Vivências acadêmicas: interferências na adaptação, permanência e desempenho de graduandos de cursos de engenharia de uma instituição pública federal

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Morais, Alessandra de



Educação - FFC

Curso de graduação

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Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)


Dissertação de mestrado

Direito de acesso

Acesso abertoAcesso Aberto


While educational policies indicate significant advances in higher education, in terms of physical structure, opening of new courses, extension and democratization of vacancies in undergraduate courses, national and international surveys highlight the recurrence of unsatisfactory academic performance and increase the rate of evasion in universities. Studies claim that unsatisfactory levels presented by students in higher education due to lack of adaptation and integration to their own experiences of university period. The student adaptation areas are diverse and can be classified into five dimensions - personal, interpersonal, career, study and institutional, which integrate a set of variables items that are essential to the permanence and performance of the young undergraduates. This study aimed to identify the adaptation level of graduates of four courses of engineering of a Federal University Campus, located in the interior of the State of Paraná, as well as to evaluate significant differences in adaptation between the different profiles of students, from the analysis of the following factors: choice of course; socioeconomic; age; sex; student performance; entry of note in the institution (note reached at SiSU); qutaholders; year of enrolling in the course. With this, it aims to analyze the extent to which this adaptation interferes with the performance of students covered by the current Brazilian system of quotas, established for the public universities. The research was descriptive, with a case study, which included the participation of 449 students. The data were extracted from the Academic Experiences Questionnaire (QVA-r), whose instrument was adapted and validated for the Brazilian reality, in 2005. The most significant results indicated difficulties of adaptation in personal and study dimensions, whose experiences are related to variables such as personal organization for studies, emotional and affective stability, autonomy, physica




Como citar

OLIVEIRA, Rogério Eduardo Cunha de. Vivências acadêmicas: interferências na adaptação, permanência e desempenho de graduandos de cursos de engenharia de uma instituição pública federal. 2015. 124 f. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, 2015.

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