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  • ItemArtigo
    (2022-01-01) do Nascimento Silva, Rony Rei ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The text aims to analyze the circulation of the works of Lourenço Filho in Mexican libraries, in the period between 1933 and 1963. It is possible to affirm that the presence of these works in Mexico is indicative that they were part of the collections destined for the formation of normal schoolteachers, Primary Education leaders and school administrators, especially for offering readers principles of educational psychology, rural teacher training, experiences in Brazil and an overview of educational systems on a global scale. It can be concluded that the circulation of Lourenço Filho works in Mexican libraries is due to a network of relationships that he established with Mexican intellectuals, mediated by UNESCO and Crefal.
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    History of Education and Covid-19: The crisis of the school according to african (Akanbi, Chisholm), american (Boto, Civera, Cunha, Kinne, Rocha, Romano, Rousmaniere, Southwell, Souza, Taborda, Veiga, Vidal) and european (Depaepe, Escolano, Magalhães, Nóvoa) researchers
    (2020-01-01) Honorato, Tony ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    What possible types of knowledge or devices develop from research in the History of Education for in-depth understanding and the assessment of impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in School Education? This question was answered by renowned researchers in the field of History of Education: Agustín Escolano Benito (Spain); Alicia Civera (Mexico); Andrea Bennett-Kinne (USA); António Nóvoa (Portugal); Antonio Romano (Uruguay); Carlota Boto (Brazil); Cynthia Greive Veiga (Brazil); Diana Gonçalves Vidal (Brazil); Gizele de Souza (Brazil); Grace Oluremilekun Akanbi (Nigeria); Heloísa Helena Pimenta Rocha (Brazil); Justino Magalhães (Portugal); Kate Rousmaniere (USA); Linda Chisholm (South Africa); Marc Depaepe (Belgium); Marcus Aurélio Taborda de Oliveira (Brazil); Maria Teresa Santos Cunha (Brazil); Myriam Southwell (Argentina). Answers are given in full and they have been distributed within five non-compartmentalized themes in text organization: 1) Suspension, decline of the school model; 2) Territoriality and the right to education: South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, US and Nigeria; 3) Places-spaces, times and materials of school cultures; 4) Health and divergent sensitiveness in education; 5) De-schooling, old innovations and present time between impositions and resistances.
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    (Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade - Cedes, 2023-05-08) Okumura, Julio Hideyshi ; Novaes, Henrique Tahan ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article aims to analyze the participation of Florestan Fernandes in the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988), especially with regard to his educational proposals and educational thinking. We have adopted three central concepts in Florestan’s work since the late 1950’s: 1) the evolution of Florestan’s educational thought; 2) public education in a country of dependent capitalism; and 3) the defense of public funding only for public schools. We conclude that Florestan participates actively in the construction process of the new Constitution, notably with his educational proposals. Initially, the sociologist is hopeful due to the moment of political effervescence, but, when the process ends, he criticizes its results, for he evaluates that, unfortunately, the 1988 Constitution was brought about in a form of “institutionalized dictatorship”, supported by the broad power of the so-called centrão, the big bloc of Brazilian center-right parties.
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    Governmentality, necropolitics, black childhood and education of the face
    (2021-01-01) José Da Silva, Divino ; de Almeida, Jonas Rangel ; Pagni, Pedro Angelo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this article, we seek to discuss the recurrence of racism and prejudice toward black lives and childhoods, in spite of repeated initiatives to overcome it by social and educational policy-makers. Following the investigations launched by Michel Foucault on the biopower hypothesis, we revisit some of his interpreters, with the objective of discussing the challenges posed by racism to pedagogical provisions for black children and—following on a concept offered by Emmanuel Levinas-an education of the Face (el Rostro), as a weapon in the political field of struggle against the thanatological dimension of biopolitics. To do so, we retrace some scenes from the history of inclusion devices – especially those policies aimed at black populations. We reflect on the racism embedded in our historical unconscious and discuss how it affects the education of the black Face in our country. We problematize the peculiarities of Brazilian racial prejudice and explore its necropolitical positioning when it comes to the governance of black childhoods. We conclude that the current form of governmentality and education needs a movement of de-rostification—deconstuction of the black Face-in order to identify a future for black children that makes it possible to rise up against the hegemonic order of the white-male-heterosexual-christian-European, and to create processes of subjectivation that can build solidarity with the multiplicity of others-becoming-minoritarian.
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    The normal school of piracicaba as a memory place of the republican regime in Brazil
    (2019-01-01) Honorato, Tony ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The Normal School of Piracicaba, whose premises was inaugurated in 1917, is a landmark within the historical, cultural and educational heritage of the city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Several events record its role in teachers’ training from the Republican standpoint. Current research analyzes the institution’s premises as the site of the production of history and memory, from its architectonic ideals, construction, forming elements and possible uses by agents. Narration endeavors to investigate the agents’ appropriation of school space-time as constituents of memory by Pierre Nora, cultural heritage by Néstor García Canclini and educational experience as a didactic and pedagogical value of school architecture by Antonio Viñao-Frago.
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    Organizational financial intelligence: competitive strategy in the management context of ciam
    (2021-01-01) Jorge, Carlos Francisco Bitencourt ; Rossetto, Ana Cláudia ; Ortega, Ana Clara da Silva ; de OLIVEIRA, Bruno Bastos ; Cardoso, Francisca Miquelle Siqueira ; Dos Santos, Bianca Stephanie O. da Costa ; Grupo de Pesquisa Organizações Competitivas e Inovadoras ; Universidade de Marília ; Direito (Grupo de Pesquisa Organizações Competitivas e Inovadoras) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; FACAP
    Objective: The financial information acts as an important analysis and decision resource in the context of organizations. However, organizations should consider handling this information in a structured manner so that it can be used at the management level of the organization. Methods: This research was carried out with the managers of the Commercial and Industrial Association of Marília (CIAM), a class entity in the city of Marília, in the state of São Paulo. To conduct the research, the case study method was used, thus identifying important perceptions of the subjects, as well as positive and negative aspects related to information as resources in the context of CIAM. Results: As a result, structured parameters were built to carry out the organizational financial intelligence process considering the entire structure identified in CIAM. Conclusions: The research recommends that other aspects related to information, such as knowledge management and the construction of knowledge networks, be built at CIAM, and with that, the entity can make better use of this resource in a structured way.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, Fac Ciencias & Tecnologia, 2021-05-01) Novaes, Henrique Tahan ; Souza Pires, Joao Henrique ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Programa Pos Grad Educ
    This article aims to address the educational role of cooperation and cooperativism of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) in the struggle for the construction of emancipated labour, as well as pointing out its limits. The first part of the article recovers the history of the MST's cooperativism, especially in the State of Sao Paulo. The second part analyzes cooperation and cooperativism in the MST settlements in the face of the new agribusiness offensive in this state. The research was carried out through analysis of the main documents of the MST, bibliographic review and empirical research (interview and indirect observation). We conclude that the struggle for new forms of production and consumption are part of the MST's strategy, especially cooperativism and agroecology, with a view to building new social relationships in the countryside and selling healthy foods, and therefore, they have an educational role. However, they have faced enormous difficulties and limits, due to the advance of agribusiness and the block of the State to agrarian reform, especially with regard to the creation of general conditions of production and reproduction of life in the countryside, in addition to the difficulties of sale production in the city.
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    A RBHE a um passo do Bicentenário da Independência e no início de uma nova década
    (Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação, 2021-10-18) Cerecedo, Alicia Civera ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Cury, Cláudia Engler ; Orlando, Evelyn De Almeida ; Gondra, José Gonçalves ; Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal da Paraíba ; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná ; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
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    (Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2021-07-09) Silva, Matheus Estevão Ferreira Da ; Brabo, Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino ; Morais, Alessandra De ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Este artículo tuvo como objetivo presentar las concepciones de estudiantes de pregrado en Pedagogía, de una universidad pública de São Paulo, sobre el concepto de género, relacionando los conceptos evidenciados en sus concepciones con la producción de literatura de género feminista. Para este propósito, se exploran los resultados obtenidos de un cuestionario abierto, utilizando la técnica de Análisis de Contenido (AC). La muestra participante consistió en 165 sujetos (N=165) matriculados en los años iniciales y finales del curso que establecieron la investigación, lo que atribuyó el diseño transversal de la investigación a la investigación. Cabe señalar que las concepciones de los estudiantes de pregrado sobre el concepto de género se dividieron en cinco conceptos principales: en la concepción 1) polisémica; 2) biologizante y religioso; 3) funcionalista; 4) identidad; y 5) asociado con la sexualidad. Se concluye que las participantes no tienen una capacitación en género basada en el conocimiento científico de las producciones feministas de literatura de género, con la excepción de aquellas que entienden el género en las perspectivas identitarias y funcionalistas, pero que se muestran en nociones frágiles y sin evocar una teoría particular o autor de la literatura.
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    ‘Homens que ensinaram a América ler’: a educação de adultos no Brasil e México (1947-1956)1
    (Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação, 2020-02-22) Silva, Rony Rei Do Nascimento ; Mesquita, Ilka Miglio De ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade Tiradentes
    Este texto tiene como objetivo analizar la relación establecida entre Jaime Torres Bodet y Manuel Bergström Lourenço Filho, en las campañas de alfabetización de adultos en México y Brasil, que culminaron con la celebración del VI Seminário Interamericano de Alfabetização e Educação de Adultos en Brasil en 1949. Es, por lo tanto, una investigación sobre la circulación de ideas que guió la educación de adultos en Brasil y México, en un momento en que México se estaba colocando como una referencia exitosa para toda América Latina, sobre todo, debido a las experiencias llevadas a cabo por el Unesco, OEA y Crefal. En relación a las opciones teóricas y metodológicas, es un trabajo basado en la Historia Conectada, tomando como fuentes: periódicos, revistas y fotografías. Finalmente, se puede concluir que la relación entre estos hombres se constituyó en la campaña para erradicar el analfabetismo de adultos, llevada a cabo en sus respectivos países por la Unesco, que resultó en la celebración de congresos y, en consecuencia, en un vasto desarrollo intelectual y didáctica sobre el tema.
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    2020 na História da Educação: 20 anos da RBHE, 100 anos da UFRJ e ano da pandemia COVID-19
    (Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação, 2020-11-20) Cerecedo, Alicia Civera ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Cury, Cláudia Engler ; Orlando, Evelyn De Almeida ; Gondra, José Gonçalves ; Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade Federal da Paraíba ; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná ; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
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    (Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade - Cedes, 2016) Abdian, Graziela Zambão ; Nascimento, Paulo Henrique Costa ; Silva, Nathália Delgado Bueno Da ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The goal is to analyze challenges to research in education/school management/administration. To do this, we proceed to the identification of the results of studies that diagnose the area of production to then explain some references present in research and ultimately launch their limits and challenges that cast for advancement in knowledge production in the area. In general, we aim to challenge the conceptual deepening of the area with the search for new theoretical horizons that allow us to understand the complexity of education/school management/administration, to interrogate them and not to prescribe their practices.
  • ItemArtigo
    Corpo e educação: história, práticas e formação
    (Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade, 2018) Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Honorato, Tony ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina
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    (Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade, 2018) Honorato, Tony ; Nery, Ana Clara Bortoleto ; Universidade Estadual de Londrina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the Normal School was responsible to spread pedagogic innovations and diffuse new knowledge and practices for primary school. We assume that physic and aesthetic corporal practices, producers of a body education and offered in Normal School, were those reformers and public institution officials who broadcast interest in having an impact grade schools, focusing on social regeneration. So, which practices composed a sense of this education of the body in teacher’s training (1890-1931)? As a result, we focused the analyses on gymnastics and scouting.
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    (Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2020-09-01) Padua Sabia, Claudia Pereira de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Study reports that at the state level, of the 27 Brazilian states, 20 already have their own evaluation systems and 1573 municipalities also have their own evaluation systems, most of which were created in 2005. In 2004, the municipality of Marilia created its own evaluation system. The aim of this study is to identify the possible uses of SAREM results in the formulation and implementation of educational policy in the municipality. The research was developed in a qualitative approach and the methodology used bibliographic and documentary research. As a result, we present that SAREM have been guiding the management developed in schools, influencing the elaboration of the pedagogical project, directing the work of the teacher and spreading a restricted notion of quality to the public school, as it had practically considered the performance of students in large scale assessments as a quality indicator of the work developed by the school.
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    Gender, sexuality and education: Educational policies scenario on the young and adolescents sexual and reproductive rights
    (2020-01-01) Brabo, Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino ; da Silva, Matheus Estevão Ferreira ; Maciel, Talita Santana ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Humanos e Cidadania de Marília (NUDHUC)
    This article aims to reflect, through bibliographic review and documentary analysis, on the Brazilian educational policies scenario, regarding gender and sexuality categories, especially considering the young and adolescents sexual and reproductive rights. So, firstly the youth and adolescence constitution historical context is discussed, highlighting the need for Sexual Education to such audiences. The normative field design regarding the sexual and reproductive rights is presented below. Afterwards, the Sexual Education constitution and its insertion in the educational policies are discussed, including their initial and subsequent fundamentals. Finally, we seek to reflect on the gender and sexualities current insertion into Educational Policies, considering the achievements and needs that have been explained in the text.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2019-07-01) Padua Sabia, Claudia Pereira de ; Antonelli Marcelino Brabo, Tania Suely ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The study aims to identify of of the gender relations within the Landless Workers Movement (MST) and if the MST educational process has contributed to the actions and discussions on the topic. This work is part of a project entitled Theoretical and practical conceptions education and work in the MST and had the financing CNPQ. In this study, the methodology uses the qualitative approach and the bibliographical research, document and data collection. Data collection consisted of interviews with coordinators of schools in MST settlements and a former leader of the National Movement Gender Sector. As a result, we have identified the development of gender issues in the MST, some progress was made, for example, joint ownership, giving legally women the same rights of ownership and use of land and also the participation of women in 50% of all the Movement's political bodies which required great effort and enhanced process of forming the same. However, remains the great challenge of creating possibilities for greater equality in the division of work and opportunities for women landless.
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    Flexibilization and intensification of teaching work in Brazil and Portugal
    (2019-01-01) Piovezan, Patricia Regina ; Ri, Neusa Maria Dal ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Flexibilization and Intensification of Teaching Work in Brazil and Portugal. The main goal of this text is to present to the readers an analysis on the impact of the work flexibilization and intensification in the career of teachers from Brazil and Portugal, which have occurred in the last 27 years. Also, we highlight the main legislation of the countries that have led to the increase of the flexibility and intensification of the teaching work. For the study we performed bibliographical, documental and empirical research. The empirical data collection was performed through semi structured interviews. Although Brazil, the state of São Paulo and Portugal have distinct socioeconomic, political and institutional realities, we can verify that there is a convergence between the countries in relation to the phenomenon of the precariousness of teaching work.
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    (State Univ Rio De Janeiro, 2016-05-01) Pagni, Pedro Angelo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    After the implementation of inclusion policies in Brazil, friendship relations between the actors of the school so called disabled students and the rest of students have become increasingly frequent. Often these relationships go beyond time and space, the knowledge and the curriculum, to produce common modes of existence and a transverse ethics rarely seen by the institution. This invisibility is even more accentuated in the case of nowadays biopolitics scenario, which corroborates to raise suspicion concerning the disabled modes of existence and the joined becoming produced by the friendly relations between the actors at school. Given the context, this essay examines the ethics of friendship regarding the disabled ones and the trust as one of the conditions of its achievement at school. Drawing from the aesthetics of existence of Michel Foucault, my goal is to discuss: (1) whether friendship with the disabled one may present itself as a new ethic that is able to question current formal apparatus and resist the biopower technologies in school, perhaps creating other forms of inclusion; (2) whether the trust in the joined becoming that emerges from such friendly relations can be regarded as one of the conditions for their achievement and a strategy to reverse the current mistrust in the disabled one, in order to minimize fear and bring into existence a sign of the life event that it represents. By addressing these issues, I hope to contribute in a way in which the friendship with disabled ones is seen as a sign of a formation of the actors at school and the trust in the becoming disabled becomes visible as a transverse common struggle: the condition for the achievement of the ethics of friendship that introduces itself as a major political strategy to leverage these separate lives that deserve to be lived.
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    (State Univ Rio De Janeiro, 2016-05-01) Pagni, Pedro Angelo ; Silva, Divino Jose da ; Carvalho, Alexandre Filordi de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)