attributed to curricular grade, because, in general, it is not common to find entrepreneurship in it. The Distance Learning activities was developed using Moodle platform and structured in topics to increase educational flexibility and achieve better balance between individual reflection and online discussion. It developed in four steps: course content development; course evaluation by computer technicians; course restructuring based on course evaluation by computer technicians; course evaluation by teachers from the public school system. A preliminary test was performed with informatics technicians to evaluate learning environment technically. Based on this, the course was restructured, applying corrections and adjustments to make better usability of environment. After corrections, a final test was conducted with public school system teacher to analyse user perception, having a positive result. Virtual learning environment evaluation is complex and multidisciplinary, requires technical knowledge of programming for internet and conceptual knowledge about education, especially in the field of learning. When examined the evaluation done by teachers, it was found that deficiencies pointed out by computer technicians have been resolved, given positive rating. Concluded then that Bom Burguer game can comply with an important function in Brazilian educational scenario because it allows the noncurricular use, as a complementary activity, disengaged from classroom. Now enriched with Distance Learning environment, become even more accessible as it could be used both to educate tutors and students.
  • ItemArtigo
    (Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2021-08-01) Souza Monteiro, Solange Aparecida de ; Momesso, Maria Regina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The article presents a theoretical and bibliographical review about the theme of Sexual Education in Brazil and Portugal, highlighting the documents of each country. Reading and writing are understood as social practices. Theoretically and methodologically, the revised documents constitute an empirical corpus of reading and analysis from the french discursive perspective and seeks to carry out an analysis supported by Michel Foucault's theories. In Brazil, documents are prescriptive, designed to guide pedagogical proposals for teachers. These documents operate discourses on rights for childhood and adolescence. But they also regulate and produce an education administered and conducted with the purpose of preparing them for life in society and for productive work. And, in Portugal, the Report - Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of Law No. 60/2009 of 6 August was analyzed, which proposes the mandatory nature of Sexuality Education in schools in Portugal.
  • ItemArtigo
    Distance learning for training business game tutors
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção, 2017-07-24) Marinho, Mariana De Toledo ; Rodrigues, José De Souza ; Zambon, Katia Livia ; Crepaldi, Antonio Fernando ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work is the result of research that proposes the incorporation of Distance Learning into a Business Game as a strategy to enhance tutor training, considering entrepreneurship difficulties faced by public school teachers. Part of the problem could be attributed to subject type, because, in general, it is not common to find entrepreneurship on school curricula. The Distance Learning (DL) activities were developed using the Moodle platform and structured by topic to increase educational flexibility and achieve a better balance between individual reflection and online discussion. It was developed in four steps: course content development; course evaluation by computer technicians; restructuring the course based on course evaluation done by computer technicians and course evaluation by teachers from the public school system. A preliminary test was performed with informatics technicians to technically evaluate the learning environment. Based on this, the course was restructured, applying corrections and adjustments to improve environment usability. After corrections, a final test was conducted with public school system teachers to analyze user perception, which gave a positive result. Virtual learning environment evaluation is complex and multidisciplinary, requiring the technical knowledge of internet programming and a conceptual knowledge of education, especially in the field of learning. When the evaluation done by teachers was examined, it was found that deficiencies pointed out by computer technicians had been resolved, giving a positive rating. This current research concludes that DL can improve the use of games, because it is possible to structure the content related to the learning gaps of specific groups of students. In this respect the use of games results can guide the development of content.
  • ItemArtigo
    (Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2020-11-01) Momesso, Maria Regina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    It starts from the premise that the languages form all that we are, we live and bring us the understanding of the world. Every education goes through by the scrilling(the writing process which occurs through the Reading or the Reading that results from the writing process). Mastering them, it helps and cares about ourselves while subjects as we are, promoting an ethical existence and making up it in a masterpiece. This present paper aims the reflections and discursive practices of literary and cybermedia scrilling whose linguistic education makes that transformation possible, guiding the Young people into subjectivities ways. Those aspects affect the youth in favor of a linguistic and sexual education that promotes the self - care an ethical existence. Based on Focault last studies, this paper points up the methodology and the theoretical reflection named The genealogy of ethics. According to those studies, Focault focused between the subject and the truth realtionships, raising the matter about sexuality as one of its themes approached. The results show toward those practices acting in multiplied roles, maximizing and getting easier the world knowledge and its symbolic signs over the human experiences coping with life's conflicts and matters.
  • ItemEditorial
    (Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2020-11-01) Marcal Ribeiro, Paulo Rennes ; Momesso, Maria Regina ; Ap de Souza Monteiro, Ma Solange ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
  • ItemArtigo
    Adjustment of the hazen-willians equation for determination of continuous pressure drop in PVC pipe
    (2019-01-01) Miranda, Eugenio Paceli ; Custodio, Tatiana Belo De Sousa ; DE LIMA, Francisco Uchoa ; Pereira, Taiane Almenda ; Bicudo, Andre Luiz Ribeiro ; IFCE ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The head loss is a fundamental parameter for the dimensioning of the pipes, being directly related to the cost of these pipes, the selection of the pumping system and the energy cost of electricity. That study fitted the Hazen-Williams equation and compared it with the Darcy-Weisbach equation. The performance of the adjusted equation was determined by the concordance index (c), Statistical Standard Error (EPE) and Mean Absolute Error (EAM). The results show that all gridded indices to verify the performance of the adjusted Hazen-Willians equation have improved. The largest difference between the values of continuous load loss. between the Darcy-Weisbach method and the adjusted Hazen-Williams equation was about 0.08%, which can be considered extremely low.
  • ItemArtigo
    (Assoc Brasileira Engenharia Producao-abepro, 2017-06-01) Marinho, Mariana de Toledo ; Rodrigues, Jose de Souza ; Zambon, katia Livia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work is the result of research that proposes the incorporation of Distance Learning into a Business Game as a strategy to enhance tutor training, considering entrepreneurship difficulties faced by public school teachers. Part of the problem could be attributed to subject type, because, in general, it is not common to find entrepreneurship on school curricula. The Distance Learning (DL) activities were developed using the Moodle platform and were structured by topic to increase educational flexibility and achieve a better balance between individual reflection and online discussion. It was developed in four steps: course content development; course evaluation by computer technicians; course restructuring based on course evaluation by computer technicians; and course evaluation by teachers from the public school system. A preliminary test was performed with informatics technicians to technically evaluate the learning environment. Based on this, the course was restructured, applying corrections and adjustments in order to improve environment usability. After corrections, a final test was conducted with public school system teachers to analyze user perception, which gave a positive result. Virtual learning environment evaluation is complex and multidisciplinary, requiring the technical knowledge of internet programming and a conceptual knowledge of education, especially in the field of learning. When the evaluation done by teachers was examined it was found that deficiencies pointed out by computer technicians had been resolved, giving a positive rating. This current research concludes that DL can improve the use of games, because it is possible to structure content related to the learning gaps of specific groups of students. In this respect, the use of games results can guide the development of content.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Projeto Infoquali: informática com ênfase à qualificação profissional de pessoas com deficiência
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2005) Zambon, Kátia Lívia ; Rodrigues,Leda Maria Borges da Cunha ; Albuquerq, Kelly Xavier de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE)
    A falta de oportunidade de qualificação profissional é um dos itens que leva as pessoas com necessidades especiais (físicas e/ou mentais) a serem excluídas nos contextos sociais, culturais e do mercado de trabalho. A informática é uma ferramenta com grande poder de disseminação de informações, capaz de aumentar as chances de trabalho para qualquer pessoa. O processo de ensino-aprendizagem de um curso para este público requer metodologias especiais, que promovam a motivação do indivíduo no contexto em que vive, trazendo-lhe noções de cidadania, de respeito e de auto-estima. objetivo geral do INFOQUALI é permitir que pessoas portadoras de deficiência tenham acesso ao mundo digital através de um curso de informática especialmente preparado para elas, com ensino individualizado, respeitando-se suas habilidades físico-motoras e mentais. Duas importantes adequações requeridas pelo governo são contempladas: 1)cumprimento à Lei de Diretrizes e Bases 9394/96, em que as escolas de ensino regular deverão oferecer ensino de qualidade à pessoa com deficiência, o que promoverá sua inclusão, 2)oportunidade ao empregador de ter um profissional qualificado e de cumprir a Lei que estabelece que este deva ter em seu quadro de funcionários uma porcentagem destinada às pessoas com deficiência. m parceria com a APAE de Bauru, a proposta consiste em oferecer cursos com duração de 2 a 3 anos, dependendo do aproveitamento da turma, com aulas uma vez por semana no laboratório de informática do CTI. A seleção da turma é realizada por profissionais da APAE e o material didático preparado no CTI. Outros aspectos contemplados pelo projeto e que contribuem para o desenvolvimento e contextualização social são: transporte (eles fazem o treinamento utilizando ônibus circular para chegar ao CTI), uniforme (utilizam o mesmo dos alunos regularmente matriculados), alimentação (compram o lanche na cantina do CTI), socialização (usufruem do mesmo horário de intervalo dos alunos do CTI). eve início em 2000 com uma turma de 12 alunos que concluíram o curso no final de 2001. Outra turma de 8 alunos iniciou o curso em 2002 e concluiu no final de 2004. Uma nova turma de 10 alunos está em andamento. Como a perspectiva de alunos com deficiência (em muitos casos, carentes) de realizar outros cursos sem a ajuda destas instituições é muito pequena, a solenidade de "formatura especial" junto com os alunos do CTI está sendo realizada. Isto representou um incentivo grande psicológico, auxiliando-os no reconhecimento de suas capacidades para enfrentar o mercado de trabalho. Alguns dos alunos que freqüentaram o curso estão empregados em empresas de Bauru.
  • ItemLivro
    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2011: volume 3: tecnologias da informação e comunicação e material pedagógico
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2012) Pinho, Sheila Zambello de ; Oliveira, José Brás Barreto de ; Hiraga, Cynthia Yukiko ; Pasculli, Adriane ; Fisher, Franz ; Carvalho, Dandara ; Pellegrini, Ana Maria ; Lucchesi, Maria Eliete ; Lino, Rosangela Ramos ; Feitosa, Eloi ; Lopes, Rosemara Perpetua ; Feitosa, Rosane Gazolla Alves ; Freitas, Talita Alexandra Caldeira de ; Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Silva, Adriana Naomi Fukushima da ; Lopes, Naiane Rufino ; Santos, Sonia Oliveira dos ; Rodrigues, José de Souza ; Zambon, Kátia Lívia ; Scarelli, Ariane ; Nagano, Izabela Lorca ; Salgado, Manoel Henrique ; Rodrigues, Rosinei Gonçalves Vita ; Rocha, Amanda Vital ; Amaro, Gabriel de Souza ; Scalvi, Rosa Maria Fernandes ; Andriatto, Anderson Alexandre ; Ribeiro, Stefany Paula ; Machado, Thais ; Saglietti, José Roberto Corrêa ; Sartori, Sophia Miquelle Ceron Gimenez Ribeiro ; Silva, Hélio Ricardo ; Palla, Gustavo de Oliveira ; Souza, Heloisa Bueno de ; Marques, Artur Pantoja ; Souza, Nádia Aparecida Magalhães de ; Zocoler, Jeniana Volpe Sim ; Piranha, Joseli Maria ; Crejo, Bianca da Cunha ; Duarte, Tainá Pillotto ; Risso, Luciene Cristina ; Silveira, Yume Kikuda ; Simão, Larissa Gandara ; Zacharias, Andréa Aparecida ; Mateucci, Ana Paula Milena ; Silva, Elisabete de Fátima Farias da ; Martins, Tadeu Jussani ; Senna, Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenez de ; Villela, Fabio Camargo Bandeira ; Hosokawa, Rafaela Reginato ; Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer ; Ginciene, Guy ; Santos, Patrícia Gracioli dos ; Reis, Laís de Lima ; Macedo, Thiago Padovan ; Roveri, Paulo ; Passini, Gabriel Katayama ; Mello, Guilherme Oleinik de ; Daniel, Juliana Cardoso ; Oliveira, Leandro Henrique de ; Sousa, Hilário Francisco de ; Darido, Suraya Cristina ; Ferreira, Aline Fernanda ; Diniz, Irlla Karla dos Santos ; Rufino, Luiz Gustavo Bonatto ; Fanti, Ermínia de Lourdes Campello ; Zanon, Mayara Laís ; Cioca, Olívia Mazoco ; Moreto, Júlio César ; Mazoco, Daniela ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Limeira ; Escola Técnica Estadual/Ilha Solteira ; E. E. Urubupungá/Ilha Solteira ; E.M.E.F. Prof. Athayr da Silva Rosa/Urupês
  • ItemLivro
    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2013: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos
    (Cultura Acadêmica, 2015) Colvara, Laurence Duarte ; Oliveira, José Brás Barreto de ; Tosi, Pedro Geraldo Saadi ; Celestino, Willena de Jesus Bispo ; Barbosa, Maria Valéria ; Carvalho, Marcus Vinícius de Souza Perez de ; Rosa, Ana Paula ; Fenerick, José Adriano ; Lopes, Diego dos Santos Ferrari ; Salles, Octavio Francioso ; Ruiz, Renan Branco ; Castro, Rosane Michelli de ; Lima, Elieuza Aparecida de ; Ribeiro, Aline Escobar Magalhães ; Silva, Nelson Pedro da ; Belluci, Aline Marques ; Tommaselli, José Tadeu Garcia ; Roxinol, Cláudia Dias ; Giroto, Daiane Barbosa ; Nobre, Silvania Lanfredi ; Prado, Denize Francisco do ; Nobre, Marcos Augusto de Lima ; Santos, Marcilene dos ; Carvalhal, Marcelo Dornelis ; Fuini, Lucas Labigalini ; Schiavon, Laurita Marconi ; Roveri, Paulo ; Porto, Jaqueline ; Lima, Letícia Bartholomeu de Queiroz ; Deutsch, Silvia ; Paulo, Rosa Monteiro ; Mondini, Fabiane ; Souza, Antonio Carlos de ; Viotto Filho, Irineu Aliprando Tuim ; Ponce, Rosiane de Fátima ; Felix, Tatiane da Silva Pires ; Nunes, Rodrigo Lima ; Santos, Ariana Aparecida Nascimento dos ; Bezerra, Janaina Pereira Duarte ; Fracon, Thais Lima ; Ponce, Guilherme Lopes ; Pereira, Caroline Galan de Souza ; Antonio, Larissa Zangarini ; Silva, Camila Rocha e ; Miura, Regina Keiko Kato ; Yassuda, Ariane Seiko Kubo ; Spazziani, Maria de Lourdes ; Vieira, Jonas da Costa ; Cunha, Victor Ferreira da ; Rodrigues, José de Souza ; Scarelli, Ariane ; Zambon, Kátia Lívia ; Marinho, Mariana de Toledo ; Dornfeld, Carolina Buso ; Santos, Elisa Maria dos ; Loretto, Jéssica Arantes ; Cardozo, Bruna Santos ; Garves, José Daniel Soler ; Silva, Bruna Vargas Rocha da ; Menezes, Natália Pires ; Souza, Renata Junqueira de ; Santos, Ana Laura Garro dos ; Oittica, Cristine Reis ; Martins Neto, Irando Alves ; Batista, Josany Leme da Silva ; Vagula, Vania Kelen Belão ; Souza, Tatiana Noronha de ; Cavalari, Karina Freitas ; Urbinati, Eliza ; Maia, Diego Corrêa ; Christofoletti, Anderson Luis Hebling ; Silva, Márcia Pereira da ; Moura, Monique ; Mello, Márcia Cristina de Oliveira ; Domiciano, Douglas ; Spinelli, Juliana Andrade ; Veiga-Santos, Pricila ; Vali, Larissa Oliveira ; Leme, Luiz Renato Fukumoto ; Ito, Claudemira Azevedo ; Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer ; Macedo, Thiago Padovan ; Ginciene, Guy ; Passini, Gabriel Katayama ; Zuluaga, Carlos Federico Ayala ; Seraphim, Marina Pires ; Conte, Denis Rodrigo Del ; Mello, Guilherme Oleinik de ; Camuci, Guilherme Corrêa ; Oliveira, Bruna Feitosa de ; Scopinho, Renan Heli Vales ; Sousa, Hilário Francisco de ; Perusi, Maria Cristina ; Gomes Junior, Estevão Conceição ; Kodama, Katia Maria Roberto de Oliveira ; Nunes, João Osvaldo Rodrigues ; Nascimento, Ribas Dantas do ; Verissimo, Victor Emmamuel Albertin ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; E. E. Professor Aderval da Silva
  • ItemArtigo
    Blogs para adolescentes e a articulação dos PCNs na produção escrileitora do ensino médio
    (2013) Vizibeli, Danilo ; Momesso, Maria Regina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG)
    The new National Curriculum of Basic Education in Brazil Parameters (PCNs- br) propose the curriculum reformulation of the High School in thematic areas encompassing competences and abilities. In this aspect the goal of this article is to verify the effects and meaning of the speeches posted on Folhateen's Blog (http://blogdofolha, to analyze if the practices of reading and writing, taken in this application, can be contemplated on the basic goals of the PCNs from the Languages area, codes and its technologies. It wonders of the using of media blogs for High School students as articulators of the Portuguese Language contents' study. It is possible to verify that the blogs offer its own languages and the expression of knowledge and power. They put the high school student before the articulation of several cross-cutting themes that promotes the interdisciplinarity. It points the need of a teacher's support so in a matted discursive voices the student won't be distracted, drift and paraphrase, but the interpretation and "new" methods of reading and polysemy. The theoretical framework is composed by the authors Foucault, Pecheux, Orlandi and Coracini.
  • ItemArtigo
    Photoelectroactivity of Bismuth Vanadate Prepared by Combustion Synthesis: Effect of Different Fuels and Surfactants
    (Soc Brasileira Quimica, 2014-04-01) Afonso, Renata ; Serafim, Jessica A. ; Lucilha, Adriana C. ; Silva, Marcelo R. ; Lepre, Luiz F. ; Ando, Romulo A. ; Dall'Antonia, Luiz H. ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    The bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) is a semiconductor that has attracted much attention due to the photocatalytic efficiency in the visible light region. The objective of this work was to synthesize monoclinic BiVO4 by solution combustion synthesis, with different surfactants and fuels and apply it as photoelectrodes. The characterization by infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy showed that all samples showed characteristic bands of the monoclinic structure BiVO4. The samples synthesized with glycine and glycine/Tween (R) 80 had V2O5. The film obtained from the alanine/Tween (R) 80 showed highest photocurrent values, which may be related to smaller size particles (200 to 300 nm) observed by scanning electron microscopy images. The films obtained using alanine showed highest values of rate constant reaction and percentage discoloration of methylene blue.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    Model of a game for improving integrated decisions in production management
    (2012-09-03) De Souza Rodrigues, José ; Da Silva Pistori, Débora Scardine ; Zambon, Kátia Lívia ; Scarelli, Ariane ; Lima, Rui M. ; Dinis-Carvalho, José ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; University of Minho
    This paper presents the results obtained with a business game whose model represents the decision making process related to two moments at an industrial company. The first refers to the project of the industrial plant, and the second to its management. The game model was conceived so the player's first decision would establish capacity and other parameters such as quantities of each product to produce, marketing expenses, research and development, quality, advertising, salaries, if purchases will be made in installments or in cash, if there will be credit sales and how many installments will be allowed and the number of workers in the assembly area. An experiment was conducted with employees of a Brazilian company. Data obtained indicate that the players have lack of contents, especially in finances. Although these results cannot be generalized, they confirm prior results with undergraduate and graduate students and they indicate the need for reinforcement in this undergraduate area. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • ItemArtigo
    Análise de decisão multicritério na localização de usinas termoelétricas utilizando SIG
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional, 2005-08-01) Zambon, Kátia Lívia ; Carneiro, Adriano Alber de França M. ; Silva, Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da ; Negri, Jean Cesari ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; CESP
    A integração de sistemas de informação geográfica (SIGs) e de métodos de decisão multicritério vêm proporcionando inúmeros benefícios para a resolução de problemas de planejamento e gerenciamento do mundo real. Sob esta ótica, este trabalho se propõe a avaliar as alternativas geradas em ambiente SIG para a localização de usinas termoelétricas (UTEs), aplicando técnicas de análise multicritério no processo de decisão. O modelo desenvolvido contribui para a difícil e complexa tarefa de analisar locais com potencial para a instalação de uma UTE e os diversos critérios envolvidos no problema, sejam eles de ordem econômica e/ou ambiental. A visualização dos resultados, através de mapas no SIG, mostra a aplicabilidade das técnicas de análise multicritério para o planejamento da expansão do setor elétrico. Além disso, os resultados, aplicados em um estudo de caso real, mostram cenários com situações de risco mínimo, médio (trade-off total) e máximo para uma tecnologia selecionada para a instalação da UTE.