Artigos - Psicologia da Educação - FFC

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    (Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2017-11-01) Ferreira da Silva, Matheus Estevao ; Antonelli Marcelino Brabo, Tania Suely ; Morais, Alessandra de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; FAPESP Iniciacao Cient & Grad Pedag
    This article, resulted of an interdisciplinary research entitled, funded by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Sao Paulo (FAPESP) has an objective, in relation to teacher formation, the counterpoints presented to the proposal of (re) education in values of the human rights education, specifically to the themes of gender and sexuality, amid the contemporary political conjuncture. Developed from a bibliographical review and documentary analysis, the text is divided into three parts: firstly, is discussed the affirmation of the human rights education in the brazilian educational system, addressing its historical trajectory with the articulations for the formation of professionals for exercise it. Then, briefly recalling the achievements of the Feminist and LGBT movements for formal and full recognition of their rights, is highlighted the impasses for the consolidation of the human rights education that contemplate gender and sexuality, given the creation of the gender ideology on the reactionary moviment that the public policies have suffered in recent years. Finally, appropriating the cognitive theory of moral development, it is proposed a reflection on the influence of religiosity when it is dogmatically and literally processed, among the various cultural aspects, in the Brazilian moral formation, which is evidenced as one of the responsible factors by the counterpoints to the human rights education and, thus, reflecting the political scenario of indifference to historical struggles, the process of empowering subjects of rights and interfering in the laic and democratic nature of the country.
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    O (des)conhecimento do professor sobre a avaliação e o plano de desenvolvimento da escola
    (2014) Brocanelli, Cláudio Roberto ; Sabia, Cláudia Pereira de Pádua ; Dátilo, Gilsenir Maria Prevelato de Almeida ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper is part of an extension project titled “The implementation of the School Development Plan in public schools of São Paulo: contradictions and implications for the educational management practice”. The School Development Plan is a program supported by the Ministry of Education through the National Fund for Education Development. Since 2010, it has been directed to state and local public schools that have not reached the goals set by the Basic Education Development Index. This research has been conducted in four public schools of an inner city of São Paulo since April 2011, in which the School Development Plan is being implemented. The objective of this study is to analyze the teachers’ concepts of learning assessment and identify the instruments used for such assessment and when they are used. The research made use of a qualitative approach. The study is based on literature review and data collected through questionnaires completed by teachers. We consider the importance of teachers monitoring the whole teaching and learning process and not only the results. However, public policies stimulate final results; thus, the study points out that teachers perform a checking, not an assessment, since there is no decision making. It is crucial to join quantity and quality when performing an assessment that diagnoses and values students and their effective learning.