Relação entre criatividade e altas habilidades/superdotação: Uma análise crítica das produções de 2005 a 2015
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Gifted students are part of the audience contemplated by Brazilian Special Education, they do not often receive the same attention given to students with disabilities, though. One of the characteristics of students with giftedness is creativity, which should be stimulated in order to be developed. In this context, this article presents a literature review from articles produced between 2005 and 2015 aiming to describe the relationship between creativity and giftedness, and to verify how creativity stimulation in this population is occurring. Searches in the Web of Science and Dialnet databases with the uniterms giftedness and creativity were carried out and 20 articles addressing the interrelationship of the presented issues were obtained. They were classified as: theoretical studies (4); literature review (4), and experimental studies (12). After reading the articles, it was found that the most frequent theme was the comparison of creativity in students with and without giftedness, especially with elementary school students as audience. Different results also reveal a concern about the reliability of results obtained through tests, especially regarding to its influence on participants’ emotional factors, and also the lack of standardization among the instruments, which impair accurate analysis of the relationship between giftedness and creativity. The lack of articles about creativity enrichment programs for students with giftedness indicates that there is greater concern in measuring than developing creativity in this population.
Como citar
Revista Brasileira de Educacao Especial, v. 23, n. 3, p. 455-470, 2017.