São Paulo - IPPRI - Instituto de Políticas Públicas e Relações Internacionais
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PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) A identidade tunisiana como ferramenta autoritária: Kais Saied e seu discurso antiafricano(Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais, 2023-07-27) Landucci, Leonardo PaganoQuase dois anos após a destituição do primeiro-ministro tunisiano por parte do presidente Kais Saied, a situação no país gradativamente caminha para um retorno ao modelo autoritário, antes visto com Habib Bourguiba e Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Dentre os principais traços do autoritarismo tunisiano, um dos mais latentes ficou conhecido como ‘Tunisianité’, dizendo respeito especificamente à ideia da identidade tunisiana. Esse conceito é definido como “um conjunto de ideias creditadas por estabelecer o cerne de uma perene identidade tunisiana, explicitada por seu realismo, rejeição de qualquer forma de radicalismo e moderação” (ZEMNI, 2016, p. 142, tradução nossa). Historicamente, a ‘Tunisianité’, assim como sua utilização irrestrita, se tornou uma ferramenta autoritária e secularista, justificando a perseguição de grupos do Islã Político por parte de Bourguiba e Ben Ali e com o apoio ocidental, como discutido em Wolf (2013, p. 126) e Cavatorta e Merone (2015, p. 37). Para além de uma construção interna, o conceito se tornou, por essência, a imagem tunisiana internacional, a de um país estável, silenciando os aspectos autoritários de seu governo, como apontado em Landucci e Rocha (2022, p. 273). Nesse sentido, apesar de esforços internos para a consolidação de uma identidade nacional plural, principalmente, pelo conceito de ‘hawiyya attounsia’ (identidade tunisiana, em árabe) discutido em Landucci (2022, p. 12-13), a identidade tunisiana aceita internacionalmente reforçava aspectos ditos ocidentais e seculares de sua formação nacional. Com a virada autoritária de Saied, o debate sobre a imposição de uma identidade tunisiana ganhou força novamente. Durante um discurso, com citações disponíveis em Al Jazeera (2023), o presidente afirmou que a imigração ilegal do continente africano estaria buscando minar a identidade árabe e muçulmana do país, a tornando puramente africana. Reconhecendo a necessidade de identificarmos os arranjos de poder para o estudo da identidade, tal como as dinâmicas de aceitação e resistência, como ressalta Mouffe (1994, p. 107 apud HELAL, 2019, p. 417), o presente trabalho pretende discutir como essa ferramenta identitária pode nos ajudar a entender os recentes movimentos de Kais Saied. Em suma, tendo sido dividida em três tendências - a essencialista, a consensual e a legalista - por Helal (2019), a ‘Tunisianité’ é uma marca da interculturalidade tunisiana e reforça a importância de entendermos a construção identitária como um processo político de inclusão e exclusão. Desse modo, para além de um debate sobre racismo e discurso anti-imigratório na Tunísia, o presente trabalho busca ressaltar como tal declaração e seu recurso à ‘Tunisianité’ apontam para mais um movimento autoritário de Saied. O estudo da identidade foi historicamente presente no eixo teórico construtivista e ganhou perspectivas relevantes ao trabalho com a união com a noção de discurso da Análise do Discurso Francesa. Portanto, reconhecendo o discurso como “o espaço no qual o conhecimento intersubjetivo é criado, sustentado, transformado e, consequentemente, se torna constitutivo da realidade social” (HOLZSCHEITER, 2013, p. 03, tradução nossa), reforçamos o peso do mesmo para o conceito de identidade, o tornando frutífero para a análise histórica e bibliográfica proposta. A partir de tal discussão, espera-se também explorar as maneiras pelas quais a ‘Tunisianité’ pode vir a afetar a política externa do país, tendo em vista que a mesma foi central para alianças com a França e com os Estados Unidos em períodos autoritários passados. Anteriormente utilizada com foco contra o Islã Político, o discurso atual do governo Saied pode apontar para uma mudança em sua postura, focada na política doméstica durante sua campanha, como reforçam Hill e Yerkes (2023), e para uma tentativa de aproximação com a Europa na pauta da imigração.PublicaçãoArtigo Selecting cases according to different causality claims(2022-01-01) Sposito, Italo Beltrão ; Gabriel, João Paulo Nicolini ; Artioli, Marcel ; Universidade Federal do Tocantins ; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)Introduction: Case studies are fundamental in qualitative methodology. In Brazil, case studies are predominant in social-historical studies in the field of International Relations. However, there is no concern with methodological rigour. The case selection criteria, the intended inferences with the study and the internal and/or external validity from the use of this method are hardly presented. Materials and Methods: This bibliographical essay analyzes the international literature dedicated to scrutinizing case selection criteria for qualitative studies. From the analysis of the peculiarity of the scientific production of the Brazilian field compared to the international one, we conducted a literature review of the main topics of the qualitative methodological debate within the positivist epistemology. Results: The review enabled us to list the assumptions for the proper application of qualitative methodology and the inherent advantages and disadvantages of studying single cases and small samples. We present the basic assumptions for case selection from three different qualitative approaches, separated by their logic of causality: i) quantitative emulation, probabilistic; ii) eclectic pragmatism, mechanistic; and iii) set theory, deterministic. Based on the systematization of the different strategies for case selection and depending on the type of causality intended by the researcher, we present techniques for this selection within each approach, exemplifying their application with recent publications. Discussion: This bibliographical essay provides an important contribution to the debate on qualitative methodology in International Relations in Brazil by presenting good practices for case selection to assist the development of research designs more appropriate to the objectives and methods employed. Advancing the methodological debate is an important challenge to increase the dialogue of Brazilian scientific production in International Relations with the international literature.PublicaçãoArtigo EcoSol-agroecology networks respond to the Covid-19 crisis: building an economy of proximity in Brazil’s Baixada Santista region(2022-01-01) Levidow, Les ; Sansolo, Davis ; Schiavinatto, Monica ; Open University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)In 2020–2021 the Covid-19 crisis worsened the harms from the hegemonic agribusiness model, while also providing opportunities for alternatives. Since long before the crisis, Latin American civil society networks had been building an agroecology-based solidarity economy (here EcoSol-agroecology for short). These networks have linked agroecological production methods with collective marketing through short food-supply chains (circuitos curtos), establishing closer relationships with consumers. Such initiatives have been expanded, despite adverse government policies and Covid-19 obstacles. This expansion has been widely understood as strengthening social proximities. As the analytical contribution here, EcoSol-agroecology networks build an ‘economy of proximity’, based on proximate purposes such as mutual aid, democratic self-management, women's leadership, food security and biodiverse resource conservation. These solidaristic purposes help to activate other proximities (geographical, organisational, institutional, and cultural), while also linking them. Collective capacities have developed those proximities in context-specific ways. This strategic perspective has informed EcoSol-agroecology networks in Brazil's Baixada Santista region, the site of grassroots voices in this case study. Diverse contributions have been integrated into a composite culture as a symbolic site of belonging. As global elites seek to restore the hegemonic agri-food system after the Covid-19 pandemic, a different future depends on building the social proximities of EcoSol-agroecology.PublicaçãoArtigo MONUMENTAL AND COMMUNITY NATURAL HERITAGE AND THE RELATIONSHIP WITH TOURISM IN SILVES, AMAZONAS, BRAZIL(Univ Coimbra, 2017-01-01) Sansolo, Davis Gruber ; Paes, MTD ; Sotratti, M. A. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Grp Pesquisa Conservacao Nat ; Lab Planejamento Ambiental & Gerenciamento CosteiPublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) O pensamento político e a redemocratização do Brasil(CEDEC, 2007) Chauí, Marilena ; Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)Marilena Chauí and Marco Aurélio Nogueira, the speakers of the first seminar on behalf of Cedec’s Thirty Years, discuss the origins of Cedec in the light of the academic, political and cultural debates, which took place in Brazil and abroad at that time, on the future of democracy and socialism.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) A política como convivência construtiva(CEDEC, 2002) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Vigevani, Tullo ; CEDEC ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)Marco Aurélio Nogueira's book Em defesa da política (In Defense of Politics) is discussed in a debate promoted by the São Paulo State University (UNESP) by its author and by his fellow in that university and member of CEDEC's staff Tullo Vigevani.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Como se pensa?(CEDEC, 2001) Ianni, Octavio ; Lessa, Renato ; Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Soares, Luiz Eduardo ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Para uma governabilidade democrática progressiva(CEDEC, 1995) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)The concept of governability is examined from an angle that emphasizes democratic eficiency rather than the technical conditions for government. It is argued that, given the new socially necessary disregard for politics, governability is only possible in democratic and simultaneously progressive terms.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Gramsci, a crise da política e a esquerda em crise(CEDEC, 1998) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)Sixty years after Gramsci's death the author points out the theoretical-political importance of the way Gramsci includes the civil society in an amplified theory of the state. On this basis some reflections are made about Gramsci's thought as a whole and about a democratic political program for the left.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) RAZÕES PARA MUDAR O MUNDO: A EDUCAÇÃO DO CAMPO E A CONTRIBUIÇÃO DO PRONERA(Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade - Cedes, 2017) Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano ; Tarlau, Rebecca ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade StanfordNeoliberal reasoning permeates all institutions and disseminates its view of the world by imposing corporate governance on all dimensions of development. Education is one of the spheres mostly affected by the neoliberal logic. The Brazilian peasantry, as highlighted by the Landless Workers Movement (MST), along with teachers and researchers, has built an alternative paradigm for rural education through the National Program for Education in Agrarian Reform (PRONERA). In this article, we discuss the confrontation of these two paradigms in dispute within the educational policy field. The contribution of PRONERA, in twenty years of existence, is to ensure that public policies remain relevant for peasant education.PublicaçãoArtigo Party positions over international human rights treaties in the United States in the Post-Cold War(2021-04-01) Contrera, Flávio ; Hebling, Matheus Lucas ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)This article aimed to verify the occurrence of convergence and congruence in the positions that the Democratic and Republican parties express about human rights treaties in the Electoral, in the Executive, and the Legislative arenas, in the Post-Cold War (1992-2016). The use of the comparative method guided the study of six specific cases, analyzed using qualitative techniques. The results point to two trends. The first is that the possibility of convergence between the Democratic and Republican parties tends to diminish when their positions on human rights treaties are anchored by ideological perspectives, and the second is that a party’s position on a treaty tends to be congruent among political arenas. Moreover, the divergence of positions between the parties clarifies the liberal internationalist character of the Democratic positions and the conservative isolationist approach of the Republican positions.PublicaçãoArtigo Agroecological innovation constructing socionatural order for social transformation: two case studies in Brazil(2021-01-01) Levidow, Les ; Sansolo, Davis ; Schiavinatto, Monica ; Open University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)The Green Revolution exemplifies the capital-intensive modernization model of resource plunder and labor exploitation. This has provoked small-scale producers and civil society groups to counterpose an agroecology-based solidarity economy (EcoSol-agroecology), especially in Latin America. But their efforts encounter dominant models–of innovation, management, markets, nature, etc.–which limit alternatives. To clarify a transformative agenda, advocates have elaborated agroecological innovation through several complementary practices. Nature is framed as agri-biodiversity complementing socio-cultural diversity. Short food-supply chains (circuitos curtos) build consumer support for production methods enhancing producers' livelihoods, providing socio-economic equity and conserving natural resources. Through diálogos de saberes, i.e. knowledge exchange among farmers and with external experts, cultivation and water-management methods are designed or adapted as socio-environmental technologies. Capacities are built for collective self-management of those solidarity relationships. In such ways, agroecological innovation co-produces specific forms of nature, technoscientific knowledge and society; their practices construct a distinctive socionatural order. Such order arises through several instruments–making identities, institutions and discourses–as understood by STS co-production theory. Here this theory illuminates two Brazilian agroforestry initiatives whose cooperative practices seek to transform their own participants' lives and wider agri-food systems. By combining diverse sources, composite cultures deepen the social basis of territorial belonging.PublicaçãoArtigo Agroecological practices as territorial development: an analytical schema from Brazilian case studies(2019-01-01) Levidow, Les ; Sansolo, Davis ; Schiavinatto, Monica ; Open University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)Agroecological practices have been widely promoted as an alternative to the hegemonic agri-food system, yet they also can help to ‘green’ the system. To strengthen a transformative agroecology, Latin American activists have promoted the concept desenvolvimento territorial rural (DTR or rural territorial development), which has different versions. The dominant version advocates broad multi-actor coalitions to strengthen DTR and thus benefit poor people, yet this obscures rival territorial agendas. An antagonistic version instead analyses how capital accumulation drives societal conflicts, contingently resulting in DTR trajectories. Here an analytical schema helps identify how agroecological practices are appropriated for diverse trajectories of territorial development, illustrated by Brazilian agroforestry case studies.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) The environmental question and collective thoughts(Unesp-marilia, 2019-04-01) Felicio, Munir Jorge ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)With the intention of broadening the understanding of current environmental issues, this article contains interpretive analysis of two documents which, because of their different perspectives, contribute significantly to the study of Fleckian theory. They are two collective thought manifestoes which develop scientific practices, their goals arising from theoretical and political options that configure a dynamic process of knowledge production. The essence of each of these collective thoughts consists in the expansion and spread of transpersonal ideas that do not belong exclusively to any of the components of the collective. Propitiating the constant exchange of internal and external views drives scientific knowledge, whose evolution depends on a collective process in which thought is developed by bonds and interferences engendered by social conditioning.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Geospatial analysis of residential proximity to open-pit coal mining areas in relation to micronuclei frequency, particulate matter concentration, and elemental enrichment factors(Elsevier B.V., 2018-09-01) Espitia-Perez, Lyda ; Arteaga-Pertuz, Marcia ; Soto, Jose Salvador ; Espitia-Perez, Pedro ; Salcedo-Arteaga, Shirley ; Pastor-Sierra, Karina ; Galeano-Paez, Claudia ; Brango, Hugo ; Silva, Juliana da ; Henriques, Joao A. P. ; Univ Sinu ; Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Univ Cordoba ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Univ Luterana BrasilDuring coal surface mining, several activities such as drilling, blasting, loading, and transport produce large quantities of particulate matter (PM) that is directly emitted into the atmosphere. Occupational exposure to this PM has been associated with an increase of DNA damage, but there is a scarcity of data examining the impact of these industrial operations in cytogenetic endpoints frequency and cancer risk of potentially exposed surrounding populations. In this study, we used a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach and Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) methods to perform a spatial and statistical analysis to explore whether exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 pollution, and additional factors, including the enrichment of the PM with inorganic elements, contribute to cytogenetic damage in residents living in proximity to an open-pit coal mining area. Results showed a spatial relationship between exposure to elevated concentrations of PM2.5, PK10 and micronuclei frequency in binucleated (MNBN) and mono nucleated (MNMONO) cells. Active pits, disposal, and storage areas could be identified as the possible emission sources of combustion elements. Mining activities were also correlated with increased concentrations of highly enriched elements like S, Cu and Cr in the atmosphere, corroborating its role in the inorganic elements pollution around coal mines. Elements enriched in the PM2.5 fraction contributed to increasing of MNBN but seems to be more related to increased MNMONO frequencies and DNA damage accumulated in vivo. The combined use of GIS and IDW methods could represent an important tool for monitoring potential cancer risk associated to dynamically distributed variables like the PM. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Socialismo e democracia no marxismo de Carlos Nelson Coutinho (1943-2012)(CEDEC, 2013) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)PublicaçãoArtigo Amigos, inimigos e batalhas políticas(2011) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Caio Prado Jr. e o intelectual marxista hoje(2012) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)This article proposes to engage in dialogue with the work and the trajectory of Caio Prado Júnior, one of the most influential historians and Marxist intellectuals of Brazil. The intention is not to evaluate his production in detail, nor follow the relationships she had with the Brazilian society and the historian’s political options, something already conducted by several researchers. Instead, its intention is to “use” his trajectory and style to freely reflect on some traces of Marxism in Brazil and especially on certain dilemmas inherent in the performance of the Marxist intellectuality. Caio Prado Jr. will, therefore, be treated here as a parameter for a broader reflection on the intellectuals.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) A política como incômodo(2012) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)This article holds that the dominant scene of the “crisis of politics” in modern societies reflects a complex process of reconfiguration of social life and way of living. Through critical dialogue with some representatives of political sociology of radicalized modernity, it suggests that current failure of politics is the failure of one way of doing and thinking about politics, direct heir of “historical capitalism”. It is not the failure of politics as such, but of a mode of politics, political system, political practice. It must be associated with a sort of fatigue of the material which composed modern politics, which has always been based on strong national and constitutional states, on mass parties and active parliaments, as well as on the efficient functioning of representative democracies.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto (Open Access) Verdades científicas, pensamento crítico e relativismo cultural(2011) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)