Estimating coancestry within open-pollinated progenies of a dioecious species: the case study of Myracrodruon urundeuva

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J D Sauerlanders Verlag



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Understanding the coancestry coefficient within open-pollinated progenies has long been an area of interest because of the implications of coancestry on estimates of additive genetic variation, variance effective size and the number of seed trees required for seed collection for ex situ conservation, tree breeding and environmental restoration. This study compares three methods to calculate the coancestry coefficient within open-pollinated progenies of the dioecious tree species, Myracrodruon urundeuva, using six microsatellite loci. The methods compared were: i) correlated mating model (CMM) (RITLAND, 1989); ii) TWOGENER method (SMOUSE et al., 2001) to estimate the differentiation among pollen pools (TGM); and iii) HARDY et al.'s 2004 method using the estimate of coancestry from LOISELLE et al. (1995) (HLM) and from RITLAND (1996) (HRM). The data analysis was based on four data sets: two populations were composed of 12 progenies, two of 24 progenies, and all progenies consisted of 15 plants. The coancestry estimated using CMM ranged among populations from 0.145 to 0.158, using TGM it ranged from 0.153 to 0.181, using HLM from 0.153 to 0.162, and HRM from 0.144 to 0.147. To investigate the bias of the estimates of true relatedness within progenies we simulated two half-sib and two full-sib populations. The most accurate method found in the study was CMM because the estimated values presented no bias for true half- or full-sib progenies and these values were very similar to those expected (0.125 and 0.25, respectively). These results have significant implications for breeding and conservation programs because coancestry-within-progenies is a key parameter in assessing the variance effective size.




Como citar

Silvae Genetica. Frankfurt: J D Sauerlanders Verlag, v. 61, n. 6, p. 256-264, 2012.

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