Efficiency of phosphate fertilization in tomato cultivation


Fertigation is a tool for practicality and economy in which the irrigation system in a certain crop is used to apply fertilizers according to the need of the physiological phase of the plant. The use of phosphatic fertilization for Italian tomato cultivation presents some obstacles like the quantity required for the cycle, since producers apply up to 10 times more the amount of phosphorus extracted by the tomato plant in the nutrient accumulation curves, considering this phosphorus efficiency as less than 10%. However, applying this phosphorus integrally to the base, before transplanting the seedling or applying part of it in this way, and the rest via fertigation is something to be analyzed. The objective of this work was to evaluate 5 doses of phosphate fertilization, with two modes of application of phosphorus (incorporated to the soil completely with Triple Super Phosphate or half of the need for P2O5 with SFS plus ST and the other half with MAP via fertigation applied throughout the cycle). Results obtained showed that with 800 kg ha-1 of P2O5, regardless of the mode of application, it was possible to obtain optimum production with the Italian tomato cultivar used.



Fertigation, Italian tomato, Phosphorus, Productivity, ºBrix

Como citar

IRRIGA, v. 1, n. 1SpecialEdition30yearsPGIRRIGA, p. 139-154, 2018.