A narrative review of the current knowledge on fruit active aroma using gas chromatography–olfactometry (Gc‐o) analysis

dc.contributor.authorEgea, Mariana Buranelo
dc.contributor.authorBertolo, Mirella Romanelli Vicente
dc.contributor.authorFilho, Josemar Gonçalves de Oliveira [UNESP]
dc.contributor.authorLemes, Ailton Cesar
dc.contributor.institutionand Technology
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
dc.description.abstractFruit aroma, a mixture of chemical compounds with odor, is a strong attractant derived from a complex mixture of different amounts and intensities (threshold) of chemical compounds found in fruits. The odor‐producing compounds of fruit aroma are derived from carbohydrates, lipids, phenolic compounds, and mono‐ and sesquiterpenes, among others. The identification of compounds responsible for fruit aroma is usually conducted using gas chromatography coupled with olfactometry (GC‐O). This technique separates the chemical compounds from the aroma of foods using a chromatographic column and divides the resultant outflow between the physical detector and a testing outlet (sniffing port). Trained judges describe the perceived odor in terms of the intensity of the odor zones perceived according to their training method. Moreover, the use of GC‐O coupled with a mass detector (GC‐MS‐O) allows for the retrieval of chemical information such as identification and quantification of compounds, which can be correlated to sensory information. This review aimed to demonstrate the application of GC‐MS‐O in the identification of precursor compounds in fruit aroma, considering important factors for the application, main results, and most recent advances in this field.en
dc.description.affiliationCampus Rio Verde Goiano Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology, Rodovia Sul Goiana, Km 01, Rural Area
dc.description.affiliationSão Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC) University of São Paulo (USP), Av. Trabalhador São‐Carlense, 400, CP‐780
dc.description.affiliationSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences São Paulo State University (UNESP), Rodovia Araraquara‐Jaú Km 1
dc.description.affiliationDepartment of Biochemical Engineering School of Chemistry Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149
dc.description.affiliationUnespSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences São Paulo State University (UNESP), Rodovia Araraquara‐Jaú Km 1
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
dc.description.sponsorshipFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
dc.description.sponsorshipConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
dc.description.sponsorshipIdCAPES: 001
dc.description.sponsorshipIdFAPESP: 2018/24612‐9
dc.description.sponsorshipIdFAPESP: 2019/18748‐8
dc.description.sponsorshipIdCNPq: 308489/2020‐ 9
dc.description.sponsorshipIdCNPq: 426479/2016‐5
dc.identifier.citationMolecules, v. 26, n. 17, 2021.
dc.subjectFruit odor
dc.subjectSolid‐phase extraction
dc.subjectTrained sensory panel
dc.titleA narrative review of the current knowledge on fruit active aroma using gas chromatography–olfactometry (Gc‐o) analysisen

