Use of an ethanol-powered motor-generator to electricity generation for countryside population and small isolated communities

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Due to the growing demand in the global energy mix and the constant concern about the use and the scarcity of fossil fuels, the study of cleaner, cheaper, easyobtaining and environment-friendly alternative fuels has become a matter of general interest. In Brazil, the sugar-cane-based ethanol is a good alternative for the use of gasoline, since the country has a land fit for cultivation of this crop, skilled labor and suitable climatic conditions, and has low emissions of greenhouse gases. In this study it was used a four-cylinder Otto-cycle engine powered by gasoline with no adjustments. It was evaluated the system performance, power, voltage, and specific fuel consumption using mixtures of gasoline and ethanol in the following proportions: E0, E5, E10, E15, E20, E30, E35, E40, E45, E50, E55, E60, E65, E70, E75, E80, E85, E90, E95 e E100. The amount of harmful exhaust gases expelled by the engine (CO2 and NOx), was also analyzed, and it was observed a reduction in the amount of CO2 expelled by the engine due to the increase of ethanol concentration in the mixture. In contrast, the amount of NOx increased due to the fact that the temperature in the combustion chamber is higher for ethanol. As a result it was observed that the motor-generator provides 800 W of power, which is enough to allow the operation of refrigerator, television and electric bulbs in a small home.




Como citar

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, v. 1, n. 12, p. 937-941, 2014.

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